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New beginnings by perelleth | 8 Review(s) |
mystarlight | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/26/2018 |
I love this story and absolutely love your senseof humour. Thank you so much for sharing. | |
Klose | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/10/2007 |
The premise for this story is so refreshingly original - the transition from an Age of darkness to one of more hope, following Melkor's fall, and of course the clashes of all the various characters that could of taken place - and I'm so excited because this first chapter seems to indicate that you're going to tackle all of these things, and more. I have to commend you on your portrayal of Finarfin, in particular - he's really such a neglected character, oft doomed to being the goofy, wimpy younger brother... but surely the father of Galadriel, brother of Feanor and Fingolfin can hold his own among all the greats of the Noldor. And surely your Finarfin does, and I had to giggle a bit at Celeborn's discomfort in the face of his father-in-law. Your writing style is so beautifully casual, and it's so easy to relate to all of the characters here. And there are so many tantalising plot threads you've set up in this first chapter - leading the people to new lands, Ereinion having to come to terms with his Kingship and building a new settlement for himself, etc - can't wait to proceed to chapter2. Author Reply: Thank you Klose! I am tickled pink that you like this protrayal of Finarfin. The many plot threads became kind of a challenge in the end, but this assorted camp did ask for a multiple character comedy of sorts, I felt. I hope that you ahve a great time reading! | |
Haleth | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/29/2005 |
This is wonderful! I love the characterisations and the tensions between the Noldor and the Sindar. It's great to see a fic set In this relatively neglected part of Middle-earth's history. Haleth Author Reply: Oh ! I'm glad that you liked it! This camp must have been a bomb waiting to explode, I just...toyed with it...:-) I don't have your gift for condensed,explosive,unfolding humour,though! Thanks! | |
Nilmandra | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/29/2005 |
Oh, I enjoyed this look at Gil-galad and Celeborn. Gil-galad was so young to have so many responsiblities thrust on him, and I like that you have shown both his youth and its accompanied feelings of inadquecy and also his sharp wit and tongue, and knowledge. Celeborn can be both annoying and alluring, a perfect combination for a 'moriquendi' lord. He may never have seen the light of Valinor, but he is indeed husband enough for Galadriel. And she is as stubborn as her own father. Nice resemblance..and Im sure Finarfin sees it too. Author Reply: I'm glad that you liked this take on the entangled family! I agree that Celebron is husband enough for Galdriel, i'm sure that at times he must have ben even more than enough! We'll see Finarfin's appreciation in chapter 3! :-) As I have trouble dealing with pure and blind resentment among elves, I'm trying to get a look at how these mixed camp with so many leaders would have managed to deal with all the existing grudges before stepping into a new age. And I found it had many embarassing situations for everybody! Thanks! :-) | |
elliska | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/28/2005 |
Oh I just discovered this as I was trying to catch up on all the story alerts in my email. I am going to like this! There aren't many stories that deal with the time around the War of Wrath, so that makes it fun all by itself--such a lot of material there to work with. And I agree that there would be a good deal of tension between all the races and between the Noldor and Sindar as they tried to decide how these new lands would be governed. The conversation between Gil-galad and Celeborn on those topics was great! And Celeborn meeting his father-in-law for the first time! I always wanted to see that. I absolutely loved the conversation between Finarfin and Galadriel. It was perfect! This story is going to be wonderful. I am looking forward to seeing what you do with it! Author Reply: Hi elliska! I'm glad that you found this first chapter interesting! The story is almost complete, so I expect to be posting quite regularly, because my time shall be shorter for the next weeks, waht with the moving and so on, but I have been amusing myself having a look inside so many different characters in this particular time and place.... I believe there must have been much misunderstanding and prejudice, but, above all, misconceptions and lack of communication. Everybody here had regrets and pains and grudges, so the thing was how to overcome all that and start anew. IN an enteraining, amusing way, I hope! Celeborn meeting Finarfin always seemed to me one of those things that might unsettle anyone's stomach :-) | |
Alice | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/26/2005 |
Very interesting. This is a subject that should be explored. I was glad to see something from this time period. There's nothing like Noldo/Sindarin tension. I do have a one nitpicky thing to say though: when Celeborn uses "kid" and "great" his voice is broken. It jerked me out of the story, which is a shame, because I was really enjoying it. I love Silmarillion fanfiction and really enjoyed this piece. Update soon! Author Reply: oh, sorry about that, and thanks for telling. I hope it didn't jerked you completely out of the story though! ( bows in shame and runs to correct it..) I found that the beginning of the Second age was a natural comedy scenario, with so many suspicions, old grudges, tensions and different cultural approaches, and it was interesting to see how all theese well-intentioned people would learn to work together despite their differences.. | |
French Pony | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/26/2005 |
Oh, fun! I just loved the scene between Finarfin and Galadriel. You could so see the crew-cut guy who can't understand why his little Susie has changed her name to Galaxy, wears a patchwork skirt, and has run off to live in a commune in Haight-Ashbury. And at the same time, you can see that Galadriel is very much Finarfin's daughter. She knows exactly how to manipulate him, just from being so much like him. And, indirectly, it says quite a bit about Celeborn, too, if he and Galadriel ended up being a good match. Of course, I don't blame him for preferring to hang out and pick on Ereinion rather than visit with both his wife and his father-in-law. Author Reply: ..."his little Susie has changed her name to Galaxy..." ROTFL, Galaxy? That was very good! :-) I believe that with Galadriel being last child and only daughter in a family of five, Finarfin was lost from the very beginning. He just couldn't refuse her. He would end up paying the bills, I'm sure... Celeborn, on the other hand, just wanted to be alone, something that must have been quite difficult at that time and place, with so many different people locked in the same stretch of land and trying to reach some agreement about how to go on.. I found the situation quite funny, with so many old and recent grudges, misunderstandings and different views... | |
daw the minstrel | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/26/2005 |
I love Gil-galad. He was so young to carry the heavy responsibility he had. And I fully sympathize with Celeborn's discomfort in the presence of his father-in-law, who probably thinks of him as a barbarian in addition to havin the normal father's horror at the male who sleeps with his little girl. Author Reply: There were so many different people looking askance at each other at that time and place, that it was alost irressitible not to try a look at everybody's heads. I, too, can understand Celeborn's concern only too well. E'll hear more about that! BTW, may yo have many more birthdays the rest of us can enjoy, too! ;-) belated HB! | |