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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest by Fiondil | 10 Review(s) |
ninqwestilmen | Reviewed Chapter: 125 on 6/1/2010 |
Really engrossing story, I must say. Being a late starter, it took me some time to go through all of your previous work related to this story. Now that I know most of the characters, I eagerly await your updates. Oh, one thing, canonically Ulmo doesn't have any dwelling in Aman right? Author Reply: Hello Ninqwestilmen. I'm so glad you have found my stories and are enjoying them. Thanks for letting me know. As for Ulmo... it depends on your definition of 'canonical'. The Silmarillion speaks of Valmar as the city of the Powers and does describe some, but not all of the mansions. And while Ulmo rarely stays in Valmar or visits Ilmarin, he does maintain a residence for those times when he does come to Valinor, or at least that is the way I interpret it. Others may interpret it differently. Tolkien is vague enough in his writing (or at least in what we have of it) that one can go either way. Besides, I like the idea of his mansion being surrounded by water rather than the more normal gardens of the other Valar. *grin* | |
Tari | Reviewed Chapter: 125 on 6/1/2010 |
Those rascally Valar. I'll just bet they had fun watching. It looks like even the grouchiest Elf joined in the fun. Perhaps more barriers between the groups were knocked down in the process. (Where are the elves when my yard needs shoveling? Their help would be most welcome. "grins") Author Reply: I'm sure they had loads of fun watching, Tari. Hopefully some of those barriers between the groups were indeed knocked down. We'll have to see how successful the Valar's ploy is. | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 125 on 5/30/2010 |
And bless the Reborn for recognizing all had become far too serious, and need a moment of sheer play to gain perspective once more. Now, to see the continued meetings more productive! Author Reply: Bless the Reborn indeed, Larner! They have the right attitude and hopefully the Once-born will appreciate this eventually. | |
Serinde | Reviewed Chapter: 125 on 5/29/2010 |
Force-les de batîr ensemble une tour et tu les changeras en frères. Mais si tu veux qu'ils se haïssent, jette-leur du grain (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry). Force them to built a tower together and you change them into friends, but if you want them to hate eachanother throw at them some grain. It seems that the Valar of yours are avid readers of Saint-Ex. Author Reply: Or Saint-Exupéry knew something of the Valar and their methods.*LOL* Thanks for the quote, Serindë. | |
ellie | Reviewed Chapter: 125 on 5/26/2010 |
This was so much fun! I loved the solution to the problem of fussy people who needed to chill - literally! It was very Jack O'Neill of you and such a fun read. Author Reply: Ah, Jack O'Neill... yes, it would be just like him, wouldn't it? *LOL* Glad you had fun with this chapter, Ellie. I certainly did. | |
Rhyselle | Reviewed Chapter: 125 on 5/25/2010 |
I can't stop chuckling at this chapter... What a great fun thing it was. I admit that when we were digging out from our blizzard this past winter, we ended up spending as much time throwing snow at each other as we did shoveling off the walkways. *grin* I liked how one way or another, the elves came together to deal with the snow. Which, of course, was the point. Somehow I missed the story alert in my email for this chapter, but it was worth the wait. :) Well done! Author Reply: Exactly, Rhyselle. That was the whole point, at least as far as the Valar are concerned. That's why they made it impossible for the delegates to leave the mansions until the elves of Eldamas, along with the Amanian delegates, freed them. It gave the Tol Eressëans a chance to see how the Amanians worked together whatever their differences might be. Glad you enjoyed the chapter, Rhyselle. Tanks for reviewing. I've noticed in the past few days that I'm not getting review alerts in a timely fashion. Apparently SoA is being very slow about it for some reason so I'm not surprised that you missed the email alert. Hopefully whatever is causing the delay will be fixed soon. | |
Reviewed Chapter: 125 on 5/25/2010 | |
Just wondering: if this is 'Glorfindel's Quest,' then why have we not seen Glorfindel in over twenty chapters? The stuff in Tirion's interesting enough, but doesn't seem to have anything to do with 'Glorfindel's Quest.' It seems like it should perhaps be a story of its own. Author Reply: While we haven't seen Glorfindel in some while (we will see him again soon though), it is all of a piece and these chapters are a natural progression from what has gone on before. Glorfindel is presently with Eärendil and that will prove important with respect to what is happening elsewhere, particularly with the Council. Eventually the two plotlines will converge. No matter what else is happening in Aman, it always comes back to Glorfindel; he is the catalyst for everything that happens, either directly or indirectly. Considering the fact that your question is a legitimate one, for I'm sure others are wondering where Glorfindel has gone to, I find it odd that you feel the need to leave an anonymous review. I have to wonder what you're afraid of. At any rate, I hope this answers your question. | |
Erulisse (one L) | Reviewed Chapter: 125 on 5/25/2010 |
Oh goodness - snow, and a lot of it. Living here in the snowbelt of the US, I deal with snow for many months each year. Shoveling is NOT one of my favorite things to do. The very idea of singing and laughing while shoveling snow that reaches higher than one storey up sends shivers up my spine :-) I can't even imagine having such a good time moving snow. But it appears that the elves have managed to find the good points in this, and I find it refreshing (as I'm sure the Valar also do) that these formerly divisive groups of elves are now working together, and even playing together. This will be a good "ice-breaker" for them, I think, and perhaps may negate the necessity of Lord Namo having to "have a little talk" with some of the more recalcitrant elves. Thanks for another great chapter :-) - Erulisse (one L) Author Reply: Having lived most of my life in the snowbelt as well, I know all about shoveling the white stuff. I'm not fond of the sport myself. *grin* But elves have a different outlook and they don't tire as easily. Hopefully, the Valar's ploy in forcing them to work together (and the good elves of Eldamas along with the royal families make a good example) is just what is needed to, as you say, break the ice. We'll see how long the good feelings last. Thanks for reviewing, Erulissë. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. | |
6336 | Reviewed Chapter: 125 on 5/24/2010 |
Ooo! Snow! Glad it's the elves clearing it and not me! (Last time I saw snow was about two years ago, when I was up visiting the Orclings and their Nana!) Wonder how much snow the rest of Valinor got? Still think Namo needs to have one of his little 'chats' with Morcocano, wouldn't hurt Galadwen to have one either! Maybe he will have the oppertunity during the confrance. Nice interlude, Lynda Author Reply: Well, you never know, Lynda. Námo might indeed have one of his little 'chats' with those two before the end. *grin* | |
Kitty | Reviewed Chapter: 125 on 5/24/2010 |
Being a Vala has some use, like just causing a snowstorm to delay something without having to argue with the delayed people beforehand. Do you think I could convince them to send such a storm in the night when I'm not motivated to go to work the next day? O:-) Elves have clearly more endurance than us poor mortals. I'd not want to shovel snow for *that* long! But the more I read, the more I think once again that the Valar are devious bastards. They seem to have done it only to force the delegations to work together. And it seems in the end snowballs were able to do what diplomatic talk couldn't do ;-) Anyway, nice, relaxing chapter. Let's see if they can manage the next session without more serious incidents. Author Reply: Yes, the Valar are a devious lot, aren't they, Kitty? *grin* I'm sure that the snowstorm served two purposes: forcing people to chill and then to work together to clear the snow. Anyway, nice, relaxing chapter. Let's see if they can manage the next session without more serious incidents. Oh, Kitty, from your lips to the Valar's ears.*LOL* | |