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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest by Fiondil | 10 Review(s) |
Imhiriel | Reviewed Chapter: 116 on 9/3/2010 |
Oops, sent away too quickly... I meant to ask about a dialogue near the end: "I am glad my Vorondil had someone in the family here when he woke. I would hate to think he woke to find himself all alone or with some stranger." "Yet, for them both, they were strangers," Herendil pointed out. "But neither of them knew that, did they?" I'm not sure that last sentence quite makes sense as written, because the crux is that both do think they are strangers to each other, so Vorondil Jr. didn't have the comfort - as he thought - to be with family when he woke up, no matter how sympathetic the "stranger" was. Author Reply: Aldundil is stressing the point that even though Vorondil and Vondo were unaware of their familial relationship, Aldundil, Herendil and Vandacalimë are and *they* can take comfort in that thought. I will have to think about it and perhaps rewrite it so that what Aldundil means is clearer. Thanks for pointing out the ambiguity. | |
Imhiriel | Reviewed Chapter: 116 on 9/3/2010 |
Telling this from the point of view of an oblivious Vorondil Sr. was very effective as well as affecting (*g*). I admit my eyes started prickling at his continued concern about this child that somehow tugged at his heart and memory, and when - what he didn't know - his brother and his parents entered, the prickling was joined by some sniffling. Very well-written, Fiondil! P.S.: I had had to stop reading ca. half a year ago somewhere near the end of the Progress in Tol Eressëa, and was surprised I had to backtrack only one or two chapters to get back into the flow. Though I will admit I was heartily glad you had added a character list in the meantime ;-)! Author Reply: Hi Imhíriel. Thank you. I'm glad you liked how this chapter was written. And I'm glad you are able to get back into the story. I look forward to more reviews from you. | |
Tari | Reviewed Chapter: 116 on 4/26/2010 |
It’s interesting that Vorondil felt a glimmer of something familiar when he looked at his nephew, but nothing when he looked at his parents and brother. That fact caused them so much pain. Their loved one was reborn, yet they could not welcome him back much less hug him. How very sad. The day will come when this will not be so, but not for a long time. Author Reply: I think Vorondil Sr saw something in his nephew that reminded him of Aldundil even though he had no conscious memory of is brther. And the day may be sooner than one might think when the family is reunited in truth and Herendil and Vandacalimë will be able to hug their son and Aldundil will have his older brother back again. | |
Hel | Reviewed Chapter: 116 on 4/25/2010 |
It is interesting that Vorondil finds himself drawn to his nephew even if he isn´t even shure if he has a brother. I wonder if the Reborn have a kind of instinct for their family if they meet them even if they don´t remember them. It must be very hard for Vorondil´s family to meet him and not reacting on their feelings. And it is very touching and cute to see him care for his nephew in that way and that he will visit him again. Irmo´s new way of having the Reborn full acces to nearly all parts of Lorien is unexpected but I have the suspicion that it is a wee bit for his own amusement to see the Lóriennildi running after the Reborn. Author Reply: You may be right about the instinct, Hel, though I would put it down to unconscious memory that has yet to surface. And you might well be right about Irmo's motives... you know how amusing the Children are to the Valar. *LOL* Thanks for reviewing. I greatly appreciate it. | |
Sunny | Reviewed Chapter: 116 on 4/24/2010 |
I am sure Vorondil Sr’s parents and brother had received firm instructions about what to do – and what _not_ to do – if they happened to come across him somewhere in Lórien. And here they find him with his nephew! Two emotion-invoking situations piled on top of each other. So of course they react, but, presumably following instructions, _try_ to keep a lid on their reactions. It should be interesting to see the Vorondils’ further interactions. I wonder if seeing his parents and brother will stimulate Vorondil Sr’s memory, and if it does, how it will impact his readjustment to life. Were any Valar or Maiar hanging around invisibly here? I would think they would want to monitor this situation rather closely. Wonderful chapter! Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Oh I have no doubt that Herendil and his wife and son were given firm instructions as to what not to do and say. Naturally, until they actually come face-to-face with Vorondil Sr it's all an intellectual exercise. I think under the circumstances they did quite well, though obviously the elder Vorondil, being a sensitive Reborn, must have picked up on their anguish and not understanding it, became uneasy around these 'strangers'. How this first meeting will impact Vorondil Sr or his family remains to be seen. As for the Valar and Maiar.... I'm sure someone was keeping an eye on the situation. The Valar don't miss much these days. *grin* Thanks for the review, Sunny. I reall appreciate it. | |
Rhyselle | Reviewed Chapter: 116 on 4/23/2010 |
*sniffle* *smile* *melt* This was just a most perfect chapter, Fiondil. Vorondil Sr. was wonderful with Vorondil Jr. and I just wanted to hug them both! I liked his painting instructor very much. She really has the right touch with the Reborn, and I'm glad that the Loriennildi have become more understanding of the Reborn over time. I was so charmed at how Vorondil took care of his injured nephew, all unaware of their relationship, and I admit that I cried when Vandacalimë, Herendil and Aldundil realized who he was. That must have been SOOOOO hard for them not to blurt out who they were to him. Thanks for giving us that line about the smug-looking Loriennildi and the amused Maia waiting for him at the entryway of the maze. I needed that before reading the last bit. I get the impression that some of the Reborn come into Lorien and have more memories come to them quickly, while others take much, much longer to have even some of their memories come back. It intrigues me as to why the difference happens. I hope that young Vorondil feels better soon. I comfort myself with the knowledge that elves heal faster than men, and although it will take time for him to recover from his wound, it will not take as long as if it happened to you or me. Thanks for such a lovely chapter. Even though every character in it is an OC, it still feels as though I've opened a door and stepped into the good Professor's Arda and am in Aman with real people. Well done! Author Reply: Hi Rhyselle. You may recall Míriel as the Lóriennildë who castigated Finrod for tree-swinging when he should have been in painting class. She wasn't quite as sympathetic then as she is now. *grin* She was one of those who needed 'remedial training' in how to deal with Reborn after the incident with young Vorondil when the ellon tried to run away from Finrod and Lórien and Finrod came down hard on Irmo about it. Anyway, you are correct about the Reborn. Some come to Lórien with more memories than others. There's no rhyme or reason for this discrepancy except to point out that people generally are not the same and do not function the same. Children, for instance, develop at different rates even when they are of the same age group. Same with the Reborn. Why? Who can really say, though it does make things interesting from a writer's point-of-view. *grin* Vorondil will heal well enough physically, though I have no doubt he'll suffer from the occasional nightmare for a while. Thanks for such a lovely chapter. Even though every character in it is an OC, it still feels as though I've opened a door and stepped into the good Professor's Arda and am in Aman with real people. Thank you for this. As a fanfic writer I can receive no greater praise. It is rather rare to have a chapter where there isn't at least one CC in it, though. I hadn't really realized it until you mentioned it. My OCs are so real to me that I forget that they are not canon. *grin* And thank you for taking the time to let me know how much you enjoyed this chapter. I really appreciate it. | |
Kitty | Reviewed Chapter: 116 on 4/23/2010 |
You know, I'd like to be able to just wander off from work like Vorondil when the weather is as lovely as it is right now. Lucky guy. From what I have seen so far, I like him already. It's interesting that Vorondil keeps thinking of that elfling; he seems to sense somehow that he's his nephew. And he promptly found him and even helped him. Lovely. Btw, Veryandur is such a sweetie, once again giving Vorondil his beloved Narmollë. Um ... did I not say in the last review that I think they will stumble over each other? It didn't take very long for that, huh? But it was lovely, even if I felt so sorry for them that they can't welcome Vorondil back properly at the moment. I wonder how long it will take until he realises who they are ... Author Reply: I'm glad you like Vorondil, Sr., Kitty. But then, he's Aldundil's brother, so what's not to like? *grin* The elder Vorondil doesn't understand his fascination with young Vorondil. He only knows he feels sorry for him. Perhaps because he knows that he suffered hurt enough to die, he is in sympathy with the elfling. Veryandur would make a very good Lóriennildo himself, though he's too young to have that firm an idea of what he wants to do with his life, but who knows? He and Sorondil might end up becoming apprentices together when they are older. We'll be seeing in the next couple of chapters the ongoing saga of the two Vorondils and if they ever learn what their relationship is. | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 116 on 4/23/2010 |
I feel for all of them, and rejoice he already develops feelings of compassion for his namesake. Well done. Author Reply: Thanks, Larnern. I appreciate you letting me know how much you liked the chapter. | |
ellie | Reviewed Chapter: 116 on 4/23/2010 |
this was beautiful! it had to be hard for the parents, but at least their reborn son recognizes some part of the family. it will be an interessting way for the family to grow back together again. the innocence of the reborn is beautiful. Author Reply: Thanks, Ellie. I thought it was a beautiful chapter, too. It's very hard on the parents and Aldundil, but at least they now know he is back among the living and that has to be a comfort for them. It'll just take a little more time for Vorondil, Sr to remember who they are. | |
6336 | Reviewed Chapter: 116 on 4/23/2010 |
Oh, this was nice, sweet and gentle, just what I needed today, Thankyou! So the Vorondils have met and will meet again and Vorondil Sr's family did not overreact when they met, it must have been very hard for them to do that. I wonder what will happen when he does find out who the family is? Lynda Author Reply: I'm glad this chapter was just what you needed today, Lynda. We'll see eventually what happens when Vorondil, Sr learns the truth about his family. | |