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Elf, Interrupted: Book One: Glorfindel Redux  by Fiondil 6 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 107 on 2/15/2008
Poor Vorondil. And he seems SO much younger than when he was complicit with the kidnapping of Glorfindel! Now, which one will end up wearing the owl brooch? Doesn't appear Manwe needs it, of course!

Author Reply: He is younger, at least emotionally. It's a consequence of his Judgment in the Grove of the Valar in Lorien. As for the brooch... well, Vaire commissioned it... and she's married....

KittyReviewed Chapter: 107 on 7/9/2007
"And, of course, the fact that you might therefore avoid having to help me never occurred to you, did it, Glorfindel?" Yes, that was exactly what I thought! It’s clear Glorfindel knew what Míriel planned for the day, after all.

Arafinwë gave Ingwë a piece of his mind, too! :-D I am very pleased, as I still think it was rather unfair to Glorfindel what he did, no matter how useful the whole thing was.

Love the idea that Glorfindel was the one to work on Vairë’s commission, as that is quite a honour, and I have a pretty good idea who will wear the pin.

Our dear Vorondil now had had more punishment than he deserves, with his hair and skin dyed yellow *lol* What did the poor elfling do to you to deserve *that*?

Author Reply: Glorfindel's nobody's fool! He must have thought it was the perfect opportunity to get out of having to help Miriel when Finrod spoke of punishing Vorondil for his attack on Lassezel.

"What did the poor elfling do to you to deserve *that*?"

He showed up in my story, that's what! *lol*

eilujReviewed Chapter: 107 on 7/9/2007
Well, I’m not as imaginative as you are. My idea for Vorondil’s punishment was that since Glorfindel will need someone to help him with his armor during the tournament, Vorondil would have a ball doing that (and would drive everyone crazy talking about it). Instead, you’ve dyed him yellow and invented dark hair with blond highlights.... And with that short haircut ... oh, good grief, it’s worse than I thought! Punk adolescent elves in Valinor ... *winces*

"Well, if anyone deserves being attacked by an elfling, it’s certainly Lord Lassezel" -- Not merely attacked by an elfling, but *subdued* by an elfling! He may never live it down.

Re. the dyeing, since Míriel had 2 kettles going, I’m assuming yellow wasn’t the only color she was dyeing, which means you missed a wonderful opportunity to turn Vorondil bi-colored.... Punk elves indeed....

Glad to hear that Arafinwë scolded Ingwë.

Ah -- I’ve just reread Glorfindel’s meeting with Eönwë. Thanks for the hint.

Author Reply: Glorfindel probably knows that Ingwe has put a strict ban on anyone under age 75 to be a squire or to have anything to do with weapons and armor, which is why Finrod didn't just let Vorondil be his squire rather than having Alassiel do it. So, it would never occur to him to let Vorondil arm him. And this way, Glorfindel gets out of having a dye job. Carding wool was bad enough as far as he's concerned.

"Punk adolescent elves in Valinor ..."

Well, trends have to start somewhere... *lol*

Actually there were more than two kettles going as this was a Guild dyeing "factory" so to speak.

NarielReviewed Chapter: 107 on 7/9/2007
This chapter was great! I can't believe it is your 107th chpter though. That really proves your dedication to your stories! I really do love it when I come a upon an author who writes a lot, but also has very few or no grammar mistakes. It's really hard to find those types of authors sometimes, but on this site it is SO easy.

My favorite part here had to be where Vorondil is exclaiming over how soaked he is with dye and how his Master is going to kill him! It was so funny; I could easily picture what you probably wanted your readers to see when they read that passage of your story.

I am taking it that the Laurelaiquamire is for Mandos. 1) Earlier Vaire you said something about Vaire making a green cloak for her husband, so that means it will match the outfit. 2) An owl is often the symbol of Athena, the goddess of wisdom in Greek Mythology; and Mandos is sometimes referred to in the HOME books as Mandos the Wise. Am I right?

OR, could it be for Yavanna who will then somehow give it to Olorin who will give it to Galadriel as the Elessar stone? I am taking that from the HOME books if you are wondering.

Just wondering is the reader supposed to see the Laurelaiquamire as a greenish-goldish stone?


Author Reply: I can't believe it's my 107th chapter either. I didn't think this story would go much beyond 50 chapters max when I started writing it. *lol* As for the lack of grammar mistakes... I have an excellent beta-mom who has to constantly correct me on the use of "lay" and "lie". I can never get them right and I'm an English teacher!

Vorondil's fear of Finrod killing him over getting soaked with dye was based on my own experience of cutting open my head when I was 14 and all I could say as the blood is flowing was, "My new shirt! Mom is going to kill me!"

As for the pin... we will see for whom it is meant. The Elessar stone is an eagle, though, not an owl. Sorry.

I've seen pictures of chryoprase and it's an apple-green color with golden highlights.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 107 on 7/9/2007
Glorfindel is cruel in the whole wool dying punishment, but very clever as well. I love it that he was caught in the act of "delegating: the nasty duty as a punishment for another. Too funny! Arafinwe is an excellent atar. I really like the the way you portray him. The part with the stone was exquisite as was the lesson in being capable of creating as well as destroying. Wasn't expecting the one who comissioned the piece to be who ti was though. Intersting!

Poor Vorondil with the whole dye incident.

What a wonderful story this is!

Author Reply: Yes, Glorfindel is a little sneaky here. Possible payback for what Vorondil did to him. I'm glad you like my rendition of Arafinwe, he started out to be a shadowy character about whom I knew little but he's become quite an interesting person in his own right. He's had much to work through himself so he can be very sympathetic towards others who are struggling with self-esteem issues. He's a good mentor for all three of the Reborn.

Vorondil is truly a parent's worse nightmare, never knowing what trouble he's going to land himself into without half trying. *grin*

Beruthiels CatReviewed Chapter: 107 on 7/9/2007
Intriguing! Still loving this story...and wondering who the pin may be for, although I have my suspicions, lol...


Author Reply: Thanks Cat, I'm glad I'm still able to hold your interest. As to whom the pin will go... three guesses and the first two don't count. *grin*

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