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New beginnings by perelleth | 7 Review(s) |
Haleth | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/11/2008 |
The vision of Ingil, son of Ingwe with a seagull perched upon his head will haunt me for some days. The comparison between the calm, measured life in Valinor and the hectic, chaotic life of Middle-earth is an interesting one. The confusion and sense of misplacement would be quite real. Poor Erenion. Honest to goodness, though. For supposedly being perfect or next to perfect, Tolkien's elves certainly could carry a grudge. It's not a glowing character trait. Mortals forgive each other far worse in far less time. I really enjoyed Elrond's musings on the differences between himself and his twin. Tolkien doesn't have much to say on the reasons the brothers chose different fates. Your ideas really add depth to Elrond, who has had millenia to reconcile all of the different elements of his background and upbringing by the time we see him in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Erestor with his love of schedules and proper penmanship makes me laugh. It's one way to try to impose order on a chaotic world but I doubt he'll have much luck with Erenion. Author Reply: Ingil "a la Siddharta" as Bodkin dubbed him, appeared out of nothing in this chapter and I haven't been able to get rid of him! I think that in this story all the things that I had thought of these characters simply filtered out, and made for an entertaining chaos to write. SInce we know what happens to these characters and the most imporntatn events in their lives, it is difficult to figure out situations that are interesting enough, but the chaos of this camp at this moment and the many personalities and intersts clashing offered a welcome chance. I hope you have fun reading the rest, and thank you for letting me know! :-) | |
Bodkin | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/24/2005 |
Ha! I have discovered another alias! And enjoyed myself over rather more chaos and confusion! Author Reply: Oh, my! You see, that "temperamental" site decided some time ago that perelleth was no longer a worthy penname, and I've never been able to upload anything for months, so I tried with another... Well, I'm glad that you enjoyed... last chapter and Epilogue are sketched, but I have yet to find a peaceful moment to polish them up, so I'm afraid you shall have to wait a bit yet! :-) | |
French Pony | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/22/2005 |
Hi-dee-ho! Just got back from a week with the lunatic family, so I'm catching up on things, including this story. I enjoyed your discussion of the different reasons Elrond and Elros had for their choices. It makes sense, and it sets them apart as two individual people who react to life's circumstances differently. Author Reply: Hope the full moon did not have a suplementary effect upon their moods! It is good to go home from time to time, I hope you enjoyed! Knowing what we know about Elrond, it was very interesting to try and figure what kind of person Elros would have been... similar or wolly different? I chose different... | |
elliska | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/18/2005 |
First, I love Erestor in this--especially his thoughts on Elrond. Rising early, neat hand writing, schedules, love of knowledge--I can so see him appreciating these things. And his frustration with Gil-galad for falling victim to the unscheduled is too funny. But I particularly like the idea of him being Nandorin. That seems really nice to me. Indeed, the personalities of all these characters are just great. Gil-galad's idea that getting up before sunrise is unhealthy so it shocks Elrond to hear he is gone / Elros's love to be loved and merrymaking with his men. They all seem so rich. And I love the history you weave into this--especially the reference to the Dwarves reaction to the Nirnaeth. I also think that battle and the Sindarin's lack of participation in it would have at least caught the notice of those that did fight. I found your mention of it here interesting. Again, the scene with Celeborn was great. an encounter he had won, of course, he thought smugly, as he considered his victory; they had postponed a decision regarding conceiving a child and swearing their allegiance to Ereinion. Why do I think that 'winning' with Galadriel is all a matter of one's perspective and not true victory? But the lack of guards was hilarious. And poor Celeborn on the ship. Between being bored to tears and then witnessing that confrontation...I see the chaos in this new world will continue. This was another great chapter! Author Reply: I'm glad that you like my Erestor, for he's quite different from what is usually seen in fandom.. I suppose that we all have our own mental pictures, and for a long time I had had this mental image of him. Glad you found it acceptable :-) I must confess that I've been more of a Noldorin sided reader since the very beginning (and I read the SIlm right after LOTR, some twenty years ago...) so it made me think when I read so many stories where all kind of evil deeds, unspeakable designs and plottings and even corrupted nature were attributed to them. Every story has at least two sides, if not three or four, and with every side put together, you can maybe get closer to the truth. So I believe that each party had its ow reasons for holding grudges against each other in this camp. THe dwarves, too, had each and every reason to dislike the Sindar. THe Sindar were judging the race for what a part did, and the dwarves fought MOrgoth while the Doriathrim remained comfortably protected behind their girdle, so, yes, truth is in the eye of the beholder. But, life is such, and the most intelligent thing to do is to look ahead, which is what Ereinion's been taught by Círdan and is trying to impress upon his unruly, unwilling subjects and rebellious kin... But hey, blame my professionally biased look for this approach! :-) He, poor Celeborn, he considered himself a winner, indeed.... | |
Bodkin | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/18/2005 |
I just loved the image of Ingil sitting there trying to be all golden and meditative while the activity around him distracted him. And I hope Galadriel punches Olvarin on the nose for being horrible to Ereinion. The kinslaying at Alqualonde was not his fault and elves should be above inflicting grudges on those who are innocent of harm. I like Elrond - poor lad. I can see how it would take him several ages to develop his own self image. Not man, nor Noldo, nor Sinda - nor anything really, but, at the same time, all of them. Accepted by some and rejected by others and looking for himself. Erestor is good for him. Elros - maybe not. Or not all the time anyway. Oropher. He's another punch on the nose job. Ego as big as Arda. A very suitable victim for the wiles of Elros and Elrond. This is delightfully complicated - keeping track of all and sundry as they ramble round among the massed armies and refugees. Such fun! Author Reply: He! glad you liked poor Ingil! He grew on me as the story progresed, and now I'm shamelessly fond of him! He's so out of his milieu! he's trying, but everything is oh so different fron what he always knew! HE's truly disconcerted! AS you point out, grudges fly in all directions in this camp. Oropher has his own reasons, and Olvárin is purging his boredom in any way available, be it fair or not...It always made me laugh in the SIlm when it says that the Teleri finally accepted to sail the Army of the West to MEe, but they refused to set foot upon those shores. I always wondered what they would be doing while the rest were engaged in a war that was not terribly short.. Anyway, as you say, they're elves, and they'll eventually manage to be able to understand each other, or at least work together...Glad that you find it fun, despite the difficulties of tracking everybody accross the camp... | |
Nilmandra | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/17/2005 |
At Círdan’s prodding, he had survived the task of overseeing the exiled young prince’s education almost unscathed, except for the vast knowledge of Noldorin language, lore and culture acquired during those years and a deep fondness for the youngster, whose neat handwriting, acceptable love of lore and innate sense of duty qualified him as a decent ruler in Erestor’s more than informed opinion. This made me laugh. Poor Erestor..having to oversee the king as a child and into adulthood, but more importantly, his criteria for a fine ruler! Ereinion manages to give them the slip yet again. Perhaps he can hook up with Celeborn and Galadriel's guards, who remain MIA. Surely they knew when the noise ended it was safe to return? Or perhaps the noise didn't abate until morning? Elrond and Elros were terrible! Ok, terribly funny, teasing Oropher like that. Elros is good for Elrond, keeps him from thinking too much. And I think poor Ingil is ready to go home :D Author Reply: I'm glad you liked the peredhil, Nilmandra, to me you're the authority in the subject! :-) It was fun to try and picture Elrond at this age and difficult moment in his life. HE had a whole age to grow into the elf who would become Celeborn and Galadriel's son-in-law, and the beginnings must have been hard for him. Picturing the peredhil's characters was fun, their situation was awkward, half everything and not truly belonging to anywhere, except each other... As for the guards... mmm, I tend to suscribe your theory... or they just simply.. took advantage. As wood elves from Nenuial, maybe they still need some more training in what being guards means... | |
daw the minstrel | Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/17/2005 |
In which everybody gets up before Arien- and nothing good can come from that- Perelleth, you are such a hoot! The dry sense of humor in this story just tickles me no end. The comings and goings of these people are tangled up in old actions and new possibilities, so none of them knows quite what to expect, I think. Author Reply: ;-) I feel honoured! I did have a great time writing this story, and I'm so glad that you find it amusing too.. To be truly honest, not even me knew what was going to hapen at the time I was writing it! With so many people around, with different povs and priorities, things could not be easy for any of them... | |