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Lost  by FirstMate 19 Review(s)
dVOrcmhHCReviewed Chapter: 12 on 5/31/2012
Good job! I think this is one of those things where even if you don't end up miknag your goal you're going to feel so good about where you ended up.And probably you will make your goal, right?

Iawen LondeaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 3/16/2004
Oh where, oh where, is the next chapter mellon nin?? *longs for it*

Author Reply: Oh my friend...I REALLY haven't forgotten my story. I've been working on it ever since I posted the last chapter...honest! It's just been horribly uncooperative. Grumpy muses left me rewriting it over and over. It's coming along now, but the demon of RL intrudes into my writing time nearly every time I sit down to write. I'll keep plugging away, though, and I suppose at some point it will be finished. :( Sorry it's taking so long...

anaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 3/15/2004
Well, I have the feeling my review was a little selfish and not very much supportive, so here I go!!
I could bet you would be kind of lost in a maze....I did not like your last chapter very much.. I had thought of something a bit brighter, maybe a drinking contest with Daerada.. or seeing Daernaneth and remembering her.. No joking, I find you´ve pushed all of them a bit too far off their limits.. I really did not like it very much seeing the LAdy kind of"witch" outdone by her own powers... or mighty Elrond simply wondering " how everything could have gone so badly in so little time.." Yo do better, my friend... but now i am sure yo will surprise all of us with a brilliant disentangling of this mess... May I suggest Mithrandir´s guest appearance with his fabled "mind reading " powers ?
Anyway, enough of this, I did like your style, the tenderness and gentleness and the insightful telling of feelings. Chapter... "Twins reunited" I found most moving, especially the hair washing.. very tender, in truth, as well as the elder´s twins feelings of rage and impotence. Ada is another of my favourite chapters... I think you managed to convey the tendernesss, the longing and the actual feeling between a father and a son, or viceversa, it is the same... A pity this somehow disappears and passes unnoticed when elrohir recovers from his accident and no clear reconciliatin with his father ( apparently someone so important for his mind well being, as at first we thought) is shown.
Anyway, this is my second ( let us say first, the other doesn t count as one) review, and I am not at all apt at writing or reading much of this stuff, so I really wanted to thank you for the effort and tell you that there are people out here waiting for your story
BEst wishes, good luck, and thanks again for your time....


Author Reply: Well Ana, your review left me a bit unsure of how to reply. Hmmm...lost in a maze? Didn't understand that one at all...sorry (in truth, I've always been rather good at puzzles of any kind...oh well). Anyway, I do understand that not everyone would like that last chapter and I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it. I know that a lot of harsh things happened, but like I've said before, you can't have 'angst' without 'angst.' I actually prefer the 'feel good' kind of chapters myself, but don't think that they are as meaningful if the characters haven't gone through hard times first. I thought it was interesting that you picked out the hair washing scene especially. In truth, it was that scene that was the little plot bunny that started the whole story. And the interactions between Elrond and Elrohir did change after the intial euphoria of their reunion when the reality of his situation fully struck Elrohir, but don't worry...there will have to be another reunion at some point since I made Elrohir disappear again! Anyway, thanks for the review!

ValkrieCrowReviewed Chapter: 12 on 3/14/2004
NO!!!!! You CAN'T leave it there!!!! This story is so wonderfully written....compelling me to read it from start to finish as quickly as I could!

You HAVE GOT to update soon!!!


Demon Puppy: Growl

See???? SHE'S HUNGRY!!!

Author Reply: A demon puppy after me? Well...that's a new one! I guess I'd better get working then, huh? Actually, you don't need to send the little monster after me--I'm already working on the next chapter. It's been rather uncooperative, but it's coming along fairly well now. At any rate, I was so pleased to see that you liked the story and I'll REALLY try to get it out soon.

henadielReviewed Chapter: 12 on 3/14/2004
I've really enjoyed this story and I hope you continue it. I'd like to know the motives of the dwarves that stole Ro' and how he finally is healed. Kudos!

Author Reply: Thanks for the review...I'm glad you like the story so far. I'm definitely continuing it. I never imagined it would take so long to get this next chapter out, but it's coming along (slowly, but surely). The answer on the dwarves will come in the chapter after the one I'm writing, but I can't imagine that it will take as long to write as this one has! Anyway, thanks again for the review!

AnaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 3/9/2004
PLease please please1! another damned lurker brought out to light but your amazing stoy... I promise a review if you just simply post another chapter..... please, I know all of us are very busy in real life but you can not go this far and leave it all...
Thanks anyway.
A real lurker

Author Reply: Hi Ana! Thanks for the review! It's quite a wonderful surprise to hear from folks when I'm being SO bad about updating. I haven't forgotten my little story...honest! And it isn't as if I haven't been working on it. I'm just having a real hard time writing the next chapter. I've written and rewritten it many times. I can't say when it will be done, but I'll try to get it out soon. (I'll hold you to that promised review, though!)

Antigone QReviewed Chapter: 12 on 3/4/2004
Sigh. This was such a wrenching chapter, and you have left poor Elrohir in that state for so long - couldn't you update soon, please, and let us all know if he is going to be all right?

Author Reply: I know, I know, and I'm sorry. I REALLY didn't mean to leave things hanging for so long. I'm working as hard as I can on the next chapter and have actually managed to write about half of it. Well, to be more specific, half of it that I'm not going to toss this time. I've rewritten the next chapter so many times that I'm thoroughly irritated with it! I CAN tell you now, though, that Elrohir will be okay in the end. I'm a 'happy ending' person, so you can rest assured that things will turn out alright eventually!

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 12 on 2/4/2004
Oh, FirstMate, this is just *excruciating*! For Elrohir to be fleeing - again! - is bad enough, but to strike out at his brother so violently is a terrible shock. Elladan and family need not only be frightened FOR Elrohir, they need to be frightened OF him, while at the same time trying to help him. And he is in good health physically (which he was not when Estel first freed him) so he can run far and fast and pose a serious danger by striking out in self-defense -- especially since his skill with weapons has returned... the only "good" thing is that he will be on foot, not fleeing on a horse.

We knew already that the amnesia-triggering event must have been traumatic, but the cruelty you described is horrific... and to find out it was Elves!

I'm not only very worried about Elrohir, but also Elladan -- this is the second time that allowing Elrond to override Elladan's instincts has allowed harm to come to his brother; that could destroy Elladan's trust in and love for his father forever. Although Elrond is usually my favorite Elf, in this story I sympathize with Elladan (and Elrohir) more.

(I just read back over this review, and edited it so that the phrase "terrible shock" no longer appear in *every* sentence, as it did originally...)

And you say that neither Arwen, Estel, nor Galadriel will save the day? Well, that pretty much leaves Glorfindel, the Dwarf lord, and the kitchen lady. Um, oh, yes, and the butler. Or maybe Asfaloth? Orcs?

Well, I have to say that I usually don't like really angst-inducing stories, because most of them are not well-written. Yours, however, grabbed me by the heartstrings from the first chapter, which is good (for you) and very bad (for me).

Sigh. Hope your Muse cooperates and lets you update soon...

- Barbara

Author Reply: You know, I always love it when a review makes me laugh! The kitchen lady? The butler?! Asfaloth? Yeah, I suppose it could be them...but it's not! (And that's all I'll say about that!) :) My little Muse finally came back a couple of days ago and I'm making progress at last. Honestly, I've thrown away more drafts of this chapter than all the rest of the story combined! Not sure why...RL is definitely distracting, but I don't think that's it. I believe it was my subconscious way of avoiding writing a second dark, depressing chapter in a row. I think my Muse finally agreed to come back after I thought about ending the chapter on a more hopeful note. Oh least things are moving forward now. And you are right about this being hard on Elladan. In fact, I believe it is MUCH harder on him. The next chapter will focus a lot on his reaction, BTW, so you can see that it will be somewhat grim. Anyway, thanks for the lovely long review!

linzyReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/31/2004
no you did not just leave it there!!!! i just red it all from the first chapter to last, and i had only intended on skimming the first one when browsing! that was really well written, trust me it takes a lot to keep my attention throughout a whole fic! i really hope you update soon i loved it and REALLY want you to update soon!!!!! please let me know when you next update!!!

Author Reply: I can't believe it's taken me this long to respond back--sorry. Usually I keep up with my story and responses SO much better. I know it's no excuse, but RL has been a BEAR recently! Anyway, I'm really amazed you would read the whole story all the way through. It's turned out to be rather long! I'm quite glad you like it, though. As far as an update goes...uhm...uh...well, I'm working on it. This next chapter is not cooperating very well, but I'm finally making some progress on it. Thanks for the review!

LorwenReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/16/2004
I can't believe they'd have to start all over again!
I can't believe Elrohir smashed Elladan!!!! Although, I do believe it...
Valar this story is FAR from over!


Author Reply: Well, they don't have to start completely over...I guess. After all, Elrohir isn't getting over being a slave. And he isn't months away from his home. BUT...yes, things are rather off-kilter at the moment. Actually, the story is winding down a bit and I only have a few chapters left (3). But, I typically write long chapters and there are a lot of things that need to be resolved, so I guess you're right that it's got a ways to go before it's over. Thanks for reviewing!

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