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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Hobbits  by GamgeeFest 15 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/2/2006
What an introduction to Hobbit behavior! Love it. In much the same vein as Baylor's "The Care and Feeding of Hobbits," which was one of my introductions to fanfiction. Do keep it up!

Author Reply: Poor Boromir never suspected, when he saw the older hobbits at the Council, that he would soon have his world turned upside down by the younger ones. lol Granted, there could have been a better time to meet them than right before dinner! ;)

julchen11Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/5/2006
gloryunderhill led me here and I'm glad she did! What a lovely and funny story, I'm jumping to part 2 right now.
Great work my dear! *huggles*

Author Reply: Hello Julchen! I'm so delighted that you're enjoying this silly little fic of mine. I hope it proves educational. ;)

Thanks for the review!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/4/2006
Boromir is in for quite a few surprises. I loved it when Pippin couldn't tell which Elf he was speaking to. Very fitting. This is wonderful.

Author Reply: Boromir is his own worst enemy really. He just keeps asking questions. I think he secretly enjoys the hobbits' tendency to ramble and jest.

I think the hobbits would have a difficult time telling elves and men apart. Let's face it, most of the time, the hobbits are craning their necks back and looking at the undersides of chins. There's also the fact that they're meeting a lot of new people all at once - that's a lot of names to keep straight. ;)

Frodo BagginsReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/3/2006
Oh, my, Gamgeefest! This was splendid! How ever did you come up with that? It was so perfect!! I imagine Hobbits would be quite perplexing to Other People, though I seem to understand them quite well. ;) They are such a joy to write about and I am so looking forward to getting back to writing fanfic. I've been away for a while. I am going away again, but when I return, the stories should come full force...I hope! Anyway, Namarie!
God BLess,
Frodo Baggins

Author Reply: Hello FB! Thank you so much for your praises. :) I do think that the hobbits would tend to befuddle people not used to their ways. Boromir most especially. He's had to live under the stringent rule of his father and seeing these 'halflings' arguing over something so petty as food ~_^ is not something he's used to seeing.

Good luck with your writing!

FireReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/2/2006
This is so lovely, I can just see the bemused look on Boromirs face. The hobbits must have that effect on everyone that meets them for the first time.

Author Reply: Especially when they meet them right before mealtime! After mealtime, it might be a different story. Full and sated hobbits aren't quite so quick to accuse cousins of trickery. ;) Once Boromir spends more time with them, he'll find he's warmed up to their carefree ways.

Thanks for reading, Fire! It's nice to meet you. :)

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/2/2006
“He snuck down there without me!” the hobbit exclaimed, working himself up into quite a state of panic. “He’s down there right now taking all the seedcake! There won’t be any left!”

“Um,” was all that Boromir could manage at this declaration.

LOL!!! A perfect start!

But, to be true, after such an outburst the only thing I would have been able to say would have been nothing else but "Um..." ;-)
And at that time Pippin did not yet know about the mushrooms!

Well, let's see what will come next and how much Boromir will be involved!
(Maybe I will find yet another new word!)

Author Reply: LOL! It's probably a good thing Pippin didn't know about the mushrooms. His head might have exploded. :) Poor Boromir is always being thrown off his guard by the hobbits and this was no exception. He should be more vocal on their next meeting. ;)

I anticipate Boromir being in much of these stories. I just love to see him interacting with the hobbits and being continuously frazzled (but amused) by them.

If we can keep the hobbits away from lasses and beer, I shouldn't have to worry about teaching you new words. It always seems to be under those circumstances that they reveal just how far from innocent they can be. ;)

ArmarielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/2/2006
oho...very cute! Love Boromir.......and hey, the hobbitses aren't so bad either;);)


Author Reply: Boromir is a dear. I love to see how he interacts with the hobbits. I do think he sees them more as younger siblings once the Quest was on its way, especially Merry and Pippin, and it all starts here!

Thanks for reading!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/2/2006
Poor Boromir! Break him into the insatiable hunger of hobbits gradually - definitely a good idea!

Author Reply: Indeed! Had he sat next to them and seen the way they attack their food (and eye the food of those around them) he might have been completely overwhelmed, rather than just partially overwhelmed. ;) Hobbits do take some getting used to. It's probably a good thing, then, that they spent so much time in Rivendell. Allowed plenty of time for everyone to adapt to hobbit mannerisms. :)

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/1/2006
Love that Pippin! :) And of course Sam would be looking out for his Frodo and giving him the best food. Poor Boromir, I do feel for him. This whole thing is so cute. I had a lot of trouble telling Merry and Pippin apart myself for a long time.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Well, Frodo won't be able to recuperate if he doesn't have proper nutrition. Sam's just doing his job. :) Pippin is a hoot and a handful. Meeting him when he's starving and frantic for food wasn't the best of circumstances, lol. At least Boromir now has an idea what he's in for!

I could always tell the cousins apart, mostly because they were color coordinated, like ninja turtles or something, lol. Frodo wore red, Merry yellow and Pippin teal. :) I've heard others say that they had problems telling Merry and Pippin apart though. Since Tolkien tells us that all hobbits look the same to other races, then its only suiting that there was confusion at first.

Thank you for reading Antane. It's nice to meet you! :)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/1/2006
“I’m sorry,” he began in a most unusual accent, “but which one are you again?”

“I am Erestor,” the elf said and Boromir grinned under his beard. So the hobbits could not tell the elves apart either.

They turned the corner and disappeared from view. Boromir stared after them, not sure what to make of it all. Beside him Erestor said, “I anticipate the next few weeks to be quite lively. They are a merry folk.”

An adorable meeting! Hobbits will be hobbits, and speak of lighter matters, no matter where they find themselves.

Author Reply: Hobbits will be hobbits, and think of food before all else! Had Boromir met them *after* dinner, then things would have gone smoother but even so, already Boromir is warming up to them. After all, how could anyone hope to resist the charms of hobbits for long, especially those two hobbits.

Thanks for reading!

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