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Stirrings of Shadow  by Fiondil 7 Review(s)
1r93BMjpcReviewed Chapter: 18 on 12/2/2015
I love it. I really feel like I'm back home. I also raileze I like watching it come down from the inside, nice and toasty. How am I ever going to go back North?

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 7/5/2007
Most major places had a secret way or two, and they were certainly needed by those who lived there. Glad to find Meduseld has its own secret passageway, and that Morwen was such a worthy queen for Rohan. Steelsheen she proved as well!

Author Reply: What's a castle without secret passages, anyway? I just had to include one in this story. I hope to write more scenes with Morwen as the story progresses. She is one of those shadowy, under-rated characters that deserve more ink-time than is normally given such as she.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/30/2007
I love all the unexpected twists in this story,which keep me on the edge of my seat.A unique tale for which I eagerly await each chapter.

Author Reply: Hi Linda,

I am happy to see that you are enjoying this story and that it is suspenseful enough for you. I'm doing my best to give the plot interesting twists without stepping outside the realm of possibilities. Not an easy task so I appreciate it when people let me know that I'm doing something right. Thanks for reviewing.

HildigrimReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/29/2007
Excellent. Although I have my doubts about the very cinematic, final short paragraph (I could practically hear "The Mighty Wurlitzer" wurlitzing), I think this chapter hits a very high standard of story-telling. Grimbold and Aragorn continue to find their way working with each other.

Author Reply: Have no idea who "The Mighty Wurlitzer" is so wasn't thinking of it when I wrote the last paragraph. *grin* But I'm glad you liked the chapter anyway and hope you continue to enjoy the story. Thank you for your review. I truly appreciate it.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/28/2007
That is quite a development. What happened? Where is Thengel? Who are the traitors?
So many questions. I guess I have to wait to find out. At least Aragorn has now more on his mind than just what happened to his cousin. I liked the way you described how Aragorn's mood affected Widfora and how he worked on getting himself into a better frame of mind.

Author Reply: Wídfara is probably suffering from a mild case of hero-worshipping where it comes to Aragorn (but then, who isn't *grin*), so Aragorn's mood would affect Wídfara more than it would the others. It was probably one reason why Hilderic had Wídfara join them, knowing or hoping that Aragorn's relationship with the younger Rider would help him emotionally.

The answers to your questions will be forthcoming in subsequent chapters, I promise.

phyloxenaReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/28/2007
It is os nice that you made Morwen a noble and lovable character, not an arrogant outlander. And I like the way Aragorn makes everyone feel better about their positions.

Author Reply: I don't think, given Thengel's character as I've portrayed him here, Morwen could be anything but noble and loveable. Aragorn has a gift for making everyone feel better about themselves whatever their circumstances. It's one of the reaons he's one of my favorite LOTR characters.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/28/2007
Woo-hoo, the game is afoot! Go, Earntungol!

A neat, suspenseful chapter, with, as always, the very skillful usage of other languages adding much to the story.

Author Reply: Glad you are enjoying the story so far. Hopefully future chapters will not disappoint. Thanks for your comment on my language skills. I'm not an expert by any means, but I do try to be as authentic and as accurate as possible. I think the use of other languages, especially the Elvish languages, helps to ground the story squarely in Middle-earth rather than just anywhere.

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