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A Matter of Honor  by meckinock 15 Review(s)
ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 14 on 9/25/2006
Awww!!!!! did you have to leave it there? Yes I suppose you did, You are really a master with words,this is so well written, I am really looking forward to the ending,I hope Aragorn is okay, Will be waiting patiently for the conclusion.

Author Reply: Thanks, Elflingimp. I had to leave something for the last chapter, didn't I?

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 14 on 9/25/2006
The PI's head hurt, his feet were cold, and his temper was shorter than Mini-Me standing in a pot hole. Johnny Halbarad hadn't felt this bad since the last time he and Aragorn had driven through Butterbur's, and he ate the whole thing. All of it, more than a sane man should ever chance: two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun. Now, he could go for a plop, plop, fizz, fizz.

The scum, the ones that had ambushed the PI, had stolen his new Tommy Bahama boots, lifted his heirloom Ginsu Elf-knife, and fingered his favorite sword, engraved and signed by the Highlander himself, and it was now in the hands of some hootenanny that wouldn't know Brylcream from greasy kid stuff.

The PI popped a peeper wide enough to put his beady eye on the skunk next to him; a polecat that smelled worse than Pepe La Pew. Melnag, a guy with the brain power of a Big Wheel, announced he had a plan. "Come on lads," the Mattel misfire said to Dumb and Dumber, their guards. "You look like you need a little Wide World of Sports. You too can know the thrill of victory, forget the agony of defeat. Don't let those Klingon wannabees get one up on you. You've got the makings here for a Cheney."

Halbarad gave the weasel the evil eye. "What's a Cheney?"

Melnag's lip curled higher than Elvis's when he was all shook up. "You know, you invite a guy to go hunting, then you shoot him."

While the plan was right out of the little shop of horrors, Melnag hadn't quite worked out that he was still going to be tied up like a butterball. Halbarad was willing to run like the gingerbread man, but he wasn't going without rearranging D2's faces with his number twelve's.

The chase turned into a pathetic rerun of Smokey and the Bandit and the PI ran slap out of gas. Just when it looked like the show was going to be cancelled faster than Hot L Baltimore, a blast from the past called out: "Drop your weapons! You're surrounded!"

The PI had Excedrin headache # 8.

Meanwhile, the chieftain, Aragorn, also known as Thorongil-among other confusing aliases--joined the F Troop in tracking down the Klingon wannabees. The troop, a mean bunch that looked like they came from The Planet of the Apes, staked the turncoat out like the Bridge Over the River Kwai and nailed him. Aragorn, having seen the film more times than Carol Burnett had pulled her ear lobe in eleven seasons, propped up on a tree until the credits rolled. Now that they had the dope, Aragorn and the Monkees were ready to send the PI's kidnappers on the Last Train to Clarksville.

Despite feeling as washed out Bobby McGee's jeans, Aragorn breezed through the rumble like a Gillette Speed Shaver. But just as he was ready to squeeze the poop out the head Klingon, Dennis, the Menace showed up with reinforcements and shot an arrow through the only man who could tell Aragorn who had paid the dime on his contract. The lid was closed on that scoop.

After running his Dr. Kildare routing on the PI, Aragorn hung out like Issac Newton waiting to see what Aunt Clara had to say about Twiggy, the girl who'd started this Twilight Zone episode. Aunt Clara looked and acted like a bumbling witch, but Aragorn knew she was handier with her wand than any Charmed trio of sisters that changed siblings every couple of seasons. Aunt Clara knew how to check a girl's teeth for the Ipana smile the Dunlendings demanded in their women before they would allow a couple to watch Here Comes the Brides. Their leader, Dugaric, wasn't going to let his Bobby Sherman marry a girl who didn't know how to floss.

Aunt Clara gave the green light for Bridezilla and the happy couple rode off like Roy Rogers and Dale Evans into the sunset. But Aragorn had his own teeth to pick. Aunt Clara didn't fool him; she was around back in the Canteen days, back when the off-duty rangers took their leave at Miss Kitty's Saloon. If anyone knew the skinny about who was popping out little Olivers, Aunt Clara knew.

The old bat's cave looked like it had been decorated by Uncle Fester. She tossed a few funny weeds in a pot and smoked the place up worse than The Towering Inferno. Aragorn's head swirled like he had been on a tilt-a-whirl. He hadn't taken a trip like this since Airport 1975.

Through his purple haze, Aragorn quizzed Aunt Clara with the $64,000 Question. She turned the letters on the Wheel of Fortune and gave him some Price is Right answers, but none of them added up to the Newly Wed Game. With all the smoke and the Bewitched routine, Aragorn felt ditzier than a Partridge Family tune. The last thing he heard was the PI pounding on the door like the drum solo from In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida.

Human reviewer: What an exciting chapter. I love how you worked both settings in so that we knew what was going on with Halbarad and Aragorn. It kept the tension tight and the excitement moving. I was most excited to find that Hurin actually had reinforcements this time. And Alagos! Our first glimpse of him! Loved Halbarad's line about getting his boots back.

The old woman was great. I'm not quite sure what she had steaming in her pot, but she was certainly an interesting character.

I'm looking forward to finding out what, if anything, else she has to say. I'm sure Halbarad will have a few words to add when he gets Aragorn out of the shack.

The dog offers his apologies that he's been missing in action. Dang dog is getting lazy. All he wants is to get on the sofa and snore. Bad dog. But we'll both be looking forward to the conclusion. This story has been a great read.


Author Reply: Halbarad gave the weasel the evil eye. "What's a Cheney?"

Melnag's lip curled higher than Elvis's when he was all shook up. "You know, you invite a guy to go hunting, then you shoot him."

Oh, heavens. You're not just good. You're an absolute genius. I was so excited when I woke up to this this morning I almost couldn't get dressed for work. Give the dog a big, big hug for me.

AMReviewed Chapter: 14 on 9/24/2006
Great chapter.
My favourite bit was this: "Such impulses he had left behind in the far-off dust of Gondor and Harad ... It had been a dream, and he had wished never to wake from it." Got me all teary eyed.

Author Reply: Thanks, AM. I was thinking that someone raised around the Elves of Imladris might be startled at how old he himself felt after just a few decades out in the cold, cruel world. He needed rejuvenation by the time he wandered back to Lothlorien, and I think Arwen gave him that s much as her love.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 14 on 9/24/2006
This chapter rocks. Well, it would rock more if you hadn't left us hanging at the end, but we'll allow for author's privilege on that one. I'm embarrassed to post after you.

I love Halbarad's thoughts as he is all tied up, thinking of Eirien and regretting the loss of his sword. Knowing about the shirt. Very poignant. Good thing we know he can't die here, or people might have hurt you. I love it when Hurin arrives. That kid just kicks butt! Halbarad can be proud of his boys.

I like that Halbarad's other son shows up to save Aragorn's hide in the nick of time too. It seems the Dunlendings might value some of their folk a little more, and I am glad that Yenne might find acceptance and love in her new family. Poor girl has been through a lot.

The old deningha is a mystery. I am still not sure what I think about all of that.. or what really happened, but I suppose I can learn patience between now and October 6.

Author Reply: Well, shoot, I couldn't tie up all the loose ends yet, could I? I wrote the shirt thing for a short story that wouldn't come together (Happy Late Birthday, Bodkin!) and was glad to find a place to sneak it in. I'm glad you like Halbarad's sons. I'm glad I got the chance to sneak in Alagos finally.

I think maybe Dugaric has found a new perspective on life.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 14 on 9/24/2006
I love Halbarad's sons. That moment when Hal thinks "Not again" is priceless. I also liked Aragorn's wry thoughts on whether the Dunlendings would be able to use tactics to overcome the odds against them.

But the most interesting part of this chapter is, of course, the last part, where you tease us with just enough information to almost, but not quite, enlighten us and then leave Halbarad pounding on the door.

Well done. I look forward to October 6.

Author Reply:
Halbarad done raised them boys good, didn't he? I liked writing Sons to the Rescue (besides, I didn't have any other way of getting our heroes out of their jam.) And poor Aragorn must've felt like he'd been stranded with the military version of the Keystone Cops. Lucky for him the reinforcements were on the way.

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