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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 9 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 119 on 5/24/2010
The farming communities feel better representated by the miners of Angobel? Now that's a surprise, considering how so many think about the former slaves. Interesting, indeed. But maybe it's not really so much of a surprise, when one thinks more about it. They are both misunderstood by the other Tol Eressëans, after all.

but if I know Atar, he would much rather sit back and watch the show. *grin* Finrod should be right. And show is an appropriate term, knowing you and your elves ;-) Really look forward to it myself.

'Once-born' meant to be an insult? Knowing Glorfindel, Herendil could very well be right *grin*

Ah yes, someone who looks forward to see the forbidding Lord of Mandos can't be normal, can he? No wonder the Nandor don't feel at ease with their travelling companions. For others it has to be difficult to understand the relationship the Reborn share with Námo.

Author Reply: Hi Kitty. We will actually (through Finrod, of course) learn just why these particular farming communities decided to join with the miners of Angobel. I don't think their reasoning will come as a surprise.

Those who do not have an intimate relationsihp with Námo as do the Reborn will find it disconcerting to say the least when someone talks about actually wanting to see the dread Lord of Mandos. Most elves only know him as the Doomsman of the Valar rather than as the Consoler and Comforter of souls.

I'm glad you are looking forward to the 'show'. *grin* It should prove interesting, to say the least.

TariReviewed Chapter: 119 on 5/5/2010
Things are really heating up. Let the games begin. This should be most interesting.

Author Reply: They are indeed, Tari, and I hope the Council does prove interesting to you and everyone else.

HelReviewed Chapter: 119 on 5/4/2010
That the Gathering will be interesting I have no doubt. But one is wondering what catastrophe happens this time.

The joining of the elves of Angobel and from the farming comunities was surprising. As was the number of the members per delegation.

The idea that Arafinwë,Ingwë and Olwë preside together over the council is good, as none of them can lead a delegation but need to be involved as initiators. And in this position they can also lean back an watch.

I´m very curious what the next chapters will bring.

Author Reply: As for any catastrophe, Hel, you'll just have to wait and see. *grin* As for the number of delegates... well they didn't want to be outnumbered by the Valar. I'm sure that the three kings will be more than benchwarmers in this council. I doubt if they will take a back seat entirely. Too much is at stake. The next chapters will hopefully prove exciting reading for all. Thanks for commenting, Hel. I appreciate it.

ErulisseReviewed Chapter: 119 on 5/4/2010
As always, I delight in each new chapter. This conference should be quite interesting indeed...

A single typo (that I'm sure you meant to change, just forgot).
"Vandacalimë leaned passed her husband and gave her son’s arm a gentle squeeze. "We have every faith in you, yonya," she said with a smile. "
I suspect that you actually meant "past" instead of "passed".

I can hardly wait for next week and the next chapter :-)

- Erulisse (one L)

Author Reply: You are right, Erulissë, I did intend to make the correction and then forgot. Thanks for pointing it out to me. Glad you liked the chapter and are eagerly waiting for the next. You won't have to wait until next week for it, either, since I post this story on Mondays and Fridays, so you only have to wait a few more days. *grin*

yangyueReviewed Chapter: 119 on 5/3/2010
Interesting turn of events somehow whenever there's a big gathering of elves together there is always a big drama erupting from it:D am i getting warmer?^^

Author Reply: Well certainly in my Valar-verse, Yangyue, you can't help but have a big drama erupting whenever there's a large gathering of elves. *grin* We'll see just how big the drama is as the Council convenes. Thanks for reviewing. Glad you are enjoying this.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 119 on 5/3/2010
I expect the upcoming council to prove interesting.

I look forward to reading about the communities that decided to join with the Angrobel community - if they are "supposed to" be looking to one of the towns for representation, and why they feel that they are better off to form a delegation with the miners.

I also suspect that the Reborn Council will come as a surprise to the other delegates. And I also suspect it is likely that at least _some_ will see it as at least an insult. Morcocáno who instigated all the trouble in Avallonë comes to mind.

Seeing just how the Reborn Council will impact on the conference should also prove interesting.

No bets about who that weird group sharing the boat with the Nandor is!! :-D

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Hopefully readers will indeed find the Council interesting. There are a few twists and turns in the story that I hope will prove surprising to many. The Reborn will certainly play a significant role in the Council and of course Morcocáno will cause trouble, though it won't be entirely his fault. *grin* Thanks for reviewing. I always look forward to reading your comments and reactions to my stories and greatly appreciate you taking the time to share them with me and the other readers.

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 119 on 5/3/2010
Fiondil, I was just thinking if the elves living in Elwing and Earendil community should not be there as well. I know that hey are very isolated, but they are in Valinor after all.

Love your story

Author Reply: Hi Fantasia. Thanks very much for letting me know how much you love my story. I really appreciate it. While it is true that Eärendil and Elwing's community is a part of Valinor, they are not a part of Tol Eressëa and that is the main focus of the Council. However, that is not to say that they might not have a role to play in all this. Time will tell.

AiwenReviewed Chapter: 119 on 5/3/2010
I look forward to reading about the council. I suspect it will be very interesting, as well as dramatic in places.

Author Reply: Thanks, Aiwen. The council should indeed prove interesting and I'm sure there will be one or two surprises along the way.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 119 on 5/3/2010
Excellent to see the delegates sorting themselves out, and thinking to mirror the number of the Valar in forming their delegations. And love Uncle Vondo's progress!

Author Reply: Thanks, Larner. Glad you enjoyed this chapter. The council should prove very interesting and we'll keep an eye on Vondo's progress as well.

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