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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Hobbits  by GamgeeFest 15 Review(s)
AltheaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/25/2007
Poor Legolas. The thought of men, a drawf, at least two hobbits, and a grumpy wizard going through weed withdrawal would be enough to put anyone off, but add to that the looming threat of another gold match and I'm amazed he even left his room. Boromir and Legolas make a good team. Their hiding place for the clubs was very clever. I can't wait to find out how the hobbits will react when they find that their clubs are missing, and what will Frodo do when he discovers the art books have disappeared as well? This is so much fun.

Author Reply: Legolas is quite the stout-hearted elf! No wonder Elrond chose him to go on the Quest. If he can face golf-addicted hobbits and weed withdrawal, taking down the Dark Lord should be a cinch. :D

Legolas doesn't know that Frodo can climb trees, and that Pippin does too. Of course, he put the clubs very far up the tree, so the likelihood of them being found is pretty small. :)

I think Boromir and Legolas would make a good detective team! LOL. They have bonded quite nicely over their shared desire to quell the golf madness.

Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/9/2007
hahaha, I am much enjoying these hobbitish stories indeed.

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying them! It's fun to imagine the impact the hobbits had on Rivendell and its residents. Now even the Big Folk are acting hobbity! :)

MithLuinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/21/2007
I imagine that Frodo will know something is up when Merry and Pippin search Sam's room and don't find the art books. Once the art books are found in Boromir and Legolas' room, it will be obvious they took the golf clubs, and with Sam's help, no less. If only Frodo didn't like golf so much....

I also enjoyed the line about casting the clubs back into the woodpiles :> And I thought Erestor's observation goes a long way to explaining Legolas' comment when they are all smoking at Isengard - well done.

Author Reply: If Merry and Pippin even get so far as searching Sam's room, much less anyone else's... ;) But even the best laid plans of Men and Elves and Hobbits are bound to have flaws, and this plan was thrown together rather hastily. :D

Boromir does have a rather dramatic side to him, doesn't he. To think that the golf clubs would be comparative in dark power to the Ring! LOL I don't recall that remark of Legolas's. I'll have to look it up the next chance I get.

Thank you for reviewing!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/20/2007
You are keeping me laughing from start to finish with this one GF!

Author Reply: Excellent! I'm so glad this made you laugh! :D

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/20/2007
It's a very, very dangerous thing that they do now! Trying to break a golfer's addiction to golf ... could lead to far more than Legolas and Boromir suspect.

Although Legolas now knows the dangers of being around weed-deprived hobbits, too.

The prospect of this journey just gets worse and worse!

Author Reply: If Legolas thinks nicotine withdrawal is scary!... ;) The following day should be very interesting for everyone involved. It won't be quite what Legolas and Boromir are expecting, but whether that's good or bad is left to be seen.

Legolas is off to a shaky start with the hobbits. I wouldn't be surprised if he's reconsidering the Quest. And they don't even know at this point that Merry and Pippin will be going too! ;D

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/19/2007
These are fun! A very different way of looking at the hobbits. I'm interested in what is going to happen next!

Excellent, GamgeeFest! :-)

Author Reply: Thank you Pearl! I'm glad you're enjoying the story. The hobbits were in Rivendell for so long and you know they had to interact with everyone while they were there. There were bound to be some very entertaining moments between all the calm and serenity. As for what happens next - expect more intrigue. :D

Thanks for reading!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/18/2007
Two subjects to strike terror in the hearts of the most courageous and wise--Hobbits and golf, and anyone suffering from withdrawal from nicotine. How wonderful!

And it appears there will be no rematch, for which Sam will be grateful, as well as Frodo in spite of himself. Heh!

Author Reply: Those were two huge revelations that Legolas had to suffer in one day. :D No wonder he's slightly paranoid about the hobbits!

As to the rematch - there's a flaw to their brilliant plan that will be uncovered in the next chapter. They're not out of danger yet! And Frodo will be (privately) grateful, despite himself.

Thanks for reading! I'm glad this gave you a laugh. :D

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/18/2007
We must cast them back into the woodpiles from whence they came.”
Bwahahahaha!!!!!! *snert* Oh my stars! I laughed so much at that. Poor Boromir and Legolas are finding out much more than they ever wanted to know!
I just love Sam. Practical, down-to-earth - and keeping Elven 'art' books under his bed!! This was priceless - and if the hobbits are so keen on golf they forget about food then I think hiding the clubs was a very good idea.

Author Reply: I debated putting that line in or leaving it out. Then I figured, what the heck, and put it in at the very last minute. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Boromir at least had time to learn all this. Poor Legolas is getting the crash course! No wonder he's so intimidated.

There's no one more practical than Sam. As for his placement of the books - it was nothing so naughty as what Boromir was suggesting. In another story of mine, I described Sam's room in Number Three as being so small - and the bed somewhat big for having to hold three sons at one time - that the only storage space he had was under the bed. So for Sam, it would have been instinctive to put the books there. I doubt he even thought much of it, until Boromir brought it up that is. ;)

Boromir and Legolas will no doubt be considered minor heroes for hiding those clubs. But there's a flaw in the plan. ;) The next day should be interesting.

Thanks for reading!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/18/2007
Oh dear! If that is what happens when you try to give up smoking...
But there are those nicotine patches! Well, I'll have to think it over.
Still, thumbs up to lovethosehobbits: You'll make it :)

“And while Frodo and Sam alone would not be so horrible to endure as Merry and Pippin, there is still a dwarf, a ranger and an incredibly grumpy wizard to take into account.”

LOL! I would really like to see a grumpy old wizard fighting the loss of pipe-weed.

And I can't wait to see what happens when the hobbits find out that their golf clubs have vanished (and if Legolas and Boromir like the art books) ;-)

Author Reply: I think Bilbo would have had a heightened reaction to withdrawal - he wouldn't know what was happening, and he has been smoking for 100 years or more by now. That's a lot to get over. They need a Middle-earth version of the nicotine patch.

Gandalf, I think, would have been through withdrawal before, so it might not be as bad as Legolas is fearing. Still, there would be a chain reaction to all those people going through withdrawal at the same time. Too bad they didn't know what group therapy is either. ;)

I'm sure Legolas and Boromir will find much to enjoy about the art books, both of them being so cultured as they are. ;)

Thanks for reading!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/18/2007
At last! A chance to read the final version of this chapter! (Lots of interruptions this morning!)

This is great! I love the extra interaction between Erestor and Legolas now! You really added a lot more to it than I expected! Beautiful job--and I can't wait to see what happens next!!

Author Reply: It did get rather longer than I was aiming for, but once I started filling in the corners, the muses just kept giving me more things to add. Those darn muses. ;) And Sam just can't seem to stay away from conspiracies. This one isn't quite over yet. ;) Thanks again for your suggestions and I'm glad you enjoyed the final product.

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