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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 11 Review(s)
Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 146 on 8/17/2010
I've been waiting for this announcement since Elf I - very glad that the Valar did not spring it on him only days (or hours) before a decision was needed. And very glad (and not surprised) that he immediately gave his oath.

Now I can sit back and relax... NOT - one can never relax with the Reborn - nor with a certain writer named Fiondil.... *chuckles dryly*

Author Reply: I imagine a lot of people have been waiting for this announcement for a long time, Agape. *grin* I think the Valar realized Glorfindel needed a definite goal to look forwards to and they probably weren't too sure just when they would be sending him back to Middle-earth, just that they eventually would so they wanted to give him plenty of notice.

And you can't relax too much, as you still have a few more chapters to get through. *grin* Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 146 on 8/16/2010
Ouch. Considering how badly he was pining for his gwador before Glorfindel got released from Mandos, it was only to be expected that Finrod didn’t take the news very well that Glorfindel was supposed to return to Ennorath.

Though I am pleased that the Valar finally told him and made it so clear that it was his choice if he wanted to go or not. All in all, he reacted quite well. But then, I believe Glorfindel isn’t the type to sit around and twiddle his thumbs; he needs something to do, and while Finrod has his work in Lórien, Glorfindel hasn’t really found something yet. And Manwë seems to think along the same line. He was probably pleased that Glorfindel decided then and there to go back as asked, not waiting with his decision for ages.

Author Reply: And you're the first one to recognize this, Kitty, how much Finrod pined for Glorfindel way in the beginning. But he'll come around and accept the inevitable eventually. He just needs a bit of time.

Glorfindel needs a definite goal in front of him, so being told now about his mission will help him focus. He's less likely to get into mischief that way. *grin* I'm sure Manwë was estatic when Glorfindel decided right then and there to go to Ennorath, even if his prime motiviation is to serve Eärendil rather than the Elder King.

Thanks for reading and reviewing, Kitty. I appreciate it.

HelReviewed Chapter: 146 on 8/15/2010
Finrod took the news better than I thought.

But I´m not surprised that Glorfindel is thinking positive about the proposal and giving Eärendil and Manwe his oaths.

Author Reply: Hi Hel. Well, he was pretty upset, but he eventually saw reason. *grin* Glorfindel, of course, is happy to have a challenge before him and a goal, so he's attitude is more positive than Finrod's at this time.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it.

TariReviewed Chapter: 146 on 8/13/2010
The Elves are not the only ones who do not know how to respond to what has just happened. There is so much here I loved, that I wouldn't know where to begin. All I can say is exellent, awesome, wonderful! This chapter touched my heart more than any others I have read.

Author Reply: Hi Tari. You actually said all that is necessary. Thank you so much. I am so glad that this chapter touched your heart and that you found it excellent, awesome, wonderful. Music to an author's ears. *grin*

Midnight PromiseReviewed Chapter: 146 on 8/12/2010

Wow, cheers to Glorfindel for that oath - very nice. :3

I keep waiting for Glorfindel to mention Elwing's brothers! I know that the memories from Mandos are hazy, but since he remembers Finrod and Beleg so well, you would expect for him to remember the twins when he had such a big part in their existence for a time. : /

Its fun because everything is coming together, and the promise of future stories, but having Elf, Interrupted for so long makes the ending bittersweet. :_)

Aw! The scene with Finrod giving the elfling a hug was a mental picture of adorableness! Haha, I wonder how he'll be with his own kids? :D

Ouch, one thing that really stuck out was when Vorondil was attacked and Este tried to calm Aldundil down by saying it was unfortunate. I don't know, but she came off sounding a little callous with simple words. Eh, *shrug* maybe I just have a problem with the Valar, haha. ;D

Wow, didn't mean for it to be so long, but reviewing a lot of chapters here. :) As always, I love reading your stories, its one thing I look forward to every update day. :) Hope Life has been treating you well!


Author Reply: Hi MP. Glad you liked Glorfindel's oath. I have the feeling that Glorfindel has not mentioned Elwing's brothers simply because he knows that he cannot actually give her any information about them other than they are in Mandos and will someday be released. Or, it could be that the two spoke of Elwing's family in private and we have simply not been privy to it.

Yes, this is a bittersweet time for all Elf, Interrupted fans, but all good things eventually come to an end, and there is at least the promise of future stories, Eru and the Muse willing. *grin*

I was trying to find where Estë was speaking with Aldundil, but couldn't find it. I don't think she means to sound callous, but the incident was unfortunate and unforeseen. It could have been very tragic, but luckily it ended well and that's the important thing to remember.

I'm glad you enjoy reading my stories and I thank you for letting me know and for taking the time to review them when you can. I greatly appreciate it.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 146 on 8/10/2010
At least now he has a concrete goal and purpose. I see he used a modification of the oath used in Gondor--that was very nice. And he's apparently at peace with the idea, which is good.

Author Reply: Rather, say that the Gondorian oath is a modification of this oath. *grin* I am sure that the Edain borrowed the phraseology of their oaths (if not the concept of oaths of fealty) from the Elves, modifiying them to suit their own purposes and circumstances. And of course, Tolkien derived the oath that Pippin swore to Denethor from actual historically recorded oaths of fealty from our own Middle Ages.

All Glorfindel has wanted is to have a purpose. Well, now he has one, one that he can 'see' and work towards, so, yes, he is at peace with the idea of returning to Middle-earth and looking after Elrond and be the Valar's emissary.

Thanks for reading and reviewing, Larner. I appreciate it.

Erulisse (one L)Reviewed Chapter: 146 on 8/10/2010
As I had said - I am seeing the end game coming here. But what a lovely oath Glorfindel made to Earendil. It does put things into a framework of his history and gives reason and structure to his return. I am sure that more training will be necessary, but things are starting to culminate.

One question has been perched in the back of my mind. With Earendil present for the Council and afterward at the request of the Valar and the Kings, his star (i.e. Vingilot) has not been sailing over Middle Earth. Has hope fled? Or is all of Middle Earth cloud-covered for the span of several weeks? Or are they truly seeing the planet for a few days instead of the vessel? Inquiring minds, don'cha know? LOL.

- Erulisse (one L)

Author Reply: Yes, things are winding down. I'm glad you liked Glorfindel's oath. As for your question, while Eärendil sailed Vingilot during the War of Wrath, afterwards, the Valar set the planet Venus in its orbit. Now Eärendil only sails Vingilot at the behest of the Valar for 'special' reasons. So, the elves and mortals of Arda see Venus when they look up into the heavens, though,at least those of Middle-earth if not Aman, still believe it to be the starship, Vingilot. Hope that clears things up a bit for you, Erulissë. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

ViresseReviewed Chapter: 146 on 8/10/2010
Thank goodness that talk is done. Finrod’s reaction was a surprise. I had thought he was more mature than that. He sounded like Glorfindel! And then Glorfindel does a Finrod, with that wonderful oath. It’s a good thing though that elves have a different time sense that mortals, or several yéni to wait would drive him right back.

Author Reply: Well, Finrod has always believed that once Glorfindel was released from Mandos, and they were reunited, then they would never be separated again. All the Valar, specifically Námo, ever promised was that they would have many years together. And as Eärendil points out, Finrod is being naive, since he and Glorfindel are not together even now, going their separate ways. At least he is being given time to get used to the idea. *grin*

Thanks for reading and reviewing, Viressë. I appreciate it.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 146 on 8/9/2010
OK, now Glorfindel knows where he is going, so the Valar won't need to worry so much about what he might do when he starts getting bored. In Ennor he can at least be pointed at Orcs and other nasty critters, and the Elrondionnath (when they appear) will certainly serve to keep him occupied. ;-)
If he stayed in Valinor, I am sure that _someone_ would sooner or later want to send him back to Mandos, which would certainly cause Námo to go on a strike, and then where would Manwë be?

And I find that I agree with Eönwë: A very fine oath indeed!

Author Reply: Hi Sunny! I'm sure that if Glorfindel were to stay in Valinor for too long, someone might indeed be tempted to send him to Mandos. Luckily, of course, we know that didn't happen. *grin*

I'm glad you liked the oath. Thanks for letting me know and thanks for reading and reviewing. I much appreciate it.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 146 on 8/9/2010
WOW! That was some chat with Manwe! It does give Glorfindel a purpose which is something he needs, traning for the Dagor Dagorath, however soon, is a bit nebulous. now he has a goal, to return to Ennorath and be Elronds friend.
Liked the 'map', I am trying to remember the saying about someones technology being the magic of others, this seems to be very like it!
Not too much more I think, just a few loose ends that need tidying away.

Author Reply: HiLynda. You're probably thinking of Arthur C. Clarke's dictum that any technology sufficiently advanced will appear to be magic, or something along those lines.

Yes, just a few more chapters to go and then we say farewell to Glorfindel (at least for a time). Thanks for reading and reviewing.

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