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Sweet Woodbine  by Bodkin 13 Review(s)
FireReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/15/2006
Things are getting complicated here, though not as much as it really seems to our friends.
Ellerina and Legolas are just trying to hard to acommodate everyone's feelings about the way they feel, but it's still very clear to them, and most people around them, that they will never be able to be just friends. And they will never be able to stay away from each other. Even Taryatur is starting to see that I think.
Galadriel has a lot of work to do herself as well but she knows her way around better.
I know from you're other story's just who Finrod's "spy" is, but it's nice to see the work in progress.
Elrond's story of Gil-galad planely shows that you just have to be yourself and make others see your strenght, and eventough Legolas might think himself to be just a warrior, he has picked up more from his fathers court than he knows.
But I can't wait form Thranduil to reach the Blessed Realm though, I know he's going to surprise his son very much.

Author Reply: Politics and families. Combine them and the problems confronting them must seem mountainous! Taryatur may well be getting to the point where he has to judge which is worse: miserable together or miserable apart.

Galadriel is, I think, just (just, hah!) aiming to smooth relationships and keep things even, so that Celeborn doesn't have too difficult a job when he arrives. Finrod's spy ducked out without leaving a forwarding address - but I have my suspicions as to who was managing this task for the High King's son.

I think Legolas sometimes underestimates himself - he has spent most of his life being one of the youngest of elves, surrounded by those who remember Doriath and Sirion and Dagorlad. It must be hard to feel you can measure up to legends. I think he might underestimate how much his people appreciate him. But you're probably right - they're a bit stymied until the Big Cheese arrives. Which must be getting closer!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/15/2006
This chapter seems so sad. Legolas and Elerrina seem to be resigned to the fact that their love is hopeless, and will never meet with approval from anyone. And sadly, Nisimalote (??) is right - being just friends is no longer an option. Their feelings are far too strong for that, even if they won't admit it to anyone else :(


Author Reply: Legolas and Elerrina are, perhaps, a little too resigned to the impossibility of their love - but he is being a responsible regent and she is a loving and dutiful daughter. I don't think either of them is quite ready to decide that these relationships cut both ways and that people and parents need to take account of their views on the matter.

Nisimalote is right - they are hurting themselves by pretending they can spend time together as friends. They have moved beyond that - even though they have done nothing more than speak and look and touch in the most formal way. They need to acknowledge that, I think.

We'll see what happens next. Hopefully it'll be a bit more positive!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/15/2006
Two steps back indeed. Galadriel is sorting through some complicated reactions and it looks like Legolas needs to do the same thing.

Should I be able to guess who Finrod's scout was because I can't. And I want to!

I find myself looking forward to Thranduil's arrival.

Author Reply: Everything seemed quite simple at first - but every time I try to think about how someone else sees the situation, it gets more and more complicated and multi-layered. And the trouble is, everyone is right. Of course, everyone is wrong, too - but isn't that just life!

Galadriel knows what Legolas might not fully understand - you can't please everybody. You just have to decide who to offend and how much.

If you know who Finrod's scout it, do tell me. I thought I had suspicions, but he ducked out of the way and dodged the paparazzi.

I think it will take Thranduil's arrival to break the stalemate, but I don't think he's due to arrive in the next chapter. The one after, maybe.

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