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An Unexpected Adventure  by KathyG 2 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/13/2025
Well, I've got to say these kids are pretty quick on the uptake. They're not trying to rationalize (yeah, those snow-topped mountains are the Cascade Range; we're just seeing them from a different angle?). They're looking at their reality and trying to work out the best solution with the limited knowledge they've got. And they certainly can't go back to the other end of the cave, where they entered (unless I'm mixed up), in search of Wallowa Lake State Park! I haven't forgotten that scary growl!

...but they have some powerful allies on their way, which makes me feel better about these kids. Along with something I remember reading, like, "Evil is not allowed to come into this Valley" (or something to that effect).

I remember vividly walking a trail along a knife-edge ridge where one or two steps to one side or the other would result in a fatal fall. (I think that was in or near Silver Falls State Park in Oregon.) We were on a group hike with kids, too. I remember thinking it was absolute madness on the organizer's part. The waterfall and swimming hole were beautiful, but walking that trail to and from with children and youth was nerve-wracking.

Aha! The Council was the day before. Now I recognize the time frame. Best of all, the children will get to meet the Fab Four (hobbits, that is. Five, counting Bilbo).

(Too bad the kids weren't able to leave a trail of bread crumbs, er, pebbles, to reassure themselves they weren't walking in circles. I suppose Kevin could have left small blazes on trees if he had a pocketknife? I don't remember if he does. And the Elves might take a dim view of cutting living wood anyhow.)

My first thought at seeing costumed people on horses would also be SCA or role-players.

Aha. No language barrier. Interesting. (Random thought that just crossed my mind: did parents and aunt and uncle feel the earth shake?) And yes, Elrond is the soul of kindness here. (Another random thought: I wonder what they think of the pictures on Joey's backpack?) I can think of worse things than riding on a horse behind Elrond. :)

(Wait, Kaylee bounces on the saddle, but isn't she riding bareback with an Elf? My dyslexia is strong today [making reading a challenge, but fanfic makes it worth the battle], so I may be putting 2 and 2 together and getting 3...). It's a good thing I touch-type, or I'd probably never get reviews or stories written.

I love that Joey has the same reaction to Arwen as Pippin did on first sight! LOL! Will they have other things in common? Like maybe their height?

The sanitary arrangements sound reasonable. (I don't think JRRT ever mentions bodily functions, even "going to see a Man about a horse". Now I'm wondering what's different about a flet!)

And speaking of bodily functions, since Elves can communicate with animals, perhaps Lucy will be housebroken very quickly, avoiding the embarrassment of "accidents" for the children's sake.

I'm fascinated and very happy to be re-reading these chapters!

(Pardon this long review. Responding to what I'm reading helps me process what I just read, which is especially helpful when the dyslexia kicks into high gear.)

Author Reply: Hey, I welcome your long review, and thanks! Can't promise that my reply will be equally long, alas.

Nope, going to the other end of the tunnel is not an option. It sure won't take them back to the state park! =)

Yep, the children will get to meet the hobbits.

No language barrier because God fixes it so that the children can speak and understand Westron. What they can't do, though, is read or write it.

Hmm. Glad you caught that about the saddle! I'll have to fix that.

I'll bet you're right about Lucy's housebreaking! =)

I'm so glad that you're enjoying the re-reading of this story, and I know that Dreamflower is, too. K.G.

PSWReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/12/2025
I enjoyed this first look at Rivendell (and the water closets ;-) from the children’s POV. It does seem as though Elrond and company will be starting from scratch in trying to get them home - and while they’re already so busy with other things! I suspect it won’t happen for a while, or we wouldn’t have a story….

Thx for writing!

Author Reply: Nope, I reckon not. =) The children are going to be in Middle-earth for a while. I'm glad you're enjoying it! K.G.

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