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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 8 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 112 on 4/23/2010
Very sensible to have Finrod teaching Sindarin and History of Beleriand. Particularly the latter should be something taught to all Amanians, though I guess many wouldn't appreciate it.

Urgh. That was abominably. Poor Gurthalion, if that's what is haunting him it is not surprising that he is having so many problems to get over it. I shudder to think what would have happened without Finrod going after him, so I am glad Finrod managed to pull him back.

Author Reply: The Sindarin and history lessons are long overdue, that's for sure, Kitty. Hopefully, the Lóriennildi will benefit from them.

Poor Gurthalion, indeed, but at least there are people like Finrod there to help him.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 112 on 4/17/2010
To be so enslaved by the memories of what had been is terrible; at least he is now free. Poor Gurthalion--he had demons indeed!

Author Reply: We are all enslaved by our memories, to one degree or another, but hopefully we are able to free ourselves from them. Gurthalion's demons are a bit more 'real' than most, but he is now on the way to true recovery.

Sulwing of MirkwoodReviewed Chapter: 112 on 4/15/2010
Woooowww! Intense chapter is right! I feel so bad for Gurthalion. Go Finrod! Glad Vorondil is okay...

Author Reply: Yes, Gurthalion has lots of demons to conquer but with Finrod's help I'm sure he'll succeed in exorcising them all. And with two Master Healers working on him, Vorondil better be okay. *grin*

TariReviewed Chapter: 112 on 4/12/2010
Getting rid of one's demons is not a easy task. It's a good think Finrod was gifted with this kind of healing. What a scary situation for both of them; now Gurthalion can begin to truly heal.

Author Reply: You're right about that, Tari, and we can be thankful that Finrod was there to help Gurthalion to face his demons and begin to heal at last.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 112 on 4/10/2010
Oh, my! that _was_ intense!! But I am glad you didn't water it down. Given how deeply traumatized Gurthalion is, the wounds and scars in his mind must be extensive – and the experiences that damaged him so deeply would have been very bad indeed.
The “orc-ghost” (for lack of a better desctiption) that haunts him so probably has that form because he was likely whipped more than once himself, as well as seeing others being whipped and abused, often until they died. And he had to excorsize that ghost himself – deal with the fear and pain. Others might help him, like Finrod did, but they couldn’t do the job for him. But now that he has taken that all-important first step - _killing_ that “orc-ghost”, he will know that he can do it again, if he must. As well as dealing similarly with any other “haunts”.
It shall be interesting to see how Finrod deals with Vorondil’s trauma. I expect Vorondil will be terrified of Gurthalion, and no wonder, since Gurthalion nearly killed him. Gurthalion was hardly in his right mind, but Vorondil is unlikely to appreciate the finer distinctions of sanity (or lack of it) in the ellon who attacked him. And Aldundil is probably going to be out of his mind with worry.
I have a sneaking suspicion Finrod is the one who is going to be the one who gets to deal with the aftermath of this situation. Both Vorondil and his father are “his”, after all: Aldundil due to his Life Oath and Vorondil due to his status as Finrod’s thrall. And since Finrod made that deep dive into Gurthalion’s mind, it wouldn’t surprise me if he for that reason will be considered the right person to render judgement on him.
I can hardly wait for the update!!

Author Reply: "Orc-ghost" sounds good to me, Sunny. Gurthalion still has a lot of healing to do but he's on the road to recovery. This was the first major hurdle and now that it's conquered the rest should not be so bad, though I'm sure there will be the occasional setback.

We'll probably see how Vorondil reacts to Gurthalion once he's recovered and we'll see in the next couple of chapters how this incident is dealt with and by whom and what kind of judgment (if any) will be rendered upon poor Gurthalion. Thanks for reviewing. I am very appreciative.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 112 on 4/10/2010
Poor Gurthalion! Those are some horrible demons he still has/had to oversome. I'm glad Finrod was there and able to help him face them down. Finrod's gift is a rare one but a precious one, too. It isn't astral travel but I wonder what the name for such a method of spiritual healing would be?

I bet Master Healer V (can't rememver his name right off) is enjoying the opportunity to be a healer with a real task instead of his probably boring or somewhat boring job at the palace. How much healing is there for a Master Healer to do in Tirion?

Author Reply: Yes, Finrod has a rare and precious gift and even though he's not quite sure how he's doing it or why, he is willing to plunge right in and do what needs doing to save a life.

Varadmir is having the time of his life. *LOL* I suspect in Tirion he mostly does a lot of research in the medical and psychic sciences and is happy to be able to put his research into practice there in Lórien.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 112 on 4/9/2010
Oh, this just makes me want to cry. Poor, poor Gurthalion!

Poor Vorondil too.

When I think of Lorien as a place where healing takes place, it's easy to assume that it happens miraculously, and all is good and joyful. But even Aman is in Arda, and damage done in Arda is rarely easy to fix... especially damage to the mind and spirit. I think that is why, as sad as this chapter is, I like seeing the effort and energy that goes into healing--and the setbacks too. It feels more realistic.

I admit that I'm a tad suspicious that there weren't any Maiar about when everything went pear-shaped. It seems lately that when you don't need them about, there they are, but when something like this happens, they're nowhere to be found.

Of course, in the end, I'm sure that Finrod will have learned a bit more about his ability to "follow" a fea into another's mindscape, and that he will put all of this to good use as the Ages of Arda go by.

Thanks for an interesting albeit intense chapter. This must have exhausted you to write. I know that I'm sitting her feeling like I've been helping to hold Gurthalion down! Well done!

(And I hope that this traumatic experience hasn't done too much damage to Vorondil from an emotional/mental/spiritual standpoint. The kid has been having rough life over the past few years!)

Author Reply: Hi, Rhyselle. The trouble with Paradise is that there's no story to it. *grin* Our stories come out of our fallenness, as Tolkien points out, and as you say, Aman is still part of Arda Marred so there are no quick fixes even there.

I think that Irmo is keeping the Maiar out of the way as much as possible so the Elves are not continuously depending on them everything something goes wrong. Too much dependence on the Maiar and Valar is not a good thing and the Elves need to learn to work things out for themselves.

It was indeed exhausting to write this chapter and I felt very drained afterwards. Thanks, though, for your praises. I'm glad that you enjoyed this chapter as intense as it was. We'll find out how Vorondil is faring in the next chapter. Thanks for reviewing, Rhyselle. I greatly appreciate it.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 112 on 4/9/2010
Woah! That was intense! Poor Gurthalion, what he went through and survived, maybe the Molonoldor need their own self help group!
Hope it does not take Vorondil too long to recover.
Who is now going to get some caffeine, I need a 'cuppa' after that!

Author Reply: Most likely they probably all could use a session with Dr. Phil. *LOL* As for Vorondil, that remains to be seen.

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