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A Matter of Honor  by meckinock 15 Review(s)
viggomaniacReviewed Chapter: 14 on 10/6/2006
One more chapter? Just one? *Cries* And then the end of another masterpiece *reviewer peers at author to see if flattery will effect her willingness to write another 'little' tale of the oh so hot Ranger and his valiant sidekick* -- hmmm, can't tell. Hey, meckinock, you are simply one of the very best LOTR fanfic writers to ever come down the pike. (I really do have to look that expression up to see from whence it came). Thanks to you I have fallen in love with yet another Lord of the Rings character -- Halbarad. It's great when an author can induce that type of feeling from her readers. But your Halbarad is so REAL. And that part where he thinks of his wife holding back one of his shirts from the laundry every time he left -- that was really beautiful and something any woman can relate to. So romantic *sigh* (and I refuse to make any jokes about that scene; it's just too sweet). Anyways, I am enthralled with your boy Hal. The bad guys are a rather bumbling lot, eh? *Chuckle* We tend to forget that bad guys are people too. (Hey, wouldn't that make a nifty slogan -- Bad Guys Are People Too -- though we must admit we are ONLY talking about your 'run of the mill I'd just as soon be anywhere in the world but here' bad guys). Great rescue/action sequence. Just enough info to make it interesting without losing me in the detail.

OMG, the description of Aragornin Lorien -- be still, my heart! Poor baby. 'Only later did he realize that in his whole life, only that single seasin in Lorien would ever seem perfect and whole...' Sublimely beautiful. Our poor Aragorn. Ah, the weight of responsibility. I love that Aragorn firmly believes in the triumph of good over evil as a motivating force. And now, the denigha's revelation is about to be revealed...reader's eyes are glued to the screen *ouch*. Hey, see you at the next chapter oh most gifted of authoresses!

Author Reply: *reviewer peers at author to see if flattery will effect her willingness to write another 'little' tale of the oh so hot Ranger and his valiant sidekick*

LOL. I can be bribed. And you're doing a really good job at it! I'm glad you liked Halbarad. He really wormed his way into my heart, too. The bad guys - yeah, they pretty much would have rather been somewhere else. Teburic from the last story; now that was a committed bad guy. The bliss of Lorien seemed a nice counterpoint to some poor slob getting his fingernails pulled out; it wasn't until I was writing it that I realized that was the one little bubble of perfection before Aragorn had to go face Elrond's music. I don't know how Aragorn could have possibly survived his years in the desert without a firm belief in the triumph of good. Sorry this reply is so late; I don't know how I overlooked it earlier. You've been wonderful, Viggomaniac, thank you very much.

Ainu LaireReviewed Chapter: 14 on 10/1/2006
*Laire clears her throat and tries to summon some amount of grace and dignity*


*Laire miserably fails*

*glares at the invisible narrator* Well, I feel that I owe you a review. I mean, this is just one of the best stories well, ever. Your chapters never disappoint. They are just completely and utterly awesome.

Dude. Halbarad deserves a sword. He needs his weapons. How is he supposed to kick butt if he doesn't have his weapons, huh, huh? That's not cool, you know? I mean, Halbarad without weapons is like a Happy Meal without the Ronald McDonald without that stupid grin! Not cool!

Oh, and using Halbarad as target practice is not cool, either. But Halbarad is smart and tries to escape ^^ ... even if he does fail... they're always doomed to fail... man, I LOVE Halbarad. He doesn't run for their sport. He totally rules. Aww, poor Halbarad feeling unconsciousness tugging at him... he definitely hates that the most, I think. Hates being completely defenseless in that unconscious world. All the more reason to love him ^^

... ARAGORN! WHEE! Aww, that little thingy with Aragorn and Lorien and everything was so nice... much nicer than reading about the torture of some dude... I agree with Aragorn, it wouldn't be a nice thing to see. But yea, that whole thing with Lorien was worth reading again. Poor Aragorn, so burdened by the world. I'm so glad he gets Arwen in the end; he does deserve her.

Anyways... going on, going on... ooh! Fight! You write fight scenes so very well, and I must admit envy. I wish I could do them half as well as you do; you just seem to do it so perfectly, all fights are just... completely and utterly awesome. I can imagine them perfectly.

You know, Aragorn's hair must really be a pain in the arse. I think in every action/adventure or drama/angst story I read, Aragorn is yanked by his hair at least once. I can't remember in what story I read this, but in one of these stories he contemplated of just sheering it all off. That would seem to be the most wise thing to do. Maybe he won't be yanked by it all the time, then xD

Good thing the Rangers came when they did. Although I thought they wanted Aragorn alive to sell to someone O.o Eh... well, at least he's alive and well XD

But yea, glad that they are all well... laddy daddy dah... moving along, healing, lovely... lalalala.... flowers... happy faces and rainbows... oh, sorry, where was I? Ah, well, let's scroll down.. scrolling scrolly scroll...

Ah. Good. Yenna wasn't killed. That would totally suck. I'm glad that she wasn't killed for something that never even happened. Good thing Dugaric finally listened to the old lady.

Ah, right, old lady... man, the ending was freaking d;lugjwposziupgtupogtuwao... yea, that was about what my reaction to the ending was. I mean, this Crandic dude, where is he? Why did Aragorn fall all unconscious? Does this old lady not want Aragorn to find his older half-brother? Will he like, completely forget his mission? I mean, if the *finale* is coming in just a few days, then somehting like that must be it, right? I guess she knows of the prophecy of Aragorn saving everyone during the WotR, and she doesn't want Aragorn to change that.. or... something...

But I actually didn't expect this story to end so quickly! It was one awesome ride ^^ But now I'm sad, because there's nothing else to look forward to! :( ... unless if you have another story being planned? *pokes insistently* Please say you do! Please! You are one of my favorite authors, and I dearly hope you have another story! If not, I can give you plot bunnies! I have tons!!! Please, let there be another story!

... I'm going to end it here. This review sounds really freaky XD But man, this was one nice chapter... yea... well, can't wait until you update! ... even if it means the end :(


Author Reply: Dear Laire,

You are completely and utterly awesome. Don't you dare ever go all graceful and dignified on me! I've been bouncing all day after reading this.

I mean, Halbarad without weapons is like a Happy Meal without the Ronald McDonald without that stupid grin! Not cool!

Hey, Veraric. What Laire said. Halbarad does rule. *shares Halbarad love*

Ya know, the hair thing is why Marines don't have any. It's too darned convenient a thing to grab onto. But Aragorn would look ridiculous in a buzz cut, don't ya think? Ack.

Obviously I can't give away the ending although you certainly have some very creative ideas! But I will say the old lady is not evil.
You are making me feel very guilty about ending the story now, along with very grateful that you like it enough to not want it to end. But one of my main goals for the story all along was, well, managing to end it. I hope you find the finale worth the wait :-)


DotReviewed Chapter: 14 on 9/30/2006
This was a thrilling chapter! I love how your write your bad guys. Actually, I particularly like their lack of cohesion – there’s a real sense that they’re just sort of sticking together for now because it suits them but they’re all really just interested in what’s best for themselves. I did cringe at Veraric getting the dagger. I can imagine how that must have hurt Halbarad – not just because of its history but because of the faith and friendship and honour that it symbolises.

You brought tears to my eyes as Halbarad thinks about his wife. Even if we didn’t know what the future holds, it’s a heart-rending insight into their courage and practicality and the acceptance of their future that is so much a part of their lives. But they’re just people too and need something to cling too – like that unwashed shirt that had me all teary. And it says much of the great love between them that Halbarad’s thoughts now are not so much of himself but of his wife and the loss she faces.

I was watching in fascination as the two guards grumbled and Melnag tried to find his own way out. Melnag seems to recognise what makes young, discontented men tick as much as Halbarad does. He’s not entirely stupid, that Melnag. Though luckily he’s still a little bit dumb if it means that his plan gets Halbarad and not himself untied ;-) Halbarad’s flight was very tense, though I laughed at the wannabe archer. And then them deciding to give it another go. I realise that it shows their inherent cruelty that they’d use him for sport… but it made me chuckle too that they’re so inept. I felt so bad for Halbarad that he just wasn’t up to running any more but at least it ended up working to his advantage that he kept still.

“Drop your weapons!” Húrin shouted. “You are surrounded!” *snort* That boy is both brave and hilarious.

One of the most poignant parts of this chapter, to me, is how immune Aragorn is to the torture and to Tulric’s screams after all that he has seen and experienced. What a sad reflection of the life he lived once he left the sheltered borders of Rivendell to begin to find his place in the world.

I really liked the glimpse of his time in Lothlorien. Galadriel’s gossamer net indeed. I thought you did a good job of portraying the very real worry of a man who has experienced the real world and questions whether he had merely dreamed something that could never be. It’s something that is rarely shown – but surely he must have wondered once he left the besotted boy behind whether he was too old and too… much a man, I guess… to be able to offer Arwen anything, or for her to want him. But I also like that he gets to spend this time sheltered and in perfect joy and peace, after what he has experienced and before all that he must face. A dream it may have felt like, but it’s one that kept him going and perhaps that was actually the gift that Galadriel wanted to give to him.

The battle sounds messy and perhaps all the more dangerous because of that. I was worried for Aragorn, considering the poor state he’s in. What a moment when he realises that the blade held against him is Halbarad’s! I could really feel his desperation and fear and determination.

“Drop your weapons! You are surrounded!” I nearly fell off my chair at that point. Whoever’s in charge of training the rangers will have to come up with some new lines!!

But it was so good to see Alagos. I was hoping he’d make an appearance. He seems like a very competent and kind person. *wipes away tears*

Oh, I was so glad Dugaric agreed to give Yenne a chance. I think, though, that Aragorn sees the person Dugaric is beneath appearances and culture. I like the idea of a leader shaping customs for the benefit of his people rather than blindly following them. That was wise of Aragorn – he’ll make a good ruler some day… And what a lovely moment between Aragorn and Halbarad when Halbarad sums up all that he believes in. And to him, it’s just fact. His hope is in Aragorn, and one day, though the journey may be a long one and a hard one, all that they have lived for will come true.

I hope Yenne and her husband-to-be will be happy. It sounds like they will.

Now. This denigha intrigues me! Even if she is as frustrating as an elf for not answering questions like a normal person. I was glad to see that she got the chance to explain what happened to Dugaric’s child – and it was a relief to me to see that he probably realised this himself, even though his grief is still strong, and that she’s still part of the life of the village, albeit kept on the edge. You know, you do a great job at writing stubborn, crafty old women. Hmm. Her story is fascinating. And don’t her mother and Bega sound just like Halbarad’s mother and Gilraen? I feel like whatever herbs that denigha is using are affecting me and I can’t see clearly – you know that annoying feeling, when you’re sure the answer is right in front of you but you just can’t see it?! Oh, quick question because I’m rubbish at history – was Arador in Tharbad as well as Arathorn before he was killed?

Now what’s she doing to him with all these herbs anyway? She seems hugely interested in the future of the Dunedain for someone who only met them when she was very young and considering that Aragorn thought the Dunlendings wouldn’t give a fiddler’s for what happened to Gondor…

Roll on October 6th. Though I must say, I’ll be really sorry to see this story end.

Author Reply: Wow, Dot. As always I'm blown away by the depth of insight you're able (and willing)to bring to bear. I have to admit I crack myself up writing the bumbling bad guys. I reckon bad guys are just like regular people; more worried about their own personal interests than World Dominion. When they're truly frightening is when a charismatic leader can organize them, which doesn't seem to have happened yet, happily. Now, Melnag is definitely a bite-your-nose-off-to-spite-your-face kind of guy, it's true. I can see him cackling happily at Halbarad's predicament and then realizing he's still sitting there trussed hand and foot. Oops.

I like to think Aragorn wouldn't be immune to just anybody's torture, but in this case he had made up his mind it was Dugaric's business, Tulric had it coming, they needed the information, and therefore he wasn't going to interfere, so he removed himself and tried to think happy thoughts.

It made me sad to think that in the 30 years that passed between meetings with Arwen, Aragorn had progressed from besotted boy to world-tarnished grown-up, and I thought he might wonder if he had managed to skip the "just right for Arwen" stage entirely. I do like the suggestion that Galadriel's gift was the bubble of perfect joy they had for that season.

Drop your weapons! You are surrounded!

LOL. Well, you know, they probably try to keep things simple in Ranger School :-)

I'm glad you like Halbarad's simple faith. I find it really heartwarming to imagine he really doesn't bother with whatever passes for ME theology, he just puts all his faith in the person of Aragorn, which is sort of what Gilraen predicted. As for Yenne and her new husband, I like to think they'll be OK. Now, the denigha. Thank you for the comment about the stubborn, crafty old women! I do love feisty old bats. I think as far as the denigha goes, I think every society has its square pegs, the people who don't quite fit in because they ask the wrong questions when things are going right. Those are the people who matter when things go wrong because they can see a different way. I think that as a person who craves knowledge and understanding of the universe, she's an anomaly for her time and culture. Born into a backward, illiterate culture, with some intrinsic gifts - intelligence, intuition, curiosity, maybe even foresight - her only outlet was being....well, a denigha. I think when she met the Dunedain as a little girl, she instinctively recognized that here were people who knew a better way than running around raiding each other's camps stealing cattle, and they fascinated her. Interesting observation about the parallels between Gilraen and Nelaer, and Bega and the denigha's mother. I don't know that the denigha's mother wanted the attentions of the Dunedain for her child so much as for herself, but the denigha certainly would have loved the exposure to learning and culture that Bega's son presumably got.

Oh, quick question because I’m rubbish at history – was Arador in Tharbad as well as Arathorn before he was killed?

No idea if Arador was ever at Tharbad. He was killed north of Rivendell. I totally made up the whole business about the Rangers keeping the peace at Tharbad in the aftermath of the Fell Winter :-)

I’ll be really sorry to see this story end.

Thank you; that's a very nice thing to say. I think I will be too; although right now I'm just very tired!

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 14 on 9/28/2006
Only one more chapter? Sniff.

But another excellent episode in the story. I really loved Aragorn's flashback to Lorien - Galadriel's gossamer net is a perfect description, and the bit about Arwen saving her smile for thousands of years just for Aragorn is just sooooo lovely and apt. And the idea of Lorien as the one season of perfect happiness in his life - awwwww.

I suppose we really don't want to know what was done to Tulric.

And what's the denigha up to? Is she inducing some kind of vision in Aragorn?

Author Reply: Only one more chapter? Sniff.

LOL. You're a darling. One more and an epilogue. Then I take a much-needed break!

I've always felt sorry that Aragorn and Arwen never seemed to experience undiluted, un-asterisked joy in their love for one another. But if they did, I think it must have been at Cerin Amroth. Sometimes a season has to last a lifetime, I suppose.

The denigha is a very smart pand insatiably inquisitive erson, living in a very, er, unevolved culture. She's going to get all the mileage she can out of Aragorn!

RSReviewed Chapter: 14 on 9/26/2006
Uh Oh! Please tell me that the denigha means Aragorn no harm! I was just starting to like her!

Most memorable moment: "Drop your weapons!" "You are surrounded!"
Funniest moment: "Oh no, Not Again!" "Make sure you get my boots back" comes in at a close second. Truly hilarious. I love that both Halbarad's sons showed up in the nick of time, just like the cavalry. It seems that Alagos has Halbarad's quick wit! I love it!

I read "A Time For Joy" and "For Love of a City" and after reading Halbarad's thoughts on his time of death just killed me. And having Alagos in this story and sounding so much like his's breaking my heart.

Aragorn's reflection on his lost innocence while an interrogation was going on; his thoughts on how hardened and changed he has become that he is immuned to such savagery--very sad and very realistic. His memory of Lorien--Truly Beautiful. I hope you can squeeze in a reconciliation scene with Arwen and Aragorn; I just want to see him happy!

Another wonderful chapter! We are coming to the end. Darn. I hate to see this story end. IT IS SOOOO GOOD!

Author Reply: I don't think the denigha means him any harm. She's just not letting an opportunity pass her by.
Thank you for telling me your favorite moments. I always enjoy hearing which bits you found most laugh or cry-worthy. I kept thinking back to the short stories as I was writing this, too. It makes it harder knowing Eirien and Halbarad won't be able to avoid those moments they've spent a lifetime preparing themselves for.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 14 on 9/26/2006
Another gripping and exciting chapter full of surprises. I find the old woman fascinating.

Author Reply: Thanks, Linda. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 14 on 9/25/2006
Why October 6th? Is it a speshul day?

And I wouldn't fancy having Veraric's feet in my supple Rivendell cowhide boots. I loved Halbarad's thoughts about his sword and knife - and his knowledge of Eirien's rituals to prepare herself for the grief of losing him. Especially knowing that she will.

Fortunately the ones left guarding him are not the sharpest knives - and the cavalry comes riding over the horizon again. I just love Halbarad's boys. Gorgeous pair. Hurin's arrival (Not again!) is at least supported this time! And Alagos's appearance must have been just as welcome.

Poor Aragorn - the passage about the boy he was and the man he became - and how he and Arwen seized their moment in the bubble of perfection that is Lothlorien - is so moving. I think it might be my favourite part of the whole chapter. Although it has some pretty stiff competition.

Dugaric seems to have learned a bit - and I'm glad Yenne is declared fit to return to her clan - but I'm a bit concerned about all that fairy dust that Aragorn is busy inhaling. It doesn't seem to be doing him much good. Fingers crossed he passes whatever test the old woman is putting him through - because Halbarad will have apoplexy if the one he trusts to dig the Dunedain out of their mud patch pops his clogs here and now.

Excellent stuff.

Author Reply: Wait until Halbarad finds out they had to take his supple Rivendell boots off a dead guy. Never mind; he doesn't care.

I'm glad you liked Aragorn's musings about Lothlorien. I think it must have been very hard for him to leave there. 'Specially knowing he had to go face Elrond. I like to think Dugaric does the best he can with what he has. Nobody showed him a different way before. Thanks, Bodkin.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 14 on 9/25/2006
This was a great chapter! Many things that I liked here. Halbarad's thoughts about his weapons were very insightful, and, of course, I loved the part about how Eirien managed her grief and fear that he would not be coming back evry time he wnet away. The shirt thing was great, but to know how the sword would give her comfort when he was no there no more...boy, that really moved me. There is something so moving about the tools of a hard trade -or hobby- when the wilder is no more...Really liked that touch.

The rest was wonderful as usual. Not again really made me laugh, and once he recovers, Halbarad will be so proud of his children!

I must go back and re read parts of this tale, to see if I am getting all the hints correctly, but the denigha was telling much without really telling all...but I have time to educate myself before Oct 6th. ( believe it or not, I went to check my agenda, and Yay! it is right betwen trips! I'm a lucky girl!)

Oh. And I definitely like Dugaric. Perfectly fleshed out. Congratulations.

Author Reply: Thanks, Perelleth. I'm especially delighted you like Dugaric. I like taking a person who's initially unlikeable and poking him until the redeeming qualities shine through. Poor Halbarad must have been very relieved to find out Hurin actually did have reinforcements this time. The denigha is a little bit of a wild card, isn't she?

SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: 14 on 9/25/2006
Haven't been very good about reviewing, but I have truly been enjoying this!

Loved Halbarad's sons coming to the rescue. Just loved it.

Author Reply: Thanks, glad you liked it! I'm glad I was able to sneak in an appearance by Alagos, and give Hurin another chance to make his dad proud.

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 14 on 9/25/2006
"Drop your weapons, you are surrounded", this must be something they are teaching at ranger school. I have to laugh as both of Halbarads sons are good at saying it. But also had to cry at at the thought of Eirien keeping back one shirt till he returns again.
If I were Halbarad, I would want a new pair of boots, somebody else has been using his, ueee!
Now both rangers are together and alive, and more or less in one piece. Only Aragorn is testing Halbarad's mind, as he goes in alone to the old woman's hut. With the burning herbs and locked door. And just who was Bega's son?

Author Reply: "Drop your weapons, you are surrounded", this must be something they are teaching at ranger school.

I think you must be right, Grumpy! And Hurin is getting a lot of practice saying it. I came up with the shirt ritual by trying to put myself in Eirien's shoes, imagining what it must be like to watch your husband go off into danger again and again, but also because I travel a lot and I usually do laundry right before a trip, and I have to remember to do the same thing as Eirien - leave an unwashed t-shirt out of the laundry. Don't laugh - for my dogs. There. Romantic, eh?

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