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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 6 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 136 on 7/15/2010
It has to be disconcerting for the other Elves that the Reborn think they could be friends even with their murderers. Even I find it a bit difficult to accept; I'd think not all Reborn think the same way and it could depend on character and temperament and the like. But then, what do I know, I'm only a simple Mortal ;)

You know, Manwë defended the Valar skilfully, and while it may be true what he said, I'm still left with a slightly uncomfortable feeling. Guess there have been a few cases too many where I was not happy because the whole situation smelled a bit too much of manipulation, with or without the greater picture in mind. Oh well, I'm not exactly in a generous mood right now.

Author Reply: Hi Kitty. You may be correct that much depends on character and temperament, and yet, are we not enjoined to forgive our enemies? Why should the Elves not do the same? The Reborn have the benefit of undergoing purification before they are re-embodied, so it is probably easier for them to forgive their murderers. The ones who have the problem are those who were left behind.

I'm glad that you think Manwë defended the Valar skilfully, although I understand your discomfort. I think Manwë was able to show why what appeared to be manipulation in the incidents cited, it doesn't necessarily follow that ALL incidents are manipulation-free. The Valar are really walking a very fine line here.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I hope your mood improves eventually. *grin*

TariReviewed Chapter: 136 on 7/6/2010
Well done Finrod!! Everything was handled in a superb fashion and a just decision was made.

Author Reply: I'm glad you think so, Tari. Thank you for letting me know.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 136 on 7/6/2010
An excellently delivered defense, and a worthwhile strategy for Finrod to have taken. I'm proud of him!

Author Reply: I'm glad you agree, Larner, on both counts. I'm proud of Finrod also. Thanks for reviewing.

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 136 on 7/2/2010
WOW!!!i'm speeschless...let me re-read this and digest all the information...I like Finrod, he is really a very good King.

Author Reply: Take all the time you need, Fantasia. I know there's a lot in this chapter and the implications of what Manwë reveals to the Elves is quite deep and needs reflection. I'm glad you like Finrod. He is indeed a very good king and always will be, whether he wears a crown or not. Thanks for reviewing. I greatly appreciate it.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 136 on 7/2/2010
I kind of thought that might be Manwe's reason for the blocking Glorfindel's memories of Earrendil, considering all the trouble they had getting him to stay in Mandos, when it is time for him to see Tancol, he will.
The Valar are an inspiring lot aren't they, which in a way could be considered manipulation, look at what happened with the Elflings when one of them was inspired to clean Finrods desk?
They do like to watch the Children play don't they, proper, admiring grand parents!
Have a happy 4th of July,

Author Reply: Well, we do know that that is the explanation Manwë gave Glorfindel in the beginning of this book (see chapter 14 "What the Elder King Revealed"). And technically speaking, the Valar had nothing to do with Lindorillë being 'inspired' to clean Finrod's desk. That was the doing of a Maia who was exceeding her mandate. You will recall the Valar took a very dim view of her actions.

Thanks for reviewing, Lynda, and have a Happy Fourth, yourself!

SerindeReviewed Chapter: 136 on 7/2/2010
Findrod is getting very devious, indeed. It seems he is picking quite a lot from Valars way of doing things.

Author Reply: You're probably right, Serinde. As they say, learn from the pros and that's just what Finrod is doing. *grin* Thanks for reading and reviewing.

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