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New beginnings by perelleth | 6 Review(s) |
Redheredh | Reviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/11/2005 |
Well, what more can I say, you make me laugh out loud at the peculiar machinations of history and politics. But really, Erestor's bet was a sure thing that Ereinion probably should have just let pass. Nor should he have paniced over Celeborn helping out. But, I am very glad you found the humor of it all too good to ignore. I surely love your take on Cirdan and the Hirdawar as statesmen. The council did clear the air and help everyone let go of some past grievances. It was a good example of how if the majority want to get something good done, they will. Someone just has to take the lead and bring the opportunity to participate. No easy job, though. Oropher and Gil-galad's closing conversation was very satisfyihng. Enough of a resolution for both of them. All done with a wave of a hand...! :D The armor was gloriously described, just as it should be. The homage given by all was nicely done but the Ereinion finessing Celeborn into it was perfect. But, Ingil - vernal, ingenuous Ingil - remains my favorite charater in this story. And I am very happy to see his admirer is not fickle and had made herself useful. ;) The light-banter that occurs throughout your writing is seriously loads of fun. I hate to think the epilogue is all that is left. But, then you will start a new story, right? Author Reply: I'm amazed, Redheredh, there was no need for such double take, you know? Yet I'm deeply grateful, and glad that you managed to enjoy this oh so nitpickable chapter! apologies for that! Those things seem to spring out to my eyes only once I click "post"! Politics seen from behind curtains is such a laughable game, ( when not outright despicable!!!!) and a great deal of generosity is needed to overcome suspicions, personal interests an so on. And I believed that Gil-galad must have been very generous, to have become king of such mixed crowd, for such a long time. As you say, setting the example pays out, and I believe that throughout this story Ereinion's will to serve became clear to even the most reluctant sindarin lord, ( ;-) ) and it actually eased the new beginning. I'm glad that you liked the armour and the homage. I wasn't sure I was not overdoing it all... yet I did want it to be serious enough for the King to finally feel that he was respected, beyond his own satisfaction for having mastered the waving thing! poor one! I'm so glad to have found a reader that likes Ingil as much as I do! He's turned out to be my favourite characer, either, seomehow he managed to keep himself above petty quarrels and mistakes, and pursue his own agenda with a calmness and focus that I found lovable.! :-) But, then you will start a new story, right? I have two stories going on (on dead track, for some time now) but I fear that I won't be able to post regularly, why! look at how long did it take me to end this one even if ten chapters had been alreday written when I began posting here! Many many thanks for your kind support, Redheredh,your generous nitpicking and your patience through my not too positive take on certain wood-elves...:-) Yet I liked the Hirdawar! | |
Nilmandra | Reviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/11/2005 |
I am really glad, after all this, to see young Gil-galad finally getting some respect! He is about the future and about Middle-earth, not the past. He carries neither memories of past wrongs in Valinor nor the dissent between races of elves, as he grew up in a mixed environment. He is the perfect king to lead this group of elves. He even manages to get Oropher properly in some semblance of place. And he must be relieved that Olvarin is going home! I like his reaction to Elrond, too. The disappointment that the half-elf can't wait to get out of the city, yet also a little excitement that he is being trusted by the king to carry out duties in his name. I do like your Cirdan too - that he is the first one to swear his loyalty to the young king he raised. That brought tears to my eyes. Author Reply: That brought tears to my eyes. NOw! that's a great compliment! I am glad that it moved you. THroughout the story I have tried to picture Círdan as the steadying presence behind the king, and the one who helped him become the elf we suppose he was. BOth the Falathirm and the young king could have easily entered the "grudges match" with their own list, yet I chose to believe that Círdan´s foresight managed to seep into the king along the years and teach him to look ahead, rather than back. That he would give him his support, and move the rest to do the same, seemed the greatest gift he could give to his foster son, much as Ereinion's acknowldeging it when citing his own lineage. I love to think this two were actual family to one another...:-) Thanks for your kind words along this story Nilmandra, it's been a pleasure to read your insightful comments! :-) | |
elliska | Reviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/11/2005 |
I read the "In which..." opening line and started cringing right then. :-) But this meeting did go as well as could be expected. Putting that many people with such a past into one place is sure to cause a bit of conflict and I liked it--very well done. But I loved the revelation of Celeborn's deal with the dwarves and Gil-galad's plan for shipping Oropher east. I chuckled at that for certain. But I absolutely loved the conversation Oropher had with Gil-galad--that was a perfect reconciliation, as much as those two will ever see. And the last line there with an unconscious and almost perfect wave of his hand that caught him by surprise. Great symbol for his transformation to Gil-galad. I like how you've played with that throughout the story. And of course the part where they swear their oaths to Gil-galad was wonderfully done. I was sad to see there is only an epilogue. This has been a fun story. :-) Author Reply: LOL! It could have gone worse, truly, yet the King chose not let it become a battle and refrained form entering the fray with his own list,! That would have been a new beginning! :-) You are right about Oropher this sarcastic exchange was the best they both ever get from the other, I found it very funny... I'm so glad you noticed the waving hand. The king is grwing up, ins't he? I'm certain that I'm going to miss this troupe, too, I had great great fun writing the story and reading all your kind and amusing comments. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! | |
French Pony | Reviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/10/2005 |
The meeting was awesome, although when Celebrimbor started describing the glories of the cities he intended to build, I had a treacherous little vision of the old Monty Python Architecht Sketch. . . the one where the architect describes, in glowing terms, a proposed building that turns out to be an abbatoir where the owners wanted a block of flats. But watching everyone digress and snipe at each other about their military aid or lack thereof was seemed very right and proper for a long meeting like that. And it's good to see them showing some sense and giving Oropher the trip east that he wanted. Everyone will be happy that way. Ereinion is certainly learning the delicate art of people-management. Author Reply: Yep, the second "Monty Python" moment in this story, et Celebrimbor was completely unawares of my intentions, he was truly immersed in his presentation... (last week I had to give a presentation in a most unusual environment, and part of the audience fell asleep while I happily disserted...pity there was no way I could fit it in this overexcited council...everybody was so intent on taking part here!) The amount of grudges among these people could go on almost forever, and the King could have started with his own, yet, as you put it, he's perfecting the art of people managing and managed to silence them all with his sarcasm. Good Ereinion! | |
Bodkin | Reviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/10/2005 |
Ahhh. Lovely Ereinion. Everything is almost coming together. And Oropher is almost being pleasant now that he has more or less got his own way. And that his wife has threatened violence to his more delicate parts. I'll bet Ereinion is relieved that Ingil and Olvarin have stopped tormenting poor Finarfin and agreed to return home. I don't think that their presence would have been . . . helpful in the Second Age. Good that Gundaghâl has offered to help with the building in return for Celeborn's concessions - and that Celeborn and Galadriel have given Ereinion their support. Just as well, too, that Hirdawar has used his influence to convince such a range of people to behave themselves. (Now, that is an elf of power.) Something about the idea of Elrond and Erestor being sent off to complete in actuality what they appeared to be plotting - that's Justice. And telling Oropher to look after Elrond and be respectful to him. Toe-curlingly delicious. I love the way all and sundry have decided that the time has come to be nice to Ereinion - good presents. Good story. Good characters. It's just a shame that Ereinion won't see some of them again until after he gets to be rehoused in a future so far distant I wouldn't want him imagining it. Excellent story. Author Reply: Yes, Oropher is almost pleasant, isn't he? At a distance, though! THe King finally got his moment and was able to put everybody in place -more or less, that was indeed a difficult task! - and even playing his own tricks upon his subjects, he can be proud of what he managed here though, even if it all threatened to get out of control! And yes, the valinorean realtives are finally packed home, and we are all releasing a deep sigh. I cannot guess what it would have been to have them around! LOL Glad that you enjoyed the story. I had great fun writing it and reading your kind and amusing comments! | |
daw the minstrel | Reviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/10/2005 |
Things nearly came apart there, when everyone started voicing their grudges. I guess there was enough suffering and betrayal that no one was safe. Good joke about Elrond and Erestor and the mapmaking! LOL Serves them right. Wonderful ending. Gil-galad has earned this. Author Reply: Never mock a king, even if it is a newly minted one! I would have loved to see Erestor's face! I, too, believe that the poor king earned his moment of glory! Glad that you liked the ending, and thanks for reading through! | |