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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest by Fiondil | 7 Review(s) |
Kitty | Reviewed Chapter: 120 on 5/24/2010 |
Serindë is right; it's an awkward situation for many. And she should consider that all these groups have developed different styles and tastes in clothing; they just did their best to look nice for the occasion. It doesn't help that in most cases they don't know what others are used to wear, either. Well, at least Mardillë can't complain about the Reborn being overdressed peacocks as well, but it had to be quite a shock for her to learn that Finrod has chosen Morwen to do his wedding outfit. Considering the arguments about the tunic she did for him in Lórien, I am certain some people will be a bit upset about that *eg* Morcocáno really is an idiot, causing that sort of trouble in the middle of the court and after all that happened in Tol Eressëa! But while I wanted to slap him silly, I was cheering Nelluin on. That elleth knows how to deal with her recalcitrant husband, no doubt about that! But I have to agree with Arafinwë - I really don't see what possessed the Avallóneans to send him, of all people. Author Reply: It is indeed a very awkward situation for many, especially for the Reborn. And yes, I imagine one or two people will be upset when they learn that Finrod's wedding clothes will be made by the person who did *that blue tunic*. *grin* Morcocáno is indeed an idiot, but he is influential and he has friends. Yet, I think we will see a different side of him at the Council. He isn't a bad sort, just blind in this one particular area because he can't admit to himself what happened to his own wife, so he sees other former slaves as threats to his self-image and Nelluin's reputation. Irrational, of course, but the heart doesn't need to make sense. | |
Tari | Reviewed Chapter: 120 on 5/10/2010 |
Morcocáno may be trouble, but I think Nelluin will keep a tight reign on him. This is one ellon who should be henpecked. It won't hurt for Arafinwe to be a back up for her either. I fear he will need a lot of watching. (Of course the Maia will be watching him too.) He might as well give up and learn to get along the the Slaves, but I know he won't, not yet at least. Author Reply: I'm sure Nelluin will keep Morcocáno in line, too, Tari, and I'm sure Arafinwë will back her up if needed. Of course, what further trouble the ellon might cause remains to be seen. The Council hasn't even begun yet. *grin* | |
Hel | Reviewed Chapter: 120 on 5/9/2010 |
That was an interesting start. Sador is becoming good in being diplomatic. He is even able to lead other elves who are older (if only a bit) and animating them to be more tolerant. But I was a bit surpises at Mardillë´s reaction concerning the clothes of the Tol Eressean elves. I wonder how long Morcocáno will sleep on the couch for his behaviour. Nelluin looks like she has a lot of control over her husband. At least as she is in hearing range. Author Reply: Hi Hel. Sador is becoming quite the diplomat and will prove an asset to Finrod and Arafinwë when his training is completed. Mardillë may simply be a bit snobbish in comparison to her sister. We all have our little failings and none of us, even the best of us, is perfect in every little way. But at least she, unlike some, is willing to be taught differently, hence her re-examining the embroidery on Alphedis' gown and appreciating it for its beauty and complexity even if it isn't something that would have been done by an Amanaian embroideress. I imagine Morcocáno will be sleeping on the couch for a night or two at least. *grin* Some husbands never learn. | |
ellie | Reviewed Chapter: 120 on 5/8/2010 |
Very interesting that the Reborn can identify other Reborn. I wonder how Arafinwe will use this info later. Sador is very sweet to go and talk to the other Reborn who were stnading around uncomfortable in the crowd. I like the lessons he is trying to teach to Rumilion(sp?) and his cousins. Morrocano is just plain not nice, is he? I love it that he is afraid of his wife and meekly follows her out of the party. She sure put him in his place. ha! Can't wait to see what happens next! Author Reply: I have no idea if Arafinwë will use this info later, Ellie, but hopefully he will use it wisely if he does. It's interesting how a minor character can take over a story even peripherally. Sador was never meant to be anything more than a foil against Glorfindel but he crept into my soul (and everyone else's), very much like young Vorondil. Now he's as real to me as Glorfindel or Finrod, perhaps more so because he came out of my own creative spirit whereas Glorfindel and Finrod and the other canon characters are borrowed. Morcocáno is a piece of work, that's for sure, but we will see him in a better light later on. He's not all bad, just tortured. | |
Sunny | Reviewed Chapter: 120 on 5/7/2010 |
It was nice how Sador got his fiends together with the Reborn, Definitely shows promise as a diplomat! It certainly didn’t take Morcocáno long to start making trouble! Good that Nelluin was there to stop him - even though he had evidently tried to order her to stay in Avallonë. Morcocáno will clearly have to make a real effort in order to get off the couch and back into Nelluin's good graces. Yet even so, I think that she will want to keep her husband on a very short leash from now on. ;-) Author Reply: Sador has been taking lessons from Finrod, that's for sure, Sunny. *grin* Morcocáno is just one of those people, but that's not to say he doesn't have his good points. We may even see some of them along the way. Nelluin is nobody's fool and is wise to her husband's ways. I'm sure she will indeed want to keep him a short leash, at least for the time being. | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 120 on 5/7/2010 |
Why some are so insistent on being troublemakers no matter what the circumstances and the warnings to behave I don't know, but I've certainly met enough of them in real life! Sador does do well to seek his reassurance privately. Author Reply: Some people are born troublemakers I think, Larner, and I've certainly met enough of them in real life as well. Sador has been remarkably mature through much of this story, but he is still young enough to crave reassurance every once in a while. Actually, I think we all crave that, no matter our age. A pity that there aren't enough people like Arafinwë in our own lives to give us the reassurances that we need. | |
6336 | Reviewed Chapter: 120 on 5/7/2010 |
Let's hope Nelluin can keep Morcocano under control, that ellon is trouble, both he and the other like minded members of the delegation. I would be very surprised if the Valar do not have a couple of Mair on him and his fellows, they won't stand any nonsense either! Atar Arafinwe knows just what to say dosen't he, Sador is still so very young after all. Lynda Author Reply: We'll see about Morcocáno in future chapters, Lynda, but he's not the only elf who's likely to cause trouble, just the most visible (and vocal). Arafinwë is an atar after all, having raised four elflings already, so he's sensitive to how elflings and near-elflings feel. Sador is indeed very young in many, many ways, even though technically speaking he is considered an adult, so he needs the occasional reassurance from someone sympathetic to his situation and Arafinwë is the logical choice. | |