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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Hobbits  by GamgeeFest 13 Review(s)
DaynawaynaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/28/2007
These are just too cute Gam! You capture the hobbits ease and playfulness so well, and I just adore how they "worship" Boromir. And his soft spot for the Hobbits is just so endearing... you make me love him more! :)

And Poor Sam... too bad he never thought to hit Gollum with a rock! LOL!

Author Reply: Thank you, D! I do love writing the hobbits. They're so homey and rustic. And there certainly is a fair amount of idol worship going on towards Boromir, especially for Pippin and Merry; while the hobbits' youthfulness and innocence would remind Boromir of his youth with Faramir.

Oh, I'm sure throwing a rock at Gollum crossed Sam's mind any number of times! LOL It's a thing for everyone that he managed to restrain himself for so long. ;)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/11/2006
I've missed so many good stories while my internet was down, This was hysterical. I love this bit:
(“He’s excellent,” Pippin answered, not bothering to keep his voice low. “He slurs every other word and has no clue who he is, but other than that I’d say he’s feeling quite peachy.”)

I laughed out loud at that one. Pippin and Merry were entirely too funny in this and Sam, as always, made me as hungry as a Hobbit with his cooking. I do love it when Boromir is involved with the hobbits.

Author Reply: Just like something Pippin would say. I mean, a little amnesia never hurt anyone none, right? :P Merry and Pippin had quite a job ahead of them, helping Sam get over his guilt. They had to take their joking to the next level. Sam always cooks such wonderful food. I wish it was as easy to cook the food as it is to write about cooking the food - I'd cook much more often. :D

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/29/2006
Oh, GF, this chapter was so delightful! The Hobbits stories and there talk about...ahem...female problems had me doubled over and laughing till I almost cried. Oh my! They are something else! LOL! Boromir was most definitely entertained. And the riddle game was very nice--and I *like* yours. Much better than I could do.

And the Hobbits reading Boromir to sleep is just too sweet! Aaaawwww! *hugs them*

Yes, laughter and joy are the best medicine...after food, of course! :)
God bless,

Author Reply: Thank you QG! There's no one else like hobbits for stories and good times. Boromir learned all sorts of things about these particular hobbits, many of them probably being things he'd rather not know! lol *snerk* It makes sense that Sam and Pippin would be the ones to have the most knowledge about female problems, being raised around so many females. That's at least one area Pippin can say he knows more than Merry does.

Riddles are hard! I have a hard enough time just guessing most of them. Coming up with them? Forget out it. Just be grateful Pippin figured out Boromir's so quickly because I had no idea how to end it! :D And if anyone can convince the Man of Gondor to lie down and fall asleep to a nursery story, it's hobbits! A nice little extra bonding moment between Boromir, Pippin and Merry.

Laughter, joy and food - no wonder hobbits heal so quickly! ;)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/24/2006
To be coddled by Hobbits would be heavenly. Please send them my way! This was wonderful.

Author Reply: Oh my, the hobbits are going to be busy I see, coddling all my lovely readers. :D I'll send them right over with tea and cookies.

Boromir really is a lucky guy. If he had to be put out of commission for a day, at least he had some hobbits around to make the day go faster.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/23/2006
Oh gorgeous. I'm sure Boromir appreciated being looked after by hobbits. Even if there was rather too much food for his delicate digestion.

I love the idea of Sam introducing a whole new range of breakfast foods to Imladris. Future generations in the Blessed Realm will have reason to thank him!

And the bedtime story - I'll bet Boromir hasn't experienced that since he outgrew Nanny's attentions.

Author Reply: Boromir may not like to admit it, but there are many things hobbits are more hardy about than Men, besides just feet. A strong, healthy appetite and good aim are just a couple of them. :)

And the elves may have been around forever, but even they don't know *everything*. I'm sure they're learning just as much about hobbits as Boromir is. If they thought having Bilbo around would prepare them, they know realize how wrong they were! The trade-off is better (to the hobbits' mind) food and that's a pretty good trade. ;)

Nothing can catapult you back to your childhood years than being ill in bed. A nursery story was just the thing to close the day. Boromir will sleep peacefully that night thanks to his hobbits.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/23/2006
Definitely the best medicine GF. I got up this morning with a rotten cold, on my day off too, and this has already made me feel a little better. I loved every word of this!

One awful thought did occur to me! How would the quest have changed if Sam had found that 'kill' spot!

Author Reply: Sorry about your cold! I'll send some hobbits over with chicken soup and green tea. :D

Thankfully, we'll never have to know the answer to that question! I don't think Sam could have ever gotten over something like that.

Thanks for reading! I'm glad this made you feel a little better.

AltheaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/22/2006
This was so much fun to read. Hobbits are wonderful care-givers. I'd take a hit on the head with a pinecone if it meant being able to spend the day with these four fascinating personalities. It's a delight to discover how Boromir's affecton for his four charges is growing.

Author Reply: Boromir never suspected, when he first met them, that he would grow so attached to the hobbits. It's easy to understand why he would give his life to both save Merry and Pippin and to atone for attacking Frodo.

A day spent with hobbits is a wonderful day indeed. They're such good company and they cook the most delightful food and tell the craziest stories. Even their bickering is fun to listen to. :)

Thanks for reading!

Frodo BagginsReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/22/2006
Ahh, Merry and Pippin can be sweet, when they want to. Well, that's not fair, they are sweet, but usually they're more...incessant than sweet, especially Pippin.
How does Sam do it? Getting up early, I mean. I would sleep until ten every morning if I could. And when I don't have anything hanging over my head, I do. It's just not such a wise thing to do when I'm sleeping at my cousins's houses. We're all very fond of pranks, and I've played so many while my cousins were sleeping I've lost count. We're all good sports about it, though. One of my cousins always goes to sleep very early and sleeps very deep, so we've had the most fun with him. :) I'm sorry. Like Hobbits, I could talk forever about all the adventures my family and I have had, and other such trivial matters. Tell me when to stop. :) Hannon le for this funny story!
God Bless,
Frodo Baggins

Author Reply: Pippin is more exhaustive, Merry is quite incessant though, and they're both persistant! But they are sweet at all times, especially when they get to shower someone with food and comfort. Those are two things that all hobbits (or most hobbits) do well.

I don't think Sam *knows* how to sleep in late. It's not in his nature and he's been trained from a very early age to wake at the crack of dawn. Hmmm... maybe that's why he always seems to be dodging pranks! He's usually the first awake, and if he's not the last to sleep then Frodo is, and you know Frodo won't let anything happen to him. :D

Thanks for reading FB!

ElemmírëReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/22/2006
This was terrific, GamgeeFest. Almost make me want to be stuck in bed so the hobbits could come take care of me too! LOL!

I just knew Sam was going to cook for Boromir!!!! (grins happily) And I simply loved all the little things Sam does to ensure Frodo is taken care of. :D
And how Merry, Pippin, and Boromir's gentle teasing relieve poor Sam of his guilty feelings over the pinecone incident.

You did a totally AWESOME job describing/interpreting the legal infrastructure of the Shire, GamgeeFest!! I may just need to use this expansion of Tolkien's Letter as a reference point in some of my own tales, if you don't mind. You made the finer points very straightforward and easy to follow.

"...Should the parents be ineffective at resolving the matter, and the aunts, uncles or grandparents can’t help, then the family heads will get involved."

The Master and Mistress of a family have more power than the Thain or the Master or even the Mayor when it comes to familial matters. If your family head says you have to be home by seven every night and avoid the inns lest you shame your family’s honor by running amok, then you get home by seven and avoid the inns.”

HeHe. Somehow I think Frodo ought to know being an orphan. I'm sure there were plenty of times when either the Master of Buckland or Bilbo had to step in, in order for effective discipline to take place in his case.

Great job on the riddles too!

Boromir smiled gratefully at his friends, sad to see the day end. Tomorrow, they would have to return to their training sessions and Boromir was surprised to find that he dreaded the idea of it. He would much rather sit and enjoy the hobbits’ simply company than teach them to fight. The only reason he would continue to do so now was that the thought of these happy creatures finding themselves defenseless and at the mercy of the enemy was unbearable.

Only too true. :( I agree with Boromir.


Author Reply: I think we all would love to have our own hobbits to cook for us and take care of us when we're ill. I know I could certainly use a Sam!

Sam's best at apologizing through heaps and heaps of food, and making himself useful. Sam would have gone on cooking breakfast for Boromir indefinitely, and then Boromir really would need a new pair of pants to fit his ever-expanding waist size! Good thing Merry and Pippin, and Boromir, were able to help him get over his guilt and laugh at the 'incident'. But it is Frodo, first and foremost, that Sam needs to take care of. I enjoyed getting to spy on him first thing in the morning to see how he cares for his master.

I'm glad you liked my expansion of Letter #214. Families are everything to hobbits and so the top of the power pyramid, such as they have, would be the family heads, not the so-called 'rulers'. I would be honored if you wanted to use this explanation for your own writings. :) And you're right. I didn't think of it while I was writing it, but Frodo has certainly had his own run-ins with the 'law' of the land. His Uncle Rory has had to put him in his place on a couple of occasions, as well as Sara and Esme and Bilbo.

The riddles were borrowed. :D There was no way I was making all those up! It would be another three or four weeks before I updated if I tried to do that!

Boromir has a new devotion to his littlest charges. He'll do everything he can from here on out to make sure they're as prepared as they can be - and then he'll do everything he can on the Quest to make sure they don't have to use the skills he's teaching them. *hugs Boromir protectively*

Thanks for reading!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/22/2006
Oh wow! GF have you *any* idea how much this was guaranteed to thrill me? I *so* love turnabout h/c, where the hobbits take care of a Big Person! And for them to take such good care of Boromir was delightful. Every last bit of it, from Sam's getting up to make breakfast, to Pippin and Merry reading him to sleep at the end, and every last little bit in between.

I really loved the way they explained the "political" set up in the Shire. Given the generally peace-loving and conformist nature of the majority of hobbits, it really would work. A family head has much more control over those he or she rules than a mere political leader, such as a king or an elected official. And Boromir's amazement at the way that hobbits take care of things in the Shire, and his realization that they are such a peaceful little folk makes him feel even more protective of them.

I also loved the riddle games--those were some very clever riddles, some of which I knew instantly, and others that took me a few moments.

Lucky Boromir, to have a day of being pampered by hobbits! Almost makes me wish Sam would conk *me* in the head with a pine-cone!

Author Reply: hehe Sam might have felt guilty about conking Boromir on the head, but I don't hear Boromir complaining! He very much enjoyed his day being pampered by the hobbits, though he might have felt silly about the nursery story. Still, I'm betting he sleeps incredibly well that night. :D

Hearing how the hobbits manage their 'political' strifes was a real eye-opener but it should help him to better understand their hesitancy to fighting. He also learned some new riddles and found out he's not too bad at them himself. I needed help with them though!

I'm glad this story thrilled you so much, DF! I also enjoy seeing the hobbits take charge about caring for *their* 'Big People' - they're so good at it and it makes them that much more endearing. Boromir's an honorary hobbit now, whether he knows it or not. :)

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