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The Unquenchable Light  by Virtuella
Many years ago, I wrote a silly little story about Aragorn and Arwen planning their daughter’s wedding, and for this I invented a character called the Archseraph of Kūz, a ridiculously wealthy country far to the East of Gondor which, so Aragorn says, “nobody even knew existed twenty years ago.” But all things are connected, and this is the story of the role that Kūz played in the war against Sauron. I have used what little is known in canon about the remote East of Middle-earth, and then greatly enjoyed filling the blanks from my own imagination. Very swiftly, I fell in love with Kūz and its people, the Kūzeen, and I hope the esteemed reader will grow fond of them, too. It is a story of many What-ifs. What if the people of the East weren’t all bad? What if Alatar and Pallando played a part in bringing down Sauron? What if the light of the Valar endured and had an impact of the fate of Middle-earth? What if...what if dragons?
Status: In Progress
Chapter Prologue: Sauron's Hand of Friendship2
Chapter  1: Lanterns1
Chapter  2: The Stone That Came From the Sea0
Chapter  3: Trouble in Mil Nahara1
Chapter  4: The Sacred Cave0
Chapter  5: Glimpses of Darkness0
Chapter  6: The Splendour of Kūz1
Chapter  7: On the Quack Run1
Chapter  8: Crossroads0
Chapter  9: Krandi1

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