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New beginnings by perelleth | 6 Review(s) |
Klose | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/10/2007 |
The... argument between Ereinion and Oropher was absolutely perfect - poor Ereinion, getting knocked down like that! But poor Oropher too, although he did have it coming. Even if his dislike for dwarves is understandable! The Peredhil are very interesting - complex characters, especially Elrond. But what really shone in this chapter was your skill with dialogue, between the twins and Ereinion, but more so Ereinion and Oropher. It's all terribly amusing, but there's always still that hint of gravitas that makes it all the more believable. Author Reply: THank, you Klose!. The story flew out of nothing, cetered in Ereinion's expereineces as a newly minted high king in such a convoluted environment, surrounded by so manuy powerful elves, with so many responsiblities and his own insecurities to deal with. Everybody have their own agendas, and still they are all responsible rulers, worried for their people´s well being...each after their wn manner, and with their own personal worries as well, so it had to be amusing, bordering ridiculous while serious as well. I am so glad that it came through! | |
The Karenator | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/30/2005 |
I've gotten behind in reading and reviewing and by the time I saw this story, you were on chapter two! But what a delightful story. I love the 'young' feel of the characters. You captured that 'age' for them very well. We know these characters in Tolkien's work after they've been around for an age or two, so it's interesting to see them before they become the characters he wrote. You created believable and interesting 'younger' versions. Poor Ereinion had quite a headache. Even if Oropher outsmarted him, Oropher got outsmarted too. LOL! What goes around, comes around. And Oropher was rather less than welcoming to the dwarf. That's the problem with living so long; you were there when things went to pot. Elrond and Elros were interesting to see as well. It must be a tough time for them now that they've made their decisions. I'm looking forward to following along with this story. Very good, Perelleth. Karen Author Reply: Hi Karen, welcome and thanks! The story is already written and I had the misconception that summer was a time when there were fewer stories to read,that's why I posted two chapters in so short a time, but I've seen that I'm sorely mistaken! I'm too, quite behind with my own r&r! (blame it to HP, too...) I'm glad that you found them interesting! As you say, we have glimpses of these characters at the end of the second age and some of then go through the the third, but all these powerful kings and kingdoms and lords and lordships must have started from somewhere, and this camp in what would later become the Grey Havens seemed a very promising madhouse sceneario to me. ;-) | |
elliska | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/30/2005 |
Oh you are evil in this chapter! ;-) Oropher was just a nightmare, and frankly I imagine this close to the Dwarves' invasion of Menegroth and the kinslayings, he (and a lot of other Sindar) would react exactly like this to a dwarf (messenger or not) and a Noldor king. But poor Gil-galad--he is not having an easy beginning. And if the actual encounter isn't bad enough, to have Elros bring more messengers with dinner invitations while the poor king is so 'indisposed.' Oh I really felt for him. And I like how you are playing with the names in this--both Gil-galad's in this chapter and Galadriel's in the last. I think I forgot to mention that, last time. You are doing a great job showing the conflicts these characters would be experiencing at this point in history. It would be an absolutely fascinating time (assuming you were one of the kings--then it would be just as you are showing it ;-) ) Great chapter! Author Reply: Thanks, elliska! I suppose that "normal" people would be busy settling down, and helping each other, and assuming daily tasks, but leave it to their leaders to overreact over one single messenger, or to provoke an incident with an oversensitive Sinda... I think this time was a difficult training for all of them... thankfully their people were more than used to manage on their own, and they still had Círdan! I am not too familar with Oropher, and I unconsciously assumed what most fics portray as his personality. NOw that I'm done with the story I suppose that I see him as quickly angered but well intentioned, and I came to sympathize with him. And we must concede that he has a talent for mocking nicknames! :-) I'm glad you liked it, it was a sily joke, but I found it appropriately offensive for the situation and the character.... | |
French Pony | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/29/2005 |
Ereinion is not having a real good day here, is he? Never get into a fight with the house of Oropher, I say. Won't do anyone any good at all. I gotta say, the Noldor seem especially insensitive here, treating Oropher like a petty tyrant instead of simply keeping him and his folk separate from the dwarves at all times. I like Oropher. He does have some legitimate grievances, but you can already see the fanaticism that will lead him to take his people to live in splendid isolation for centuries. And there's good old Elrond, in Doctor Mode. Enough to make any patient want to get well and get out of there soon. Author Reply: I just passed your complains to Finarfin's guards,who happened to be on duty in that part of the forest, and they apologize, FP, for the Valinor relief troops' handbook on "how to deal with different races without causing another war" did not explicitly say what to do when a dwarf lord popped out from the forest among a group of Sindarin elves.. they have reported to the High command, but after long deliberations, Finarfin has refused to have fences built up to separate the different areas and the different races. He still believes that the peoples of ME can learn to live together... poor elf! :-) "Splendid isolation" I loved that sentence, and it fits Oropher so well! | |
Nilmandra | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/29/2005 |
LOL at Gil-galad! Well, that was sure an interesting way for the king to behave. Our young kings have a lot to learn, and I'm sure Cirdan has his hands full while Finafin is just rolling his eyes at all these youngsters playing at being grown ups! But, they all clearly have skill as well. I look forward to the next chapter. Author Reply: Yes, "interesting" would start to describe it, LOL! high kingship as we look at it from the tales of the Third Age must have started somewhere, and a camp of refugees, with differet backgrounds and races is a difficult training ground for everybody... The story is already written, -except for the epilogue- and I hope to be posting regularly, since time for writing is going to be scarce for the next weeks, and I think August is a quiet month for almost everybody.. except me, as it turned out! | |
daw the minstrel | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/29/2005 |
When I opened the review window, the chapter title popped up again and I had to laugh. "Having fun" indeed! Poor Gil-galad. And what a way for you to introduce Oropher to us. He's quite believable as someone who wouldn't wait for Gil-galad's orders years from now and so would charge to his death. Nice job with Elrond and Elros too. They're brought alive here. Author Reply: You're truly an early morning person, daw, aren't you?:-) I'm glad that I helped you start the day with a laugh! Anyway, all this is partly your *fault*, since while waiting for a new story from you I had to amuse myself on some other way! (a very discreet way to inquire whether your muses are taking a summer vacation was that, eh?) I was a bit frightened of how this Oropher would come through, but, hey, with all that has been written about him in fandom, it is hard to picture him as one of Gil-galad's friends... anyway, I assure you that everybody suffer their share of embarasing situations in this story,I'm not deliberately charging my hand upon him alone...:-) Glad that the Peredhil seemed alive to you. I found them quite endearing, myself. A difficlt time for them that must have been,too.. Thanks! :-) | |