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The Unquenchable Light  by Virtuella 1 Review(s)
LeithianReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/29/2024
Hi Virtuella. How are you?
The new chapters are really interesting. However I'm confused about Krâ. Is it also a country you invented for the story or is it a name of an actual country in the language of the Kûz?
I was also reading your essays and I wondered if you had any plans to post more chapters in that vein discussing LOTR themes. I found them very thought provoking and engaging.
Goodnight and take care.

Author Reply: Hi, Leithian, the Kra are what in LOTR canon is known as the Easterlings. They live to the West of the Sea of Calma, while the Kuzeen live in the South and East. You can check this out on the maps that I linked in the prologue.

I am glad you like my essays. I am not adverse to writing more in the same vein, though there is no particular topic that springs to my mind at this time. Maybe you have a suggestion?

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