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A Long-Expected Wedding  by Fiondil 9 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 21 on 12/25/2011
Just the title made me snicker – more seating arrangements? Eärwen will rip her hair out! And they will need someone to have a very close eye on these new Reborn.

Yeah, Sador will be stuck with his job a while longer. Not even I want to see the chaos these former kings would cause if anyone gave them that much responsibility coming with the rule of Tol Eressëa.

Hm ... Irmo wants Lórien to survive a while longer, but what about poor Arafinwë? With these three added to the mix ...?

Glad Finrod had the foresight to not lead them all straight through Tirion. First, I suspect it would overwhelm the Reborn, and second, to be confronted with them without warning would be a bit much for his father. Not to mention that this reunion is such a private matter.

All in all, that went quite well, and I am glad for them. Though I still can't shake the feeling off that this will cause more mayhem ...

Author Reply: Well, with Reborn there's bound to be havoc and mayhem no matter what. At least the reunion between the two brothers was out of the public eye, making it easier all around. We'll see in future chapters how these three Reborn fare. Thanks for commenting, Kitty. I appreciate it very much.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 21 on 11/2/2011
Ah, dear--now it's to do all again, watching what ought to be grown ellyn swinging on the trees in the gardens, reassuring them and drying tears one moment, hurriedly seeking after them and cleaning up unexpected messes the next. But Nolofinwe is at last back, even if he doesn't remember his wife as yet. I wish them all joy!

Author Reply: Yes, it's all to do again, but at least Arafinwë and Eärwen have had plenty of practice with Finrod, Glorfindel and Sador. *grin* Now if they can just remember who Anairë is....

Thanks for reading and reviewing, Larner. I really appreciate it.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 21 on 10/31/2011

So here we have Arafinwe and Earwen welcoming the three newest Reborn back to the family. *grin* Unfortunately the Valar have created a lot of bother by needing to redo the wedding arrangements *again*...and with only a few days left...and all thos "Who's Anaire?" is going to really hurt if Anaire actually hears it. I wonder why they don't remember her? Oh well, I expect it's a random thing, which Reborn remembers which person from their past. I liked how Glorfindel talked about Gondolin with them, and the "See, I'm special" look when it came to the tree swinging had me laughing.

Definitely looking forward to Wednesday, Atto!



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. Oh, the Valar had a reason for what they did, no question about that and we might even learn what that reason is eventually. Glad you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it. Tye-melin.

elizaReviewed Chapter: 21 on 10/27/2011
I absolutely love this story but I'm begininng to question your sanity. 3 MORE!! LOL. you bring on 3 more eflings to this event. Poor Earwen is going to run screaming for the hills in one moment. ***snickers*** Well if there is a bright side, Glorifindel, Sador and Finrod will be less prone to cause mayhem with the others around. Talk about jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

Author Reply: Hi Eliza. Hey, the more the merrier! LOL! And my sanity is indeed questionable, but at least I'm having fun. *snicker* Anyway, we'll see just what mayhem ensues with these three Reborn thrown into the mix (and we'll see that it's not only the Reborn who can cause problems). Thanks for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it.

Erulisse (one L)Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 10/26/2011
Well, my dear one, the wedding comes closer and the guest list keeps expanding. I think I ended up with an extra unexpected table of people at my own wedding many years ago, so I understand how this can happen. This, however, will be a play to watch from the outskirts with the differing ages, both physical and emotional, the Valar themselves, and, of course, the quintessinal mother-in-law from The Void. Had the thought of eloping ever crossed their minds, I suspect that it is blaring in them by now.

- Erulisse (one L)

Author Reply: Hi Erulisse. it should be interesting how things work out once all the interested parties are together and we actually have the wedding. I suspect that will almost be anticlimatic compared to the zaniness going on *before* the wedding. LOL! Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 10/26/2011
One thing, with all that is going on with all these Re-born running around Finrod will not have time for pre-wedding jitters or is this what the Valar were hoping for when they released his uncle and cousins?

Very sneaky these Valer, very, very sneaky!


Author Reply: You're probably not too wrong there, Lynda. *grin*

6336Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 10/26/2011
I think I am with Earwen with this one, maybe she could do something along the same lines as she is doing for the other seating, there are only three couples who really need to be together, she and Arafinwe, Almariel and Castamir(Hope I gave her the correct husband!)and Finrod and Amarie, the rest can sort of fill in around them.

Earwen might want to think of having a play area set aside for the newly Re-born and any elflings who make it to the celebration with a couple of Maia to watch over them.

I hope when they finally meet her that they remember Anaire!

Aracano is the one who was lost crossing the ice, yes? I really will have to make my self a chart of who's who in the Fiondilverse!:<)

I think the Valar are enjoying this way to much!


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. Yes, Aracáno died crossing the Helcaraxë. He doesn't appear in the Silmarillion but he does appear in Tolkien's later post-LOTR writing.

I'm sure Eärwen will come up with something. Maybe have a Reborn table, like when I was a kid and there was a separate table for the kids whenever there was a holiday meal. *grin*

And you're probably right about the Valar. Thanks for reading and reviewing. It's much appreciated.

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 21 on 10/26/2011
"Who’s Anairë?"...she is going to be so, so annoyed if he ask the same in front of her. Funny that he remembers a lot of things and not his wife. He does seem very mature for a Reborn, maybe because that he was older than the other reborn that we know before his death. And Fingon! he was one of my favorites.

I can't wait for the reception that they will have in Tirion, but most at all, in the island. They were very loved in ME.

Sador is a treasure.

This is the best wedding ever!

Author Reply: Hi Fantasia. Sador is indeed a treasure. And to think he was originall was just supposed to be a 'walk-on'. As for Nolofinwe and his sons, we'll see how the people of Tirion deal with their arrival. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 21 on 10/26/2011
Arafinwë's reunion with his brother and nephews went well, I think. And it was a smart move on Finrod's part to take them to Herendil's estate and have the reunion there, where there are only a few people who all know the foibles of the reborn. I shudder to think what might have happened if that reunion had been in Tirion!
I suppose that when the three newly Reborn arrive in town, the chaos that they generate really goes on steroids - and that in addition to the "usual" wedding madness, as well as whatever bees Almáriel has in her bonnet. ;-)
It shall also be interesting to see Anairë's reaction to having her husband and two of her sons asking "Who's Anairë?" when her name is mentioned.
*grins evilly* Poor Arafinwë and Eärwen. With the newest additions, they have, what, seven Reborn right there in the palace - and there will no doubt be others among the guests. Chaos squared and cubed!!
If nobody have invented popcorn yet, I suspect the Valar and Maiar are working hard on that particular project right now! ;-)

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. It does sort of sound like the plot of a bad Felini movie, doesn't it? LOL! I'm sure the Valar and Maiar are enjoying the show immensely. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it.

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