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What's left behind  by perelleth 7 Review(s)
Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/1/2007
I am utterly amazed at the thought and planning that went into this delightful and insightful story! I find the political side of Mirkwood a nightmare, but you have managed it so very well, I applaud you.

I also am of the belief that Legolas could have been married, and this is the absolute best story I have read that captures that unusual perspective.

I look forward to reading more!


Author Reply: Thank-you for taking the time, NiRi, it is always very encouraging hearing from a finished story... above all one that took such great pains to write! ;-)

I'm glad to hear that you share the possibility that Legolas could have been happily married. I always thought so, and since he is Elves are side characters in LOTR I wanted to take a look at the consequences of the arrival of the Age of Men upon the only elven realm that had survived without a Ring. The fate of LEgolas, and how it affected his people and family was what I wanted to explore, perhaps inspired by Bilbo's line " The Road goes ever on." ;-)

I'd love to read your impressions and/or critiques on the story, but, above all, I hope that you have a good time reading it.

Thanks again for dropping by.


NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/30/2005
You really do have quite the cas of characters here, Perelleth! I had to consult the list a few times, but I think Im getting everyone down.

The devastation to the lands of the forest were profound and well shown. I hadnt thought of the winter as being terrible, since the war had sort of ended the previous spring, but I can see where all the displaced orcs and so on might like Mirkwood.

Are you going to flash us back to the destruction of Dol Guldur and the splitting of the forest between Thranduil and Celeborn?

Author Reply: Oooops! I tried to address everyone by charge to avoid that, but the family alone is a great deal of new people, and to make matters worse, I had that mad idea of giving monikers to Legolas and his apologies there for the extra concentration needed :-)

You are right that the war occurred in spring, so it meant that new sprouts, forest berries and fruits, as well as new litters and probably crops must have been devastated, and they do not grow nack so easily! The soil, too, muust have been terribly affected , as well as the seeds and granaries, which in the case of Rohan and Gondor must have been burnt and ruined, so all in all, even if they had all summer ahead, there was little chance of recovery to the normal levels that would guarantee food supplies for the population ... Fire regenerates, but at its own "elvish" rythm...

The splitting of the forest is hinted at in Chapter three... :-)Thanks for reading and commenting, Nilmandra!

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/29/2005
Yep, that council sure has their work cut out for them. The problems they face seem very realistic, both in duration and scale. I love the way you even manage to make bureaucratic council meetings sound interesting. I also liked seeing the Queen and the princesses together. The ladies are quite the crew, and it's nice to see them all giving each other much-needed emotional support.

I wonder what is keeping Legolas in Minas Tirith. He seems so eager to see his wife, and he must be crazy for his daughter. One would think he'd come right home.

Author Reply: love the way you even manage to make bureaucratic council meetings sound interesting LOL! I'm glad you were not bored! I enjoyed very much picturing the whole situation, so glad that it came out as interesting for you, too!

As for what kept Legolas in Minas Tirith.., this is how I see it: first, Aragorn had asked them to wait. Second, Theoden was still unburied and not fully honoured, and Legolas had served under his banners and arms, so it wouldn't have been proper to slip away without honoring that lord. Third, it wouldn't have been very smart to undertake that long way home alone, knowing that Gimli would be back in the same route, and fourth, as I see it, he's releasing all the emotion building up in such difficult months, yet, as Luinil points out, well, it's been less than a year right now, and that's but a whisper in elvish reckoning :-)...

But, of course, that's how I see it, and surely influenced by my own experience with partings and long periods abroad... Glad that you wondered!

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/29/2005
Hehehe! Wonderful. I love a good council meeting! This was great and Thranduil was wonderful. Prestolon was someone anyone that has ever attended a meeting has seen and loves to despise.

I really liked Legolas's letter too. It really sounded like something he would write and I think capturing his thoughts on the Quest is a really tough thing to do, so great job there. And I thought it was really cool to see Haldir appear at the end there. I hope we get some glimpses of his experiences and interactions with the Fellowship.

Great chapter.

Author Reply: Good to read you back on your keyboard, elliska! Are you feeling well? Hope so!

Prestolon was someone anyone that has ever attended a meeting has seen and loves to despise. LOL! exactly. Anyway, he's a victim of his own attitude, so he (his type) is easily maneouvred into making such mistakes! I even felt for him! :-)

I'm glad that you liked Legolas letter, and delighted that you think it according to the chracter. It wasn't easy to sum up waht he would of would not put down at that situation, yet the whole story popped out from that "plot bunny" and so I could not resist throwing it in. I would love to receive such a letter!

Thanks again

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/29/2005
I just don't have time to read and review properly today, so this is really just to say that I will get back to you when I can spread myself!

But - just to let you know how much I like Laerīniel. She is a worthy partner for Legolas, just as Gaildineth is for Thranduil. I cheered when Thranduil bit the head of his crabby advisor Prestolon to defend his wife's decision to feed them pastries. Although Prestolon probably has a heart of gold, he has a mouth full of vinegar.

And I am so impressed by the detail of what the forest and the nearby lands have suffered - and the thought that has gone into how difficult it will be for the people to survive the following winter.

More later.

Author Reply: Thanks, Bodkin!

Well, poor Prestolon did deserve a good scolding, and Thranduil didn't want his vinegar falling in the midst of the meeting... so he was a bit wicked there! :-) He just put the rope around his neck in his eagerness to be grumpy...

I must confess that I enjoyed guessing the kind of damage the forest must have suffered and what troubles that would mean. I drew maps and listed the species and ... well what not! (back in a time of the year when I had far more spare time of course!) I don't know if anybody's ever written a story about that winter of 3019, but I've frequently shuddered to think of it. All the homesteads, farms and crops in Rohan burnt while the Dunledins marched to Helm's Deep, Gondor's lands devastated... that must have been a very hard winter for the lands East of the Misty Mountains, indeed!

I'm glad that you like Laerīniel!

RedheredhReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/28/2005
Well, you already have my comments on this chapter. I just wanted to say again how much I am enjoying the story. ;)

Author Reply: I'm surprised that you“re still able to enjoy it ;-)(bows deeply)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/28/2005
My favorite part of this was the council meeting. You show a powerful, clever Thranduil. I love all the hints of politics around the table and the way Thranduil manages them. I also like the tension between the king and his heir. They may have plotted to run this meeting, but they're not in perfect accord. I even like the way the king, his heir, and the commander entered the room!

Author Reply: Yes, the Prince has the right to disagree and the freedom to obey! :-) TO be honest, I enjoyed writing the council and guessing what the situation could be. Even if they would all stick together in such tough times, there are always disagreements and someone has to be in charge of setting the priorities. I'm glad that you liked Thranduil! His leadership must have been seriously needed in this situation...

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