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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest by Fiondil | 11 Review(s) |
Kitty | Reviewed Chapter: 131 on 6/23/2010 |
Oh well, they should be glad that Vingilot arrived. It may have disrupted the schedule, but at least they now have something better to talk about than Selmacas ... Ah, about time Ingwë took charge and shut them up. They behave more like in kindergarten than age-old beings in an important meeting ;) Really, I don't know if to be amused or annoyed about Glorfindel. While it was interesting to watch how much control Eärendil has over him, I can understand his anger. The Valar are manipulating him *again* without his knowledge, and I am getting the feeling they may regret it one day. Why can't they just talk to him what they want of him beforehand? He'd do it gladly and willingly, but no, they have to do it in secret, making him feeling used and betrayed, and they should know by now that he doesn't take that too well. Anyway, Eärendil's input was interesting, and he's probably right: A leader from outside of Tol Eress%euml;a may be more impartial than others, as he has not his own interests there to uphold (or should not have). Though he needs to be familiar with the situation, problems and people to be a wise Cano, and he needs the personality and power to back up his decisions. Hm, I'm still thinking about Ingwion ... as long as Finrod is refusing the job, I can't think of anyone better suited - at least not one we know already, and I doubt you will now pull a new leader out of your hat. Author Reply: Hi Kitty. I think Glorfindel has a lot of anger issues he needs to address. *grin* Certainly the Valar aren't helping (or so it would seem). Hopefully, long before he has to leave for Middle-earth, they will resolve their issues between them. Ingwion... well, we already know that the Valar want him to act as their viceroy or ambassador to the Tol Eressëans. I'm not sure if he wants the added burden of actually ruling over the island. We'll have to see. You know me. I try not to do the expected to often. *grin* | |
Tari | Reviewed Chapter: 131 on 6/18/2010 |
As I was reading this, I couldn't help but think that Eärendil would make a perfect Cáno. However, whether or not that happens remains to be seen. Glad to see family and friend reunions taking place. Some were overdue. Author Reply: I know a lot of readers think Eärendil would make a perfect Cáno, but I doubt he will accept the position. We'll just have to wait and see. And yes, some of these reunions were way overdue. | |
Erulisse (one L) | Reviewed Chapter: 131 on 6/17/2010 |
I was away for a quick Holiday and came back to this lovely voyage of Vingilot and the arrival of Earendil and his delegation. I almost could see a collar on Glorfindel when told to "sit" and "stay" - in essence, a very well trained Golden Retriever - LOL. But Glorfindel is, of course, much more than that, and his loyalty to the House of Turgon is legendary. It is unquestionable that he will obey Earendil as an extension of his loyalties, so as to not be foresworn. And that leaves us with the question of Cano. No, it won't be Earendil - too quick and easy for your plot bunnies. For you, this entity will come from left field. There are candidates who have been presented, but currently my mind is swinging around Vondo - I have no clear idea why, but that's where my thoughts lead me. The Valar are very pushy. The ability to know some of what the future holds as well as the pattern of Ea in general gives them an inside line, but they are a bit too smug when they utilize their knowledge. Someone needs to take them down a peg or two, but still keep the basic respect that entities of that power should receive. In any case, two chapters from you was a lovely way to return to my more mundane life and, as always, it is and will always continue to be a pleasure to read anything you are kind enough to share with us. - Erulisse (one L) Author Reply: Hi Erulissë, A Golden Retriever! *LOL* Poor Glorfi. But you are correct about his legendary loyalty to the House of Turgon and as Eärendil is, for all intents and purposes, Turgon's heir, then it stands to reason he would be more obedient to him than to anyone else. He probably 'heard' Turgon in Eárendil's voice, remembering the times when the King of Gondolin had issued similar commands to him. Vondo as Cáno. Now that's an interesting idea. Even I haven't thought of him as a possible candidate. I think, however, his being newly Reborn and about as responsible as a twelve-year-old human child at this point would not work to his favor. We'll just have to wait and see what develops. And when all is revealed, readers will understand why Eärendil and Elwing needed to be present at the Council. Certainly the Valar are feeling a bit smug, but whether anyone is brave enough (other than Atar) or stupid enough to attempt to bring them down a peg or two remains to be seen. *grin* Thanks for reviewing and letting me know how much you enjoyed these last couple of chapters. I really appreciate it. | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 131 on 6/17/2010 |
It would appear that Glorfindel will be well disposed when the time comes to serve Earendil's son! Heh! Author Reply: Indeed, Larner. In fact, one might even say that he's already in training for that day. *grin* | |
Kaylee Arafinwiel | Reviewed Chapter: 131 on 6/16/2010 |
Hi Atar Fiondil!! There's been a lot going on since I last reviewed (though I have been reading everything!!) I love the entrance of Glorfindel and presence of the Aewellond delegation...and now, if I might make a suggestion for Cano it looks as though no one's suggested yet... How about Elwing? I mean, yes, she's female, but I do hope that wouldn't be too much of a barrier; after all, they do have females leading guilds and villages and such already. Elwing is the only remaining direct heir of Elu Thingol in Aman, he who styled himself "Lord of Beleriand", and as many of the residents of Tol Eressea are Sindar and Silvan, they might consider her his logical and rightful heir (rather than her husband, Turgon's heir) It would give Elwing something to do besides turning into a bird every day to wait for Earendil, at least! *lol* I'm sure she's already a capable leader in Aewellond, and it would be good if she could extend that capability to the rest of her Sindar kin and her parents' people. I can't wait to find out what happens on Friday!! Tye-melin, Atar Fiondil! Kaylee P.S. I'm nearly ready to graduate from my externship! ^.^ school is nearly over!!! Author Reply: Elwing would certainly be a different choice, Kaylee. Not sure if *she* would want the job if offered it, though. Still, she did hold the leadership of the Havens of Sirion while Eärendil was sailing the ocean blue, so it's not as if she's not had the experience, and as you point out, many of the Tol Eressëans probably remember when she led them. The next couple of chapters won't have a lot of action to them but they are important nonetheless in carrying forward the plot. I hope you enjoy them. Thanks for reviewing Kaylee, and congratulations on your graduation. I'm sure you are looking forward to not being in school any longer. Good job! | |
ninqwestilmen | Reviewed Chapter: 131 on 6/15/2010 |
I'm going to offer a different view from my fellow reviewers. I don't think I particularly like the idea of Earendil becoming Cano... Reason being, that his destiny is with Arda as a whole, vingilot and the silmaril, guarding the doors of night, and now dagor dagorath preparations. It just doesn't seem likely that he would allow himself to be put as the head of a Tol Erresean assembly talking law and trade. I'm still thinking that whoever the council chooses will be a surprise to all. Oh and much as I liked Falmaron's meeting with his father, it was not on the lines that I expected - I was thinking that they would get all teary eyed and mushy with apologies and the like :D Well, I'm glad that they didn't, it would have resolved their tensions much too fast :D Author Reply: Hi ninqwestilmen. Your reasoning is fairly sound and while Eärendil does look like a popular choice, I doubt he will allow himself to be roped into the position. And anyone who is familiar with my writing knows, I don't always go for the obvious. We'll have to wait and see what develops. Sometimes when families attempt to reconcile they end up having to clear the air about a lot of things, hence Olwë and Falmaron shouting at one another. Eventually they'll get it all out of their system and actually communicate with one another but it won't happen overnight. Thanks for your thoughts. I appreciate you taking the time to share them with us. | |
Siiw | Reviewed Chapter: 131 on 6/14/2010 |
So, the Valar has provided the perfect head of the Assembly: Earendil! He fits the criteria and is even heir of a king most of them would recognise. Glorfindel certainly recognises him as a leader! It makes me wonder if Glorfindel was summoned simply to demonstrate that, too. Author Reply: Hi Siiw. You may be right on both accounts. We'll just have to wait and see what develops. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it. | |
ellie | Reviewed Chapter: 131 on 6/14/2010 |
Love your Earendil! He really does hold sway over Glorfy! I'm glad to see taht someone does. That was too funny when Earendil gave the "sit!" "stay!" command and Glrofy obeyed much to Finrod shocked dismay. This whole meeting really is turning into a fiasco, isn't it? I'm surprised Ingwe didn't lose it earlier with Olwe and Finarfin both getting involved though at least Finarfin was trying to calm folks down. So why don't arguing folks listen to finarfin when he tries to calm them down? They did this to him when Feanor gave his infamous speech, too. The Valar are becoming quite manipulative, aren't they? I wonder if this will backfire on them soon... Glorfy really does have a temper doesn't he? Author Reply: Hi Ellie. I'm glad you love Eärendil. He's pretty cool here, isn't he? And he appears to be able to keep Glorfindel in line as well. *grin* And poor Arafinwë gets no respect, but at least Ingwë is able to remind everyone just who is High King of all the Elves and why. That has to count for something. I'm not sure if the Valar are truly being manipulative or if they are just very good at taking advantage of every situation as it arises. They have the advantage of being able to know more about the Themes which brought Eä into existence than the elves and so they can use that knowledge to their advantage. And Glorfy is still 'young' emotionally. Remember, he's only been released from Lórien for a little more than a year now. He's still got some way to go before he 'grows up', and for some people, that day can't come soon enough. *grin* Thanks for reviewing, Ellie. I appreciate it. | |
Fantasia | Reviewed Chapter: 131 on 6/14/2010 |
Well, I think that is time for someone tell the Valars that they should stop their manipulations. Why they just don't ask, they treat Glorfindel as a child, thay should know better. Author Reply: I'm sure the elves are about ready to give the Valar a piece of their mind, Fantasia. And Glorfindel isn't the only one who has a beef against them as we will see soon enough. | |
Sunny | Reviewed Chapter: 131 on 6/14/2010 |
Sensible of Arafinwë to not want to see Selmacas right now. Due to Aldundil’s Life Oath and Finrod’s relationship with Vorondil junior, he probably views the entire family as part of his own. And Vondo is currently very like an elfling, so Arafinwë’s reaction is what it would have been if it had been one of his own children who had been attacked. It was truly interesting to see how Glorfindel was all set to go on a rampage, and Eärendil stopped him in his tracks. With Glorfy in such a mood, he was probably the only one there who could manage it, too. Well, maybe Manwë or Námo. So is Eärendil going to get a new job in the near future? (Yes, I am betting on him getting the job as Cáno!) Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Yes, I think Arafinwë is the sort to 'adopt' Aldundil and his son, and now Vondo doing the innocent Reborn-elfling act would really bring out the paternal side of his personality. *grin* It's fun to see someone able to handle Glorfindel besides Manwë or Námo,isn't it? As for Eärendil getting a new job.... who knows at this point? We'll just have to wait and see how this all turns out. | |