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The Unquenchable Light  by Virtuella 1 Review(s)
LeithianReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/21/2024
Yayy! Another chapter.

[“Feed them lettuce and peas. It’s better for them anyway,” said Pallando. It wasn’t quite clear whether he meant the ducks or the Kûzeen.

“My mother feeds me pea soup all the time,” said the rower. “I’m not sure it’s done me much good.”]
Ha. I'm sure I agree with the rower.

Sauron's grim messenger flouts the Archseraph's order to remain as a spy in Kuz. And Miriel is meeting with him as Jarin recognizes her from the palace. I'm so intrigued. Is she going to be a double agent? Or will she remain loyal to her people? I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

The Elves and dwarves that live near Kuz have no contact with the High Elves and the Dwarves from Erebor, etc. That's certainly interesting. I wonder how they came to be sundered from their people.

I have a question for you: do the dragons in your story belong to the same species or kind as Smaug, Glaurang, Ancalagon, and other fire drakes and snow drakes in Tolkien's legendarium? Because, in-universe I think that Glaurang i.e the Great Worm of Angband was the first dragon, created/corrupted by Morgoth, and he was also considered as the father of all dragons (sorry I don't remember the exact quoations or sources right now). So what is your take on the dragons?

Take care.

Author Reply: No my dragons are maiar spirits. Like the eagles, they are servants of Manwe. I have definitely written about that somewhere, but possibly in chapters I haven't posted yet.

[The Elves and dwarves that live near Kuz have no contact with the High Elves and the Dwarves from Erebor, etc. That's certainly interesting. I wonder how they came to be sundered from their people.] Geographical distance. If you think in real world terms, for Western Europeans of the Dark Ages, "the East" would be Russia, Turkey, maybe Persia at a push. Japan would be outside their knowledge of the world.

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