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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Hobbits  by GamgeeFest 15 Review(s)
6336Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/2/2010
I didn't know about hands, I always heard it was feet!

Author Reply: It could be both, I suppose! :) Thanks for reading.

Glory UnderhillReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/22/2006
OMG, this story just keeps getting funnier and funnier! You really have hobbits nailed down to a tee!

Author Reply: Thank you Glory! I'm glad you're still enjoying it!

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/13/2006
Another wonderful laugh!!

"“Pippin,” Merry interjected, his tone trying. He was sick of hearing about that blasted rum cake. If he never heard of rum cake again it would be far too soon, and he was beginning to dislike the dwarves for ever having made it. Whatever had begun the long strife between dwarves and elves all those ages ago, he was certain that rum cake had something to do with it."

Too good!

"“Third time pays for all,” Merry agreed as Lindir flicked the feather over Gandalf’s nose a last time. Gandalf woke suddenly and wiped his honey-covered hand in the elf’s face. Merry and Pippin, safe behind the fern on the other side of the garden, howled with laughter.

“You fell for it!” said Pippin gleefully. “He fell for it, Merry!”"

So did I, I never figured they were really after Lindir!!

Thank you once again for the gift of laughter :-)

Author Reply: That prank was two-fold. Really, it was a win-win for Merry and Pippin. They've tried (unsuccessfully) to play that prank on Gandalf before and have failed each time. I'm sure they sincerely thought an elf would stand a better chance. And if he didn't, well, they still got an elf covered in honey!

And that rum cake - Merry's going to rue the day Pippin ever tasted rum cake. ;)

Thanks for reading! I'm so glad that you are enjoying these so much and that you're getting a laugh out of them! :)

Pipkin SweetgrassReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/4/2006
Oh, my Lord, I loved this! That was so very like the Pippin in my imagination, especially the part where he hooked the hapless elf into getting honey smeared on his face! I just adore this series and hope you keep writing them forever.

Author Reply: Thank you Pipkin! Pippin could talk just about anyone into anything, and he didn't even require Frodo's help this time. The prank was a win-win for Merry and Pippin - if Lindir had succeeded, then the elf would have done something that neither of them could ever do. They would have been shouting "he did it!" instead. :D

I don't think I'll be able to write this forever. They *do* eventually have to leave Rivendell after all, but I do have quite a few more ideas left to go.

Thanks for reading! I'm so glad you are enjoying this!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/2/2006
Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe! Oh, the image of poor Lindir being roped into such tricks, and on Gandalf, who's known several generations of Tooks and probably has had long experience with just these tricks....

And poor Elrond--and he thought one Hobbit entertaining!

Author Reply: If Lindir wanted to know more about mortal ways, he got a tasteful - literally. Merry and Pippin have probably both had that prank backfire on them and it would have been too much to pass up once Lindir showed a possibility of being talked into it. At least the other prank worked! Elrond's never had to deal with young hobbits before. It's clear now why he was always so keen on sending Merry and Pippin home!

I'm so glad you are enjoying this story! And that it gave you a good laugh. :D

ElemmírëReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/2/2006

The hobbits are absolutely right! Rivendell never will be the same again!

I enjoyed this chapter just as much as the others. :D

Author Reply: That would be Gandalf and yes, he is right. Rivendell won't be settling down until the hobbits leave for their Quest. Notice that in LOTR, there's never any discussion of Merry and Pippin *staying* in Rivendell, only how soon and in what direction can they leave! I think we now know why. LOL :D

cookiefleckReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/2/2006
Lots of fun stuff here and well-written! I think I liked the hand size discussion best, plus how Sam neatly side-stepped having to guess Boromir's age.

Author Reply: Thanks Cookie! The hand-size discussion was bound to come up again. Pippin's talk with his mother would only make him feel better for so long. He needs an objective party's reassurance and who better than Bilbo and a couple of elves. ;) Sam is a pro at side-stepping the whims and traps of his friends. His common hobbit sense never fails him.

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/2/2006
I don't know which bit made me laugh the most - curious Pippin, baffled Boromir, Merry's convictions about Dwarven rum cake, Gandalf outwitting an Elf *and* smothering him with honey! or Elves cleaning cream off the walls. Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!!! I nearly fell off my chair. Thank you so much for this tale, and I look forward to more.

Author Reply: Curious!Pippin is always a delight and he is learning just as much as Boromir, who might be getting to know the hobbits better but he still has a lot to learn. Merry might be holding a minor grudge against the dwarves, but don't think he'll pass up more rum cake if they ever make it again! He *will* make sure that Pippin is nowhere around to have any though. :) Gandalf knew the hobbits were up to *something*. After generations of Tooks, he knows the warning signs. You think someone would have given Elrond a head's up though. :P At least the whipped cream prank worked, even if the honey prank backfired! Lindir is one for one, not too shabby for a beginner. :D

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/2/2006
OOOOOh I love the lesson in ages... and the pranks... and above all the title!

But I must go to bed, really I must! *Yawwwwwn*

Author Reply: This is a working title actually survived to see the finished story. All the other titles I've changed, but the pun works well for this one. Tweens and pranks go hand and hand and the elves aren't even immune from infectious hobbit energy. :D Hopefully, Boromir will be better able to guess hobbit ages after this. ~_^

vampfan30Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/2/2006
I have to admit that I think you have these guys stewed down to a fine poison. I look forward to next additions! ^__^

Author Reply: Thanks Vamp! I was hesitant to write the elves and dwarves (one reason I decided Legolas should escort the scouts through Mirkwood) but I am getting a handle on them.

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