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Sweet Woodbine  by Bodkin 13 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/15/2006
I wish I had time to read more tonight, but I don't.

So, it appears there is someone sabotaging the efforts of the Silvan and the Galadhrim to get along with the Noldor. Hmmm.

And Legolas is about to give up, or so he feels right now? But to win through will be well worth it, I think they'll find.

And already I see the lead-in to your next story. Love that Finrod is wanting this kept close for now. He's astute, I think, far more astute than many realize.

Author Reply: There are links in with Far Horizons going on in the background! And I suspect that, even in the Blessed Realm, there would have been tensions between the different races. After all, Feanor and the rest grew up there!

Legolas needs his father, I think. He's lacking family at the moment - and is rather disheartened. But I don't think he'll give in. Not yet, anyway.

Finrod is a special person, I think. He shines very brightly to my mind - and for all his gentleness and openness to experience, he is a king and a leader of elves.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/26/2006
Poor Elerrina and Legolas! They're in a difficult situation - hopelessly in love but honour-bound to behave as if they're friends only! It must drive them to distraction. Well, at least they have both someone to talk to about the problem, someone who understands and tries to help.

You love to torment Haldir a bit, do you? It's amusing to watch him doing things he'd rather not do, always wanting to hide in the woods. The slippery floor of diplomacy is quite obviously a place Haldir would prefer to avoid at all costs, but he does an admirably job there. And now he seems to understand why the ones who lived in the woods before see them as the usurpers. It's easy to see why both sides see themselves in the role of the victims, isn't it? Now I think it was truly inevitable Elrond and Thranduil and all the others moved West in the end.

Author Reply: L&E are both convinced it won't work at the moment, I think - and are trying to deny their feelings.

Poor Haldir! It will do him good to have to act as a representative of the Galadhrim. Help him mature, like a good cheese. And it is so easy to look on problems from one side and decide that the other is simply unreasonable - but I can really understand why elves who have lived in the BR for millennia would be alarmed by the arrival of all these rather wild Wood elves. And only knowing each other will help erode the barriers.

The elves needed more space, I think. And Aman seems able to cope with that by giving room for expansion. I hope all the kindreds continued to work on getting to know each other, though. Or the perpetuation of ignorance might just make for problems in the future.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/1/2006
Well, that's the way of things. People just seem to resist being told to kiss and make up, no matter how much they need to do just that. It's too bad that all the Elf tribes persist in seeing things only in black and white, as either/or situations. Mixed marriages MUST require one partner to change everything. . . no one seems to have considered the idea that a mixed marriage could mean a blending and strengthening of cultures to the benefit of all.

Author Reply: I would hope that life in the BR would eventually mean a more willing blending of cultures - but people are very resistant to change and Elves have a long, long time to get set in their ways. Many mixed marriages - and I expect there are a fair number of them - probably do involve a blending of traditions. Legolas and Elerrina's problem there would be that he is top Wood Elf - until his father comes. Almost a guardian of Wood Elf tradition. Elerrina would be stepping into the role of top Wood Elleth - and to do that as a complete Noldo would cause lots of problems with the people who look to them for leadership. She will have to be seen to hold Wood Elf values - of course, that's not actually very difficult for her, because, whatever they might think, there's not a great deal of difference.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/20/2006
I loved this chapter! The first part, with Their eyes met and for a moment Elerrina forgot how to breathe. just as they were discussing, in a round about way, their own relationship, was just perfect. Such wonderful tension there. I loved it to pieces.

And Legolas's discussion with her father! He was easy to dislike initially but I really love him now. And feel for him. He is just so unhappy, for all the right reasons, that I feel sorry for him (when I am not laughing at his predicament--it's mean, but I can't help it).

The discussion Galadriel and Haldir had with the 'locals' was great too. You know I love those 'political' type things and you did a great job showing the complexity of the situation and both sides' views. Haldir and Galadriel were great too, of course. Haldir did some growing in this conversation, I think.

‘Perhaps,’ he said evenly, ‘if we knew each other better, we would be less likely to imagine insult where no such intention exists.’

‘And perhaps pigs might fly!’ the other declared.

‘They might,’ his son grinned. ‘Andatar’s pig flew when it got itself on the barn roof and could not climb down. It had a mighty heavy landing, though – and we dined on roast pork that night!’

Loved that and I loved that young elf! He is the type of person I like talking to!

But Finrod's conversation seemed considerably more serious. Another great 'political' discussion, that I loved, but very ominous.

And poor Legolas and Elerrina in the end--they are both so miserable! I'm glad I know how it ultimately ends or I think I would be too worried about them. No, no, I fear that is not so. If there is one thing you can never be, it is friends. Too true, but that was a great conversation.

This is my favorite chapter so far, Bodkin. I really love this story.

Author Reply: There's something about a relationship that is mainly reserve and tension rather than ... romping. I find it far more moving to read about. I'm glad you enjoyed that!

Poor Taryatur. He is tortured. He wants the best for Elerrina, but he is just too darn certain he knows what that is. Linevende isn't so sure, I think, but she has seen in him the damage that exposure to war can do - and she is torn between husband and daughter. I hope he concedes - but know that it is going to be a long time before he can rejoice in Elerrina's happiness.

It's so easy to start off seeing these political problems from only one side, but I am finding that the more I think about them, the more complex they become - and the more difficult to solve. It's not just unreasonable Noldor, picking on the new arrivals, but people who are having their lands eroded and their livelihoods threatened - and you begin to realise that these are situations that, even with goodwill on all sides, are very, very difficult to settle. At least elves have time - though that isn't always a good thing! Galadriel is determined that Haldir should become more than he is at present. (I don't think she'd cracked it by Far Horizons. I seem to remember him being rather obnoxious. Maybe there will just have to be a Haldir tale, where he loses that country hick edge he enjoys so much.)

The young elf amused me. I rather liked Galadriel feeding him all the pastries, too. He's probably rather older than he seems. Well... he's an elf. He's almost bound to be older than he seems. But he's discovered, I think, that he can jolly his father along better with a bit of humour than with confrontation. Finrod's discoveries - well! Bit of reference to the future there! Not to mention people's tendency to believe the worst.

Legolas and Elerrina must have sunk about as low as they can go. Neither has openly acknowledged that they care for each other - they are both suffering alone. They are both sensible, dutiful people and cannot see any way forward. Something will have to break, I think. Don't know what yet!

Thank you, Elliska. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/18/2006
I have such a hard time reading about the way Legolas and Elerrina are suffering by trying to please their families and do their "duty". I keep thinking, if their fea have recognized each other as the partners of their hearts - it would serve everyone right if these two just faded away from the grief of staying apart! I'm glad they are tough - but it's hard to watch them, and to listen to the advice everyone is so free with. Elerrina's mother is trying to remain loyal to her husband - but does she ever see the damage this is doing to her daughter? And I keep thinking when Thranduil comes, he will take one look at his son and cave in from concern - maybe. He might disappoint me! :-( Nisimalote (sp.?) had some sound reasoning, though...they will never be able to be 'just friends'. I had to laugh at Galadriel grooming Haldir - I can see him all dressed up and stiff trying to behave himself. Talk about going against the grain of a personality! Galadriel has quite a chore before her, if the reaction of the farmer she was visiting with is any indication of the local feeling. I really like the way the BR is not all a bed of roses! Even the most beautiful rose has its thorns, I suppose! :-) Well, done Bodkin! Can you hurry up and give Legolas something to hope for? Poor sad elf...he's making me cry *sniff* (or should I say 'evil author'?).


Author Reply: It cannot have been easy for Elerrina and Legolas to overcome the objections of those around them - and they are both the kinds of people to whom duty is important. But, on the other hand, the recognition of one elf for the other who completes him/her seems to be very strong and instinctive. They would have been very miserable, I think, until they made their own decisions. And even then, it's not going to be easy.

Linevende, I think, places more confidence in Taryatur's opinion that she should - but she accepts that he has a greater understanding of those lands east of the sea that she has never seen and she has seen the damage they did to him and doesn't want to expose Elerrina to that in her husband. And, perhaps, there is a time when attraction is just that and it can be prevented from going further. Thranduil - well, you would expect him to explode and refuse to hear of the match, but he can be surprising and he is a practical elf. Nisimalote is growing as a character - she is closer than her mother-in-law to the passions of a new bond and has probably more grasp of pure emotion.

Galadriel has plans for Haldir, I think. Not ones she expects to come to fruition any time soon, but if there is anyone capable of working on a long-term plan ... And it's easy, when you start these stories (I find) to view everything from one side and see the opposition as being totally unreasonable, but the more you think about it... The local farmers have a point. It's not that all the elves won't be able to settle down together into one people, but it's not going to be the work of minutes. In fact, being elves, it's not going to be the achievement of a couple of ages.

You want Legolas to have a happy moment? I'll see what I can do!

DairwendanReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/17/2006
This is wonderful!
I hope there will be more soon.

Author Reply: Thank you. This is fun to write. I can't help but feel sorry for Legolas here - the poor elf has over three centuries between his arrival and Thranduil's, so he has to face a lot of ups and downs. There will be more fairly soon!

EllieReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/16/2006
Loved the chapter! Galadriel and Haldir meeting with the village leader was great, very insightful and amusing, too. Hope Leggy and El talk to each other soon! I read this over several days in order to make the next posting seem nearer. Now that I've reviewed, you can post the next chapter. Looking forward to it!

Author Reply: Yes, I think Legolas and Elerrina need to have a little time together! Poor things, theirs is a more complex situation than it seemed at the outset. It's not just Taryatur who is not thrilled by their interest in each other! I find that as I write this I am becoming ever more aware that every story has not just two sides but an infinity of them! And that everyone's perspective has its point, too. Trying to accommodate them all must be like trying to mould water - and then at least half are going to dislike what you do!

The next chapter is only part-written, I am afraid - but hopefully it won't be too long in coming!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/16/2006
I am enjoying watching this relationship between Legolas and Elerrina develop. You can see the feelings between them growing, and know that both will have a pervasive sadness if they are kept forever apart. Eventually, their families will have to relent, because they can't stand seeing them mope around forever! Lets hope Thranduil is a bit more open-minded. After all, his son's friend was a dwarf...he's already unconventional. :/

Author Reply: This is such a complicated situation! It started off appearing quite simple, but I am afraid that the more I think about it, the more aspects appear - and everyone seem to have a point. I reckon about the only people who will be unconditionally happy for Legolas and Elerrina might be the guest stars - Aule and Yavanna. Pretty much everybody else has their own reasons for seeing this relationship as a complication. I'm quite looking forward to Thranduil's arrival - it might be the only thing to break the stalemate and stop them all going round in circles.

thechevinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/16/2006
This was oh so sad,poor Elerrina and Legolas it is clear that they are so much in love and they are being pulled to pieces by the warring factions in both their respective homes/families.
It is very much Romeo and Juliet at the present, I am glad Elrond was there to offer at least a destraction at the end for Legolas at least.
Everything seems to be falling apart for sweet Legolas and he has no family to turn to
Thank goodness for Galadriel and Haldir, I know that their task was a serious one, but Galadriel's handling of her March warden was a real treat to read and brought a smile while Legolas and Elerrinas situation made me want to cry never mind the pair of them!!!

Author Reply: Legolas and Elerrina have a very complicated situation to face - she will not be any more welcome to his people than he is to her parents, and they are both trying to be sensible. But elves, I feel, know their match when they meet and at the very best neither of them is likely to marry elsewhere - at the worst, I suppose, they might continue to be very unhappy for a very long time. Elrond probably has a better idea of the complications of two unsuitable lovers drawing together than most! And keeping busy is one way to distract yourself.

Legolas must feel very alone at the moment. Elerrina's parents are part of her problem but at least she has her brother and sister-in-law to support her.

And the politics! Well, they just go on getting more and more complicated. Good job Galadriel is an old pro when it comes to dealing with difficulties. And Haldir knows better than to fight - he does have some sense!

Things must start turning round soon ... I hope.

RedheredhReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/15/2006
Now, wait a moment... things have progressed not regressed! Our romantic couple have entered a new - stronger - phase of attraction, if you ask me. Just at Nisimalote says, they can no longer be 'just friends' anymore, anyway! (Love what all you have done with her!) Even Taryatar is inching forward to a new, if desperate, position. On the political front, a powerful player has joined the ranks and potential resolutions are coming into sight.

Legolas is just put off, that's all it is. He thinks he is getting nowhere and needed another, more sage, opinion to realize it. Elrond was just the ticket!

... driving you opponent to frenzy with a display of mild reasonableness... Oh my, that made me laugh! "Smile, your enemies will wonder what you've been up too". :D

Galadriel at luncheon with the salt of the earth was fascinating. But, the problem as it was laid out was even more so. So, she is going to develop Halder, eh? Fix him up so he can attract a good lady for himself? LOL! Legolas bemoans the seeming lack of cooperation between parties, but one thing that is always needed in race relations is a good arbitrator that can be trusted by each side. What can spoil everything royal is an agitator. And we know *he* is lurking out there...

You of all people would not be intimidated by the knowledge that you were not supposed to return. Ha! But, he also knows it is wise not to aggravate a Lady!

Another lovely chapter!

Author Reply: Legolas must feel he's going round in circles chasing his tail, like a particularly manic pooch. And moving on to the point when you shake in the presence of your admired might not seem an advantage when you are under the impression that you've reached as far as you will be able to go. If they acknowledge their desire ... love ... interest ... maybe it'll help. Maybe. Or maybe it'll make it worse. Nisimalote can see all round the situation - I think she might be a bit wary about actually pushing Elerrina forward. After all, her father-in-law wouldn't be keen! But, on the other hand, her bit of detachment probably makes her a much better judge of what should happen. (I enjoyed making this high-born Noldor lady into someone who expresses her creativity in the kitchen. It's so easy to decide that females have to be masculine to display independence - when, actually, being able to seek fulfilment where you want is true equality.)

It's so true that the 'smile and nod' method of disagreement is fun, effective and infuriating, depending on how it's used. (I should imagine Galadriel's a professional.) And - it's exasperating in a way - the more I think about a situation the more shades of grey it develops. It's so easy to think 'bad, selfish Noldor' - but there is so much more to this situation than that. We have a horde of immigrants moving into settled lands - how would we react to that? Who is right and who is wrong? And the answer is usually neither and both. And it won't do Haldir any harm to be exposed to the complications of elf-management.

It is so very easy to set people against each other - and so hard to promulgate harmony. And you're right - *he* must be starting to move. He was pretty firmly entrenched by Far Horizons, and we must be - well - more than half-way towards Thranduil's arrival now.

Definitely wiser not to aggravate a Lady. Watch and learn. That's his motto. Well, watch and learn and reveal the minimum, I should think.

Thank you. I'm glad you liked it.

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