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A Matter of Honor  by meckinock 31 Review(s)
SuzelleReviewed Chapter: 4 on 11/6/2019
Hello! It's me again, lol. So, I have no way of remembering how my teenage self organized/searched for fic to read back in the day, but I SOMEHOW never actually read this story or knew it existed until I went back to your author page the other week??? I think it is fate, because I need this far more right now than I did when I was sixteen. It is SO GOOD, and experiencing it for the first time, not knowing what is going to happen, is an unmitigated delight. You craft the tension so beautifully that I spent chapters 2 and 3 quite convinced Aragorn was going to die (even though that obviously was not happening!!). All the interpersonal relationships in this chapter have me cackling with delight. Elladan, Elrohir, Glorfindel, aaaaah. And I am SO happy you've delved into Elrond's POV about all of this--I feel like that's something I still so rarely see. It's perfect, so perfect, and I cannot wait to see where this goes. Thank you for being a bright spot in a really tough IRL month.

ElwenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/28/2006
I like the atmosphere you wove in the scene between Elrond and Gandalf. I could feel the warmth of the room, the quiet, the murmur of their voices.

Your characterisation of Gandalf is perfect and Elrond's reasoning was so well done.

Author Reply: Thanks, Elwen. This was one of my favorite scenes to write. I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did.

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/17/2005
Meckinock, are you still out there? Somewhere? Preferably WRITING? It's a bit early to go hibernating. I don't want to rush you of course *oh yessss, we would* but ...

Author Reply: Thanks, Imrahoil, I needed a laugh! I wish I were hibernating...Chapter 5 has been about one day from posting for two month; unfortunately the day has been hard to find! I am so sorry for the delay, and I am really, REALLY grateful to you for nudging me. It's a very kind thing to do! I will do my best, I promise.

Strider's GirlReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/11/2005
Not sure if you remember me, but I used to leave reviews for your other story on this site. I'm the strange one which is obsessed with Aragorn...pain and torture...but then I think every Aragorn fan is.

I gave up looking for the sequel to start many months ago, so it never occured to me you would actually get around to writing it! And I'm pleased to say it is living up to my expectations! It was only on a whim I decided to look to see if you had written anything.

You've made my day now! Having just recently found out that I've got Kidney Failure, and have had to go into Dialysis very quickly, reading your story has brought a smile to my face. Your writing and characterisation is fantastic and if there was an awards ceremony for best fanfic writer, it would go to you. No problem.

I absolutely adore how you've characterised Elrond. Perfectly. Hope you keep up the great work and you update soon! I hope it is soon as this story is excellent! Hope to read more soon!

Strider's Girl

Author Reply: Strider's Girl, of course I remember you! (yes, it has been a very long time, I'm not surprised you gave up on me.) I'm so happy you're still around and found me again. What a horrible time you've had lately, though. Sounds like the bottom just dropped out on you. Bless your heart; it makes me feel wonderful to know I was able to brighten your day at least a little. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and thanks for the kind words and enthusiasm. This was a nice surprise today.

viggomaniacReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/4/2005
Okay, the cheater review again. Any chance for an update? I would have e-mailed you but when my hard drive failed last month I lost some of my saved documents, including your addy. Hope RL is being kind to you and that you will soon be updating your brilliant story. I also hope you don't mind my incessant pestering! Take care.

Author Reply: I adore your pestering. If I go out on a limb and say I'll get it up tomorrow, I'll jinx myself. So I won't. But it's tempting.

Author Reply: It's up. I had another RL meltdown to deal with starting on the 5th; sorry about the delay.

Thundera TigerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/16/2005
Ah, the elves. And the calm after the storm. This was exactly what the story needed, especially after such a tightly written dramatic sequence. Brilliant chapter on rest and recovery. It's my opinion that these chapters can be among the most difficult to write. There's a complete mood change required, loose ends to tie, new foundations to build, etc. But it has to be done within the context of a story well underway. And of course, you pull it off perfectly.

I award you the medal of ingenuity for giving Tillfield something with which to identify Elrohir and Elladan. I knew that bump in the river would prove useful! As for Tillfield himself, I loved seeing Rivendell through his eyes. The idea that everything prior to this now seemed dull and lifeless is a brilliant description, and it hints at what Tolkien spoke of in some of his essays. It's dangerous for mortals to spend too much time in the world of the elves because it's difficult to return to their own world afterwards. Halbarad and Aragorn have obviously made the adjustment, but I wonder how Dudo will handle it. The fact that Bilbo was forced to return to it suggests that hobbits might not be as resilient in this as they are in other matters.

But putting future speculation aside, I very much enjoyed Dudo's tour of Rivendell with Elrohir. Elrohir himself was fantastic. This is the son of Elrond without the press of fear and urgency, and he's a fascinating character. I loved the way nobility shone through, but there was also an heir of mischief. He's not the lord of the house, and though he is the lord's son, he doesn't have to uphold the weight that Elrond does. He can be a bit more like the elves who wander around singing Tra-la-la-lally, and he shows it here when he teases Tiriel. That was a fun dialogue.

Also fun was Bilbo's cameo. Aragorn's waking moments were brilliantly disjointed and confused, and then Bilbo's entry into the picture seemed to be a capstone of sorts. Of all the people to meet in Rivendell! But prior to that, I loved the hazy sequence in which Aragorn sees his people lost and Arwen grief-stricken. It's a very telling character moment about what he fears most and what he has to lose if he fails. I wish more stories would get at the heart of what drives Aragorn the way this one does. You have painted one of the most complete pictures of my favorite Dunedan Chieftain in the fandom world, and you've made it look effortless. I am more than a little jealous. And moving forward with the Aragorn characterization, we find Elrond. I love the awkwardness in their relationship and the fact that they're both dancing around the issues. It's like having the elephant in the corner that no one will discuss but that no one can ignore. Aragorn solves the problem very neatly and in true rogue Ranger fashion by going to sleep, and though I wish he'd get the confrontation over with, I have to applaud his solution.

Which leads us to one of the most natural philosophical conversations I've ever read. Perhaps part of its success is that it never presents itself as a philosophical conversation. Rather, it feels like a natural discussion between two lore masters who have just endured something very trying. But the observations they make and the conclusions they draw are tight and thought-provoking. I love the idea that part of Aragorn's gift is the fact that he will not give up on things. And I love the way Aragorn's burden is laid out in such blunt terms by both Gandalf and Elrond. One way or another, it will all end with Aragorn. I've never heard it stated so clearly and plainly before, so thank you for that! And thank you for addressing the issue of Saruman the way you did. There had to be signs, and Galadriel at least was not overly fond of Saruman. Nor was Cirdan, so it seems natural that Elrond might pick up on part of that. But as a fellow wizard, Maia, whatever, Gandalf might not be so quick to pass judgement. Even with the signs. And no one really has cause to suspect the worst. Yet.

Anyway, fascinating conversation, and kudos to Gandalf for winning. Kudos to Elrond for graceful defeat, and kudos to Glorfindel for a perfectly timed appearance. JastaElf once described Glorfindel as an elf who was simply there and that his was a presence one did not question. One merely accepted that he would be in the right place at the right time and have the right words or the right actions, even if he didn't fully understand them himself. And I see a lot of that in your portrayal here. Fantastic characterization all around, brilliant job with a very tricky chapter, and I can't wait to see where you take this next! Gandalf's words about hunting Gollum and leading danger away from the Shire have me shivering. Here's hoping another update isn't too far away!

Author Reply: Wow, just when I thought I couldn't get any more flattered....well, this chapter thrilled me too, because there were NO HORSES in it. Actually, I was glad you mentioned Dudo's reaction to Rivendell. Rivendell is not unlike a 5-star resort in the middle of Darfur, and I can't stop obsessing on how mortals would react to it (You are correct in predicting that Dudo is going to find it hard to leave.) I enjoyed the little scene with Tiriel, too. After putting Elrohir through his muscular paces it was fun to see him with his hair down. The little forehead gash was cheating, but I couldn't stomach putting Dudo through a game of "which one are you?" Thanks for your comments on Aragorn and the "elephant in the corner." OK, so passing out was cheating, too! And thank you for this: Which leads us to one of the most natural philosophical conversations I've ever read. Wow. Not fancying myself much of a philosopher, I might have to clip that one and hang it up. Especially since you've a few whiz-bang philosphical conversations yourself. Glorfindel's appearance - cheating. But Tolkien says it's OK to just have people pop in when you need them. I love that about him. A million thanks for reading and writing.

washowReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/11/2005
I have been anxiously awaiting the continuation of this story for some time and have just now gotten around to sending a review. I love your writing and am anxious to hear the conversation between Elrond and Aragorn because as a MC fan it hurts to see them at odds. Your long delay has caused me to wonder if you are all right. After the tragedy in the American south it is hard to tell whether my favorite authors have disappeared due to the distractions of real life or were affected by that event. I hope you are well and will update soon.

Author Reply:

Hi, Washow,
I'm so touched that you're concerned by my absence, and that you include me in your list of favorite authors. I'm grateful to be able to say that I was unaffected by the hurricane. I was called out of town on a family matter for a while, but I'm home now, and hoping to get the next chapter up very soon. It will prominently feature a conversation between a certain Elf lord and his foster son that should wrap up the whole "at odds" issue. Hopefully in a few days...


viggomaniacReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/7/2005
Meckinock, sure hope you are feeling better (I think one of your other reviewers mentioned you were ill). Real Life can be so stressful sometimes. Your writing is so good, I just had to mention it again! Ah, don't be modest. It's wonderful. As you may have guessed, I hope you post the next chapter soon. Each one continues to exceed my expectations.

Author Reply: Hey, there, viggomaniac! It's so nice to hear from you and thanks for your concern. Actually I wasn't ill, but an unexpected RL issue sprang up and as a result, I was away from home/job for almost a month. Once I got back, it took me a week or so to get caught up with everything here. Hence the long delay in posting. Thanks for the support and encouragement. I'll try not to keep you waiting much longer.

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/22/2005
Have read on LJ that you're having a hard time - yes, I'm stalking your LJ, Daw's, Nilmandra's and the Karenator's just to see if you're going to update or not, pityful, but, pffft, who cares - and wanted to give you all my best. No no no, that's it, I'm not going to bribe you with grape products, not even for an update, it's bad for your stomach.

Author Reply: Stalking? Wow. I don't think I've ever been so flattered. Can you hold on for just a minute while I double-check the deadbolt? :-) Thanks! Seriously, thanks for dropping in. It's nice to know you care enough to research my whereabouts (and to look out for my gastrointestinal health.)

Imbecamiel... again...Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/21/2005
Ok, I'm really tired, and I've got the beginnings of a really bad headache coming on, but I just realized how pitiful my last review was. It didn't say half the things I wanted to say, much less half the things your stories deserve. So, I will now attempt to mention at least a few things. Please excuse any stupidity, and chalk it up to the fact that my Mind has apparently decided to take Sundays off ;-)

First, I love the realism of your stories. Many people have written descriptions of Middle Earth that have given me excellent pictures of what they've described. You are one of the few who have actually made me *feel* like I could be there. Even down to the way you describe the misery of riding for long hours in the cold and the wet, you don't in any way make Aragorn, Halbarad, ect. look like anything less than the tough, seasoned warriors that they are, while still making it plain just how uncomfortable these sort of things must be in reality.

Second, your characters. Honestly, I don't think there is even one character in your stories that I find annoying (except for villains, but that's another matter altogether ;-). From cannon characters, to barely mentioned original characters, you've put in a wide variety of people, and they're all *very* well kept in character and consistent. I love all of them! Wonderful, wonderful job!

Third, I love your sense of humor. Hehe, "Say goodnight to Mithrandir" comes to mind, as I just finished reading it, but there are *so* many other examples. I laughed so hard over these stories - and unlike for many stories, it was at parts that were actually *meant* to be funny ;-)

Fourthly... *blinks* I'm sure there was a fourthly... *yawns* I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I've really got to stop writing before I make a complete idiot out of myself :-P

Looking forward to more! (soon, I hope?)


Author Reply: You are too sweet. Really, your other review was just lovely all by itself. I don't expect reviwers to write book reports, but I certainly enjoy hearing what readers liked most about the story, if they have the time and inclination, so I really appreciate hearing from you again so quickly!

I'm glad the the "realism" of the surroundings didn't bore you to death. I'm a weather junkie, and I'm fascinated by the everyday realities of living in the less-developed parts of Middle Earth. It intrigues me that nothing that we take for granted would be easy for them.

I'm glad you liked the mix of characters, too. They are certainly annoying to each other once in a while, but I suppose it's good they leave the readers alone. It was fun working with a mix of major canon characters, minor canon characters, like Halbarad, for whom I enjoyed the freedom to create a backstory to mesh with the sketchy canon portrait, and original characters, who kind of just butted in and took over.

And thanks for saying you enjoy my sense of humor. Sometimes I wonder :-)

I've had little bit of a RL situation to deal with the past few weeks. Hopefully an update will not be delayed much longer.

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