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Relapse  by Periantari 3 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/27/2024
In your review reply, you said: there will be more soon. :)

Oh goody! (bouncing in my chair with childlike enthusiasm)

I can hardly wait!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/17/2024
My dyslexia kicked in as I was reading "The Black Breath has a strong hold on you and we need to be clear about the dangers," and I read it as "...we need to be clear about the dragons"... making me wonder momentarily how dragons came into the story. I must need another cup of coffee; one cup is not hacking it today.

No-o-o-o-o-o-o! No matter what he tells you, don't leave him alone! Sneak back into the room after he falls asleep if you have to!

I can also see how Faramir might be hesitant to discuss dreams of his mother with Imrahil, for wasn't he her brother? I had to think about their relationship for a moment; my brain is foggy today.

Ah. Frodo is on the scene. And now the quotation at the start of the chapter makes perfect sense. Oh! The parallels between the two "uncles", Bilbo and Imrahil, are something I've never contemplated before. The parallels between Frodo and Faramir are also interesting. I love how they speak words of wisdom and comfort to one another. Even so, I'm glad I've had a glimpse of Frodo in the Undying Lands, fully healed, as it is so sad to see him so firmly convinced of his "failure".

That last line in the chapter sounds ominous, somehow... I hope to read more soon.

Author Reply: Imrahil is Finduilas' brother, yes.
I enjoyed Frodo and Faramir in here as well - there will be another chapter focusing on them. I do wonder how Faramir thought when Frodo had to depart from Middle-earth- must've been though on him too.
Thank you for your kind and detailed reviews- there will be more soon. :)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/18/2024
I love this conversation between Frodo and Faramir. *beams*

Author Reply: Thank you! me too- i enjoyed writing this dialogue too. There will be another one later in the story. :)

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