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Untold Tales of the Mark: The Banishment of Éomer  by Katzilla 3 Review(s)
Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 78 on 2/11/2008
I really hate the ending of a good tale - but it is time to let the Rohirrim rest - at least for a time : )

I was saddened by Eomer's almost disregard for those who had died - saying they brought it upon themselves. These were wondrous brave men who made mistakes but in the end helped save Rohan by holding it until Eomer could save it himself. I was glad to see that he changed his tune, so to speak, towards the end. It was incredibly sad that Rohan was diminished by 15 men that they would desperately need in the coming battle - fifteen seasoned warriors!

I liked that he hugged Eowyn finally - they BOTH needed that.

I liked seeing the beacons from the Rohirric POV. I think so much on them as a Gondorian that it was really neat seeing them... but Halifirien to be lit just at that time - typically sad timing!

I like Theoden's thought that 'no enemy ever prevailed when Gondor and Rohan stood side by side...' NICE

And I'm really wondering what's going to happen to Eowyn since she really doesn't seem fit to ride. Is Dernhelm going to be stymied???

I very much liked Maelwyn's wit!

A great chapter - as always...

Author Reply: Hi Agape,

yes, I agree, it is time for the Rohirrim to rest. I've tormented them long enough, I suppose ;-) Yet of course I was wrong again, there is still one more chapter to write, but it won't be a long one.

I don't think Éomer wanted to express disregard for the fallen warriors, it is only that he saw it as an utter waste, when they could have chased Gríma away years earlier. Instead, they chase him away.

That scene of the signal fire on Halifiren blazing in the evening sky gave me chills once it entered my mind. I think this is really an inconsistancy in Tolkien's books, because he *does* speak of the fires... but then Théoden is alarmed when the messenger from gondor gives him the "Red arrow". I think this would have been very impractible and unreliable, because a messenger is slow, and he can easily be interfered. for once, PJ changed the storyline here for the better, I think.

I am most curious to hear what you think about Éowyn's miracle recovery though. Bless Dwimmerlaik for that idea, because I was severly stuck and did not know at all how to get her fit enough to ride in time. Thank you, Dwim!!!!

Thanks so much for your wonderful reviews!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 78 on 2/11/2008
As always, I enjoyed the chapter, it is a great story; all your stories are good.
Just one comment, you never mention the healer's son that got kill trying to reach Eomer with the weapons. Don't you think that Eowyn and Eomer should thank his parents as they did with her maid? I recall that the healer was in another story, well now I'm not sure if your story or the ones that you co-author with Timmy2222, sometimes I get confuse with the two of you, because you use the same characters. And fix your other fic and don not kill Eothian, I like him.
I'm waiting for more fics from you, I always read them, it's just that I'm very lazy and don't review too much.

Author Reply: Hi Fantasia,

and thank you so very much for letting me know your thoughts; it is much appreciated. :-) I very much like your suggestion re. Élric's parents, although I don't think they would want to be rewarded when their son has died. But I will definitely mention it when I polish the story.

Well, yes, Timmy2222 and I are two different people; she used to be an avid Aragorn-Lover while I fancied my horse-lords, and so we decided to work together for a few stories, but these days, we're going our separate waysa again. Yálanda was indeed in "Twilight of the Gods". I always like to use personnel from my previous stories (provided I didn't kill them off ;-)).

Thanks for coming out of lurking for your review, and I hope that perhaps, I will hear from you again. :-)


Lady BluejayReviewed Chapter: 78 on 2/11/2008
Well, I wait with baited breath to see how you are going to get Eowyn fit enough to ride.*grins*

Coming to the end! - you must have mixed feelings - a story becomes a friend.

Thanks for writing. LBJ

Author Reply: It will definitely be weird, although I suppose this story is a long way from finished! There's some substantial re-writing to be done and also a hell of a lot of beta-work... if only I could find a beta. :-( But I do understand that now one would like to tackle this epic, even if it were only for a few chapters. *sigh*

Oh, and yup, I will of course use a trick to get Éowyn in riding shape... ;-)

Stay tunes, and thanks for your thoughts!


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