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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 11 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 113 on 4/23/2010
Hm ... there really seems to have something gone wrong with Eärnur's treatment, through no fault of his own. They will have to watch patients very careful after such attempts in the future.

Now the end upset me a bit. While I believe I know where Herendil is coming from, I am still disappointed and sad that he's blaming Finrod for everything. Hope that is cleared up soon :(

Have to run, the ponies are waiting. More later!

Author Reply: Herendil's had a shock and he's not handling it too well. He hasn't yet understood all the ramifications of Aldundil's Life Oath and what happened with his grandson, so it's understandable that he's acting as he does. We'll see in the next chapter whether things get cleared up between him and Finrod.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 113 on 4/17/2010
Melkor must be snickering in his sleeve over this turn of affairs! Poor Herendil!

Author Reply: He probably is, Larnern. Poor Herendil indeed! Friendships can end so quickly over the tiniest things and this isn't all that tiny. Hopefully Finrod will be able to salvage their friendship.

Sulwing of MirkwoodReviewed Chapter: 113 on 4/15/2010
Ohhhh no, not good. Poor Finrod! I hope Herendil will try to think a little clearer. How can he reason it's Finrod's fault?
Hope we'll see Glorfindel again soon!

Heh-heh, finally got some time off from real life again! I had almost 15 chapters to catch up on!

Author Reply: We'll see in the next chapter why Herendil feels the way he does and we'll eventually get back to Glorfindel but not immediately. We need to begin dealing with the Winter Solstice Council first.

Glad you were able to take some time off to catch up on your reading, Sulwing. Thanks for taking the time to leave a review. I greatly appreciate it.

AiwenReviewed Chapter: 113 on 4/14/2010
Golly, what a mess! Herendil's accusation isn't terribly rational, but people often aren't.

Author Reply: A real mess, Aiwen. And you're right, people, even Elves, don't always think rationally when they are upset and certainly Herendil has every reason to be upset. We'll see in the next chapter just what his problem is and whether or not Finrod can heal the breach in their friendship.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 113 on 4/13/2010
Atar Fiondil!

Of *course*, Lynda's review just had to remind me of your Tapestry stories again...I have a feeling you were reminded of this particular one too, judging by your answer. *lol* Of course I mean "FAULT: Pointing Fingers" (which is here in case anyone wants to go reread it and forgot where to find it *wink*)

Poor Eru, He gets blamed for anything, from the Hobbits' curly hair to creating Morgoth! *lol* I wonder what the Ainur and Eru think when they hear the Eruhini blaming Eru for things!

Anyway, I'm off to bed but I just wanted to agree with Lynda that it's Morgoth's fault, even if it is, ultimately Eru's 'fault'...I'm sure He doesn't quite appreciate that, but who knows, I certainly don't! *lol*

Goodnight, Atar Fiondil! Tye-melin!


P.S. Before I forget...I got 94 percent and 100 percent on my two finals for this module...just one module left, six out of seven are done...then the externship, then's nearly over!! (And then back to reading and reviewing your stories full time, I hope! *grin*)

Author Reply: Hi, Kaylee. Yes, I suppose I was thinking of that particular story, although in our own world we certainly blame God often enough for everything under the sun. I'm sure the Ainur and Eru just shake their heads and say something like, "Children! What can you do?" *LOL*

Anyway congrats on getting such high marks on your finals. Good job. I'm sure you do just as well with the next module.

TariReviewed Chapter: 113 on 4/13/2010
How sad for Finrod. I feel that Herendil in his concern for his son is judging Finrod unfairly. Hopefully he will come to understand that his friend was only trying to help someone in deep pain and did not cause the attack on Vorondil.

Author Reply: It's very sad for Finrod, because Herendil was his first real friend in the Noldorin court. Obviously, Herendil is striking out in pain. We'll see in the next chapter if they're friendship continues or not.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 113 on 4/12/2010
I don't see how Herendil can blame Finrod, if he wants to lay the blame at somebodies feet then Morgoth gets my vote, if he had not killed the Trees and stolen the Silmarills and killed Finwe, Feanor would not have sworn the Oath and left Aman taking most of the Noldor and his nephews and neice with him, Vorondil senior and Aldundil would not have sworn their oaths and fought in the War of Wrath, Vorondil jr. would not have been born and been twisted by his mother and ended up as Finrods thrall.
Drop a pebble in the pond, or in Morgoths case a large rock, and watch the ripples spread, and they are still spreading.
By the way how is Mrs. Aldundil, sorry can't remember her name, doing also Vornodil Snr.

Author Reply: Well, why stop with Morgoth, Lynda? Why not just blame Eru for creating Melkor in the first place, knowing what would follow from there? *grin* At any rate, Finrod is a lot closer and visible and it's easier for Herendil to point his finger at him and say "J'accuse" or the Quenya equivalent thereof.

As for Calalindalë.... I'm sure she's doing fine though the jury is still out on that one and will be for some time. She has a lot of hate to get rid of, if she ever does.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 113 on 4/12/2010
Oh, my! What a thing for Herendil to say!

Between the account of the various parts of the inquiry, and my worry for Vorondil, I was already feeling sniffly, but when Herendil blamed it all on Finrod, its was like a punch in the gut.

Unfortunately, I can see several reasons why Herendil could point the finger of blame for the issue at Finrod: Making Vorondil his thrall and having him be in Lorien where the mentally unstable are brought to heal, and Finrod was a significant part of the decision to bring Gurthalion to Lorien from Tol Eressea, etc.

But it is really an unfair accusation. It was just chance that Vorondil happened to be there at the moment all heck broke loose, and it is quite possible that things could have been just as bad had Gurthalion attacked one of the Loriennilde or one of the other patients.

I had a really lousy day at work and a nearly 12 hour shift, so getting to escape into Elf Interrupted was a good thing to be able to do tonight. I'm glad that you had those few light-hearted moments in the chapter, though. I don't think I could have dealt with a truly dark chapter today. I look forward to the next one, where, I hope we get to find out just how Vorondil is doing and whether or not Herendil really has cut off his friendship with Finrod over this.

Author Reply: Herendil's outburst was surprising, but I don't think unexpected. His family's dynamics have been turned on its ear in the last year and I suspect that much of what has happened with his son and grandson is a mystery to him (plus he's probably feeling some guilt that he didn't do more to help his son and grandson against Calalindalë). This is hinted at in a previous chapter when Finrod goes to visit him and Aldundil. Vorondil's unfortunate accident simply became the last straw for Herendil and in his mind the one common denominator in all this is Finrod, who becomes a convenient scapegoat for all his pent-up feelings of guilt, remorse and fear.

The next chapter will see a resolution to all this. I'm sorry you had such a lousy day at work, but I'm glad that this chapter even if not exactly cheerful, helped lightened your mood. Thanks for taking the time to review, Rhyselle. I appreciate it very much.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 113 on 4/12/2010
The last year has been a bad one for Herendil and his family. Their grandson got drawn into a nasty plot that drew the very negative attention of the Valar. And probably the only reason he was not exiled with the other conspirators was his father’s intervention – which ended up with Finrod taking Aldundil’s Life Oath, and taking Vorondil as his thrall for thirty years. I suspect that Herendil doesn’t really understand the Life Oath, since he may not know much about Sindarin culture, and the needs of war, which shaped it. He may have picked up something, if he followed Arafinwë in the War of Wrath, but that doesn’t mean he would understand that situation. And since he is now running on emotion, I suspect that he may feel that Finrod has stolen his son and his grandson.

The other painful thing here is something that became known at the trial during the new year tournament: how Calalindalë had talked Aldundil into marrying her, making them both oathbreakers in the process. And subsequently instilling in her son a hatred of the Reborn.

Herendil probably does not know how badly Calalindalë twisted her son’s fëa, and I have sort of gotten the feeling that she was not kind to her husband either. And I suspect that both Herendil and Vandacalimë felt that all was not well in their son’s life.

It would not have helped matters any that when Vorondil was attacked Finrod did not at once leap to aid him. Oh, no – he immediately started to help his attacker!!!

Author Reply: Your analysis of Herendil, who, in fact, did not accompany Arafinwë to Beleriand, is pretty much spot on, Sunny. We will see in the next chapter just how all his concerns are addressed.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 113 on 4/12/2010
Oh my...Herendil blames Finrod for this? And where was Herendil when Vorondil did what he did to land himself in Finrod's service to begin with? grrrr...

Very intriguing chapter!

Author Reply: We'll find out what this is all about in the next chapter, ellie. Glad you found it an intriguing chapter. Thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate it.

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