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Lost  by FirstMate 19 Review(s)
paranoidangelReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/15/2004
Just as I thought it was all coming to a happy ending you give us more angst - excellent! Now I'm even more interested in finding out exactly what happened to Elrohir and why.

And I absolutely loved the argument between Elrond and Elladan at the beginning.

Author Reply: Ah...someone who enjoys angst! Wonderful! I (obviously) am not writing a fluffy, feel good story (although I sometimes do throw those feelings in and will most definitely end things on a happy note), but I'm glad you're enjoying the 'downs' as well as the 'ups.' And if you liked the argument between Elrond and Elladan in the last chapter, just wait until you see the one that's coming up. Elladan, if you remember, warned his father against what might happen to Elrohir, so he will be in a most foul mood!

fliewatuetReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/15/2004
Of course, this story could not be finished yet. But the previous chapter was just so wonderful, so peaceful that I (like Elladan) wanted to believe that everything was just fine. How could I forget that Elrohir still had not regained his memory and still suffered from it? Unforgivable!

Speaking of Elrohir: No wonder he would not let anyone touch him nor agree to get near a horse after what he has been through. But being forced to relive it again ... And now he is convinced that every Elf out there is a traitor, including his brother. I wonder who will be able to make him see things the way they are now that he has successfully knocked his brother out? Arwen? Estel? Galadriel?

Author Reply: Yes, you definitely caught the 'whys' of Elrohir's refusal to let anyone touch him or to be near horses. His experiences, even though he couldn't remember them, had left him with a very bad feeling about certain things! (Understatement). As for who will make him see things correctly again...uh, I'm not going to tell yet! HOWEVER, since you ask, I will tell you that it won't be Arwen, Estel, or Galadriel. ;) Thanks so much for reviewing!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/14/2004
Ai, poor Elrohir! And poor Elladan! I hoped Galadriel would be able to help, but she and Elrond did seem a little clumsy in their attempts. It's interesting to see a little of what Elrohir endured, but how terrifying for him to relive it - and that it was Elves that did it! That did come as a surprise.

I do hope that the next chapter will not be too long in coming, and that we will have some form of resolution - I hate to see the twins suffering like this. (I love angst, but I want a happy ending).


Author Reply: Next chapter may be awhile, I'm afraid. Not exactly sure why, but I just can't get into writing it. Oh well, it'll come eventually. I'm glad the 'bad elves' came as a surprise...a lot of reviews seem to say that. Frankly, I originally had written that scene with orcs as the bad guys, but this way left many more interesting options for resolving things (and it kept the story from being too predictable). Thanks for the reivew!

LairewenReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/14/2004
Oh, you are EVIL!!! The chapter heading was worrying enough, but I *Never* expected that! Elves! Of all things! Plus, I never liked Galadriel...
But you *Are* going to fix him - aren't you? Soon? Please?


You're killing me here...


Author Reply: Yikes! I don't exactly think of myself as 'evil,' more just someone who's trying to write a story that keeps folks interested. :) Don't worry, I'll fix things (eventually), although I confess it won't be in the next chaper. Hang in there...things will all work out in the end!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/13/2004
Oh, dear, the title warned me and I should have heeded it. Poor Elrohir forced to relive what was done to him, and now perhaps thinks he has escaped his captors. Empowered perhpas, but not safe if he leaves Imladris as the elves who did this to him are still out there. What elves could show this kind of cruelty? So outside their nature, one thinks they must have been orcs to behave thus. I am devastated for poor Elrohir.

Author Reply: Yes, actually reliving those events definitely didn't do Elrohir any good. Galadriel REALLY messed things up! As for what kind of elves would do this? Well, I'm not one of those who believe that all elves are simply good in all ways and could never give in to darker thoughts/emotions. Somehow, in my view that would make them much less impressive, much more shallow, if they had no real choice but to be good. I prefer to think of them as being more multi-dimensional and complex creatures who have for the most part made the choice to be good, but from time to time events may cause them to stray. I'm sure others disagree, but that's my view. Anyway, thanks for the review!

Iawen LondeaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/13/2004
Poor Elrohir!! *huggles the poor poor elf* I wonder what it will take to reach him now. Smell I the return of Estel? I know you said you wouldn't put Legolas into it, so I guess he won't be reaching Elrohir lol. =D More soon!

Author Reply: You really are a dear to review on both sites, you know!! Thanks! Yes, poor Elrohir. (You didn't REALLY think I was done with him yet, did you!?) I had to have one last unhappy scene in order to trigger several other things...coming in the next chapters. I can't say when they'll be up since I've had a dry spell ever since I posted that last chapter. I'll get it up as soon as I can though!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/13/2004
This was really hard to read. Elrohir's torture was so grim, and the heartbreak and despair of his family are so painful.

And who are these elves who would hurt him so?

Author Reply: Yeah, I tried to make Elrohir's memories of his capture reflect just how traumatizing it was (to explain how it could have led to his memory loss), but hopefully didn't drag it out too long. I'm assuming your question about who those elves were is rhetorical, since obviously I couldn't really say quite yet who those rotten elves were without giving away a big chunk of the plot. :) Uhm...I won't really say in the next chapter either, but will definitely explain everything in the following one. Thanks for the review!

tmelangeReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/13/2004
Great continuation! Kudos!

Author Reply: Thanks so much! I'm really glad you like the story so far!

LossenchristalReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/13/2004
All right, you warned me:) Now hurry up and make things better again!;)
Really, I never would have guessed this! Great job on constantly keeping us on our toes!


Author Reply: Yes...I did try to give folks a 'heads up' with the title of the chapter--things did get rather unpleasant again. As for hurrying up...ugh! I haven't even started the next chapter. I know approximately what's supposed to happen, but the Muses have vanished this week. Well, maybe I'll just start writing and things will come to me. Anyway, thanks for the review and I'm glad to have surprised you!

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