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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 8 Review(s)
TariReviewed Chapter: 117 on 4/28/2010
So, Vorondil doesn't think he will do anything elflingish, does he? Those are big words for a Reborn who still hasn’t reached his maturity. Why don’t I believe him?

I don’t think he was quite ready to find out he has a nephew. Will this speed up his recovery, or slow it down? Questions, questions, questions. I guess we’ll have to wait until next week for the answers.

Author Reply: Actually, you'll find out the answers to your questions sooner than that, Tari, as I post a new chapter on Mondays and Fridays. Finding out he has a nephew when he doesn't even remember that he has a family will be traumatic but I think Vorondil Sr will adjust quickly enough. The Reborn are forced to adjust to so many different situations as they learn to integrate themselves back into elven society, that it becomes second-natured for them.

yangyueReviewed Chapter: 117 on 4/28/2010
very devious of the valar indeed:D great thanks for the cliffhanger now i'm hooked onto the computer for your next update:D

Author Reply: I'm known for my nasty cliffhangers. *LOL* Luckily for you, I update rather frequently (I'm known for that, too), so you won't be hooked onto your computer for long. Glad you liked the chapter. Thanks for reviewing.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 117 on 4/27/2010
I finally had the time to catch up in this story. My reminders went back to the beginning of 2009. I have to say I loved to be able to read so many chapters in a few sittings. Now that I have caught up, I have to wait for each new installment like everyone else ;) and to top it off, I managed to have kind of a cliffhanger as the last released chapter.

So the two Vorondil's met, and I want to know how this plays out. What is the purpose of the meeting? Vorondil the older is clearly not ready for the outside world. By seeing him together with Vorondil the younger, I get a real feeling for how difficult it must be for the families of the Reborn to welcome them back into the family. They are Reborn and at first nothing like the people they knew before they lost them.

Author Reply: Hi obsidianj. Glad you were finally able to catch up with your reading. Sorry about the cliffhanger but as I post twice a week, you won't have too long of a wait. *grin*

We'll see how the reunion with Vorondil Sr and his family plays out in the next chapter. I am glad you are able to see just what a difficult time the Reborn have in being accepted back into their families when they are not quite who they were before they died. I think this episode with Vorondil Sr and his family illustrate this problem very well.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate you taking the time to do so.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 117 on 4/27/2010
Well, THAT cat is now out of the bag! Now, to see the memories begin returning!

Author Reply: Indeed it is, Larner! As to the rest, only time will tell. Thanks for taking the time to review. I appreciate it.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 117 on 4/26/2010
I hope the two Vorondils can be good friends. I also hope that Vor the first will see what a miserable life he has been spared by not having to marry the monster who mothered Vor the second. Herendil deserves a nice happy complete family again. I hope he gets it and that aldundil finds forgiveness. It is all so very complicated and sad.

Author Reply: I'm sure they will be good friends, Ellie. And perhaps the elder Vorondil, once he learns the truth about Calalindalë, will be grateful for having avoided that particular fate, but I suspect that more than likely he will simply feel sorry for the elleth and wish her well. And Aldundil will find forgiveness when he learns to forgive himself. As complicated and as sad as it may appear, I'm sure it will all work out in the end for them all.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 117 on 4/26/2010
They have really some awkward situations at their hands- Gurthalion and Vorondil jr. on the one hand and Vorondil sr. and his family on the other.

Hmmm ... considering all that was said and done beforehand, I am not entirely sure it was wise of Finrod to arrange for the two Vorondils to meet so soon and provoke the realisation about their relationship, even if Irmo wanted to have them meet without family around. It certainly didn't take the two long to figure their relationship out. At the moment I am a bit worried about the fallout. And if Vorondil jr. tells his uncle who his mother is ... will Vorondil sr. remember the name?

And what was that about Vorondil resting without getting all excited? Somehow I doubt this visit will meet that requirement :D

But you are evil, ending the chapter where you did, you know! The only consolation is that with you I know there will be an update soon. (Though never soon enough ;-))

Author Reply: Sorry, Kitty, for ending the chapter as I did. I realized that what follows deserved its own chapter, so I hope you don't mind the wait too much. *grin*

I am sure Irmo won't be too pleased with Finrod's interference, but with the Reborn cat out of the bag, as someone put it, there won't be much he can do about it but work with the situation. As for the younger Vorondil telling his uncle about her mother... I really doubt he will. That will be one topic of conversation everyone will seek to avoid until and unless the elder Vorondil mentions it first.

We'll see in the next chapter just how the two Vorondils get along and how the rest of the family reacts to the news. Thanks for the review, Kitty. I appreciate it.

Arwen75Reviewed Chapter: 117 on 4/26/2010
Well that was an intersting point to leave the chapter. Now I have to wait for a few days for the next one...

Anyway enjoying this story immensely although I am wandering what is going to happen now...

Author Reply: A mini-cliffhanger, as it were, Arwen. *grin* I'm glad you are enjoying the story. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it very much.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 117 on 4/26/2010
Well, that happened quicker than I was expecting. :) Revelation was a perfect title for this chapter.

I now have a mental image of Vorondil Jr., Eruana and Veryandur all hugging Vorondil Sr. to try to comfort him.

BTW, I think it's cool that Vorondil Sr. found Glorfindel's flet. *grin* is it still painted blue?

Back to my housework... but when I saw the notice pop up, I just had to read this new chapter. As usual, well done!

Author Reply: It only seems that this happens rather quickly, Rhyselle, but actually a couple of weeks have passed since Vorondil Sr first came upon his nephew all unknowing.

I have no doubt the flet is still painted blue. No one would dare paint it any other color for fear of incurring Glorfindel's wrath *LOL*

Enjoy your week off. Thanks for taking the time to review. I greatly appreciate it and I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter.

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