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Between Green Door and Gold Ring  by Larner 9 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 23 on 10/6/2014
I cannot begin to express how delightful I find this glimpse into the beginning of a much longer story. The details are so very hobbity, the characters ring true.

If my phone would stop substituting nonsense for the words I'm typing, I would say much more!

Author Reply: How glad I am that you enjoy it and find it properly Hobbity. I see Bungo as a most Hobbity of Hobbits, after all.

I have been resisting getting into smart phones--it's hard enough to type on the tablet, after all. There are times when a proper computer is the best thing to have, I find.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 23 on 10/5/2014
Delightful! How very appropriate Gandalf's blessing is for this special child!

Author Reply: It is said that this is an old Chinese curse, after all. And what better blessing for Bilbo Baggins as he is to become in time than such a blessing as this?

Thanks so, Linda. I am still working on your birthday gift, but it's coming slowly, I fear.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 23 on 10/5/2014
Interesting times, indeed! But with Gandalf's blessing Bilbo mastered these times with great success.

I like the description of the Shire. It's so peaceful there. But as we all know and Gandalf already foresees the "interesting times" are about to begin.

Author Reply: Oh, yes--there's no question that times are becoming increasingly "interesting" each day, and this small Hobbit will one day be in the midst of it all. And I'm glad so many appreciate this description of the Shire in the most beautiful days of autumn. Thaks so, Andrea!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 23 on 10/2/2014
The Shire you describe sounds so lovely and relaxing - I’d like to move there right now. Some peace and quiet, and good Hobbit food, is just what I need now. (Even if I suspect it wouldn’t be good for my weight ;))

Oh, I like the idea of the Hobbits using ‚Adar‘ for old Gerontius. Unusual, yes, but somehow fitting. He wasn’t the typical Hobbit in that regard, after all, what with being friends with Gandalf and all that.

*lol* Now that monologue by Bungo introducing his family was so totally hobbity - rattling off half the family tree while everyone not a Hobbit is struggling to remember who’s who in the first place and to keep track of all these relatives.

In any case, it feels perfect that Gandalf was there when Bilbo was born, and the blessing fit well. Besides, from the images Gandalf saw when he held the newborn, I suspect it was why he later on involved Bilbo in the Quest for Erebor. He must have seen that this wasn’t the typical Hobbit and would have what it took to fulfill this destiny - even if it took a while for him to really grow into that role.

Again, thank you so much, Larner, for this wonderful gift! I totally love it!

Author Reply: Oh, yes, the nervous father-to-be going on and on when it's likely most of those present knew one another anyway! I see Gerontius as being unusual in many ways, and an apt descendant of my Bilbiolo in "Stirring Rings." Who better to be called "Adar" than the Old Took? And I do think that when he realized that the time had come for someone to roust Smaug off his bed of ill-gotten gain that Gandalf would find the thought of that small Hobbit child taking part in the quest and getting back to his Tookish antecedents would be fascinating and irresistible. And I am so glad that you enjoyed it. Hope your birthday was joyful.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 23 on 10/1/2014
Hm, I would rather live in interesting times than boring ones, just not too interesting!

A very appropriate blessing for our young Burglar!


Author Reply: Well, there is no question that our current times are interesting--and in spades! Yes, a most appropriate blessing for Bilbo, I think.

KathyGReviewed Chapter: 23 on 9/30/2014
Welcome to the world, Bilbo! You are indeed a blessed baby, with Gandalf on hand to help welcome you, and to even prounounce a blessing over you.

What a sweet chapter!

Author Reply: Thank you so, Kathy! I appreciate it. Yes, he was blessed, and filled with more integrity and initiative than he'd believe as he entered adulthood.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 23 on 9/30/2014
What an absolutely delightful and enjoyable tale. Welcome, wee Bilbo!

Author Reply: So glad you like it, Shirebound. Yes, welcome, little Bilbo. And he did indeed prove in live in interesting times. Thanks so.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 23 on 9/30/2014
I love this story! It is so sweet and peaceful to be in the Shire - no wonder Gandalf goes there to de-stress - I would have love to do that myself and to have been there for this birth - and even more for the Four Travelers. :) I love how the love Gandalf has for hobbits.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: I am certain that Gandalf found many times he'd head for the Shire when others were getting to obdurate and isolationist. At least Gandalf was able to offer a mixed blessing to the young Bilbo at his birth. No wonder he thought of Bilbo when he needed a burglar, right? Heh!

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 23 on 9/30/2014
May you live in interesting times, indeed. And he did! Though perhaps another version of Gandalf's blessing/curse would have been rendered, May your life be interesting. Which it also was!
Nice rendering of the nervous and worried expectant dad, especially contrasted with Gerontius, with the latter showing off his great experience at handling babies. ;-)

Author Reply: I suspect that Bilbo wouldn't have appreciated that blessing had he been aware of what was being said over him! Heh! And certainly with twelve children of his own and who knows precisely how many grandchildren and great grandchildren, Gerontius Took had more experience with dealing with babies than many Hobbits of the Shire.

And at least we know that Bilbo did manage to get through his own adventures with a degree of grace and integrity probably none expected him to show.

Thanks so, Sunny!

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