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The Trouble with Love  by GamgeeFest 49 Review(s)
XtremeFrolickerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/2/2010
Dear Gamgeefest,
First off, I just have to tell you that i am a huuuuge fan of your stories! Your portrayal of the Frodo-Sam relationship (my obsession) is one of my absolute favorites!!

That being said, if you ever have the time, i would enjoy reading about Nell making Sam blush...especially if Rosie were to hear about it.

It's just a thought from a crazy sam fan. I hope your week is going well!


Author Reply: Thank you so much! How lovely to get a new review to an old story! I'm glad you are enjoying it. :)

It's good to hear from you again!

PS - I'll see what I can do about Nell teasing Sam. Perhaps next year sometime. :D

nancylea57Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 12/15/2008
there's the problem with most planners; they are too busy seeing everything to see the little details of their own life.

Author Reply: Indeed. Pervinca was so busy looking over the fields that she missed what was going on around her, which worked out quite well for Everard.

EstellaBReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/26/2006
How could you leave things like that between Merry and Estella? *sobs* If this wasn't such a good fic, I would be livid, but as it is, I will be content with severely irritated.
Please, write another one where they make up. Please??

Author Reply: LOL. You should be pleased to know that I do stick with canon and so Merry and Estella do eventually end up together, but the making up won't happen for a long while. I will eventually write the follow up to this story; there will be two sequels to be exact and I've already started on the first one, but it's coming along rather slowly. I'm glad you liked the story despite the diversion from canon. :)

Anso the HobbitReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/13/2005
Oooh! Happy ending! *contented sigh*^And I am very glad we know that it`s Merry and Estella in the end, and I`m sure Gordi won`t treat her bad until Merry returns. Thank you for this!

Author Reply: Thank you for reading. :) Gordi will be the perfect gentlehobbit, rest assured, though Merry will find things still to be a bit complicated when he gets back from the Quest. At least Pervinca and Everard don't have any complications getting in their way - once Pervinca finds a way to tell Ev she feels the same for him too, anyway. But knowing Vinca, it won't take her that long. ;)

Isilhen DaegolReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/11/2005
Aww, how sweet. Though I still don't feel satisfied with the Estella bit. I suppose she probably marries Gordi, doesn't she? sigh. Oh well. I guess not everything can turn out how we want it to. I like Ev. He's fun, and rather sweet. Vinca got a good catch there. Well, needless to say, I loved this ever so much, and the only good thing about it ending is that I know how it turns out.

Author Reply: Nothing has been decided yet on the Estella/Gordi front. Their relationship is in a rocky place right now and it can go any number of ways, especially with all that we know it coming up.

Ev is quite the romantic, for all his cajoling ways. He certainly has Pervinca pegged. He knows her better than she does him. Now, if Vinca can just figure out how to tell him she feels the same way, lol. But then again, Ev probably already knows that. ;)

Thanks for reading.

Isilhen DaegolReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/11/2005
And the excitement builds. What's going to happen? Will Estella ever love Gordi? or will she wait for Merry after all? And will Vinca ever figure out Ev's affection for her? But then, I guess that's the trouble with love, isn't it? It's blind. So I'll have to read the next chapter now...

Author Reply: There are going to be a lot of unanswered questions in this story, I'm afraid. Estella is certainly going to try to love Gordi and it doesn't appear that she will be waiting for Merry at any rate. Things look much better for Vinca and Ev though. Those two are a perfect match, if Vinca will just take the blinders down, lol.

Nina the powerwriterReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/10/2005
That's the end? *sobs* You can't stop there! You have me thristing for more! How will Estella and Merry get together? What will happen between Pervinca and Everard? Oh, please let us know!

Anyroad, I did very much enjoy this story. Pervinca's perspective is very interesting and fun to read.

Author Reply: LOL, sorry for having to end it there, but if it had gone on to tie up all the loose strings, it would have been a very different story, and a heck of a lot longer. Don't worry though, I have a post-Quest fic in the works that should clear everything up. I just need to actually sit down and write it. ;)

I'm glad you enjoyed the fic. Pervinca did prove to be quite interesting and devious, but I always knew she would be a handful. Perhaps that's the real reason I didn't do her POV before, lol.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/10/2005
This was so much fun! I loved Pervinca. I hope there will be more about her courtship in future stories. Ev seems to have won her heart. I do hope he knows what he's in for with that one.

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Pervinca has a special place in my heart after this, lol. She's quite unlike any character I've ever written and she certainly kept me on my toes. Ev is fully aware of how wily Vinca can be, and she likewise knows what a hassle Ev can be. It should be interesting to watch their courtship develop.

RenaissanceGrrlReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/9/2005

*bangs head on desk repeatedly to clear it well enough to type*


It was good...but your cliffies are BEYOND frustrating!!! The Pervinca/Everard parts were sweet and well-done...but MERRY! ESTELLA! *gack!*

*wishes for her Tale of Years to appear so she can research Gordi and Ella* Did Gordi die in the War? Was Estella a widow when she and Merry...well...married? Are they going to break up again? ARRRRGH!

I understand how satisfying it can be to frustrate your readers. So I get why you did it. BUT ARRRRGH!

I really did enjoy it...but...POST! QUEST! FIC! ASAP!

Author Reply: LOL, hm, seems I have the perfect incentive to get someone to start working on her backlog of reading. *evil laugh* And I did warn you at the beginning that the cliffies would only get worse. ;)

Gordi is actually an OC. He doesn't appear in any of the family trees or in the Tale of Years. He first appeared in "A Tale..." and was briefly mentioned in "Walking Trip", and he has a brief appearance in another fic I'm working on, but this is the first time I've used him to any great extent. I haven't quite figured out what will become of Gordi and Estella so I can't even hint about what might happen in the future, except that Merry and Estella do get married.

RenaissanceGrrlReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/9/2005
NO NO NO NO NO!!!! I CANNOT ALLOW THIS! The only thing keeping me from coming out to California and taking Squiggy hostage to make you write it differently is that I know you stick with canon better than I do! *bangs head against wall, is tempted to do the same to Gordi...and Ella and Merry* You've got me hopping mad, I'm actually sitting here literally BOUNCING in frustration...

You wouldn't change your mind and start writing extreme non-canon on me, would you?

*pouts and glues self to computer screen, awaiting last chapter*

*even though by the time she posts this it's already up*

Author Reply: I would never go AU, this is still canon, have no fear. So please refrain from going full out "Misery" on me and Squiggy, lol. I assure you that Merry and Estella do wind up together as they're supposed to, just not in this fic.

Things being as they are, with Merry and Pippin worrying for Frodo and Estella feeling that she has to settle down and the circumstances surrounding her and Gordi, this was the only outcome that could have happened. Any attempts to make it a "happy" ending for everyone involved would have made this seem incredibly false (and it still wouldn't be a happy ending for Gordi).

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