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Stirrings of Shadow  by Fiondil 5 Review(s)
Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 38 on 3/31/2008
A very exciting chapter.Widfara's devotion to Aragorn is very moving.he is a lovely OC.

Author Reply: Hi Linda. I'm glad you found this chapter exciting. Not sure if too many people did because not much really happens. *grin* And I'm glad you like Wídfara. He's one of my favorite OCs, too. His devotion to Aragorn is quite touching and our intrepid Dúnadan is very fortunate to have such a staunch friend.

Shoshana_RoseReviewed Chapter: 38 on 3/22/2008
Excellent chapter yet again! The thick is plottening nicely (or should that be the other way around? ).

I truly enjoy Wídfara's gentle remonstration of Thandir (a man will certainly push boundaries for his brother), and how oblique he is about it.

Nice background on seige warfare and the belefits for avoiding it. I was in particular impressed how you included the detail about the difference between guarding a potential exit/entrance and blocking it off. Very incisive.

Can't wait to see what's afoot with Isenwulf (because I think something is!) Very dramatic ending!


Author Reply: Thanks Shoshi, I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. I draw my knoweldge of siege warfare based on my readings of medieval history, but I'm by no means an expert in the logistics of it. I'm sure there's more going on than we suspect with Isenwulf, but only time will tell. It will be a couple of months before anything happens since they all have to wait until spring. Thanks for reviewing.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 38 on 3/20/2008
I was very glad to see that Aragorn and Widfara were still friends. Sometimes, when one tries to help a friend, feelings can be hurt, motivations can be questioned, and a friendship is lost.

I liked Widafara's sly little hint that Aragorn really needed his help - if naught but to cut his meat. *giggles*

I found it interesting and will look forward to the explanation for Thandir's ill-ease at Thengel's new mission.

Great news that Thandir and Elrohir will be investigating help for Aragorn.

I smiled when the Rohirrim jumped. *giggles* Must be difficult on campaign with Elves! Another smile later in the chapter when Hildered wished he could disappear as silently as an Elf.

Another hmmm about the plague. Perhaps a certain wizard-induced event???

I had to LOL as I read about Gilhael's obvious enjoyment at being the one to tell the tale of the Silmarils...

Ever an optimist, I'm hoping that Isenwulf is only appearing to be a traitor. *crosses fingers*

And - an 'oh dear' passed my lips as I read the final sentence!

Great chapter of one of my favorite tales!

Author Reply: Aragorn and Wídfara's friendship is more like that of brothers, so even though the relationship got a bit strained there for a time, it didn't break and perhaps it is now stronger than before, as is evident from the sly teasing between them.

As to any explanation as to Thandir's ill-ease... as soon as he tells me I'll let you know. *grin*

It must be disconcerting to have someone just seemingly appear and disappear the way Elves do. I'm sure the Dúnedain Rangers got used to it, those who actually patroled with the Elves, but it must have seemed uncanny to the Rohirrim.

I had to LOL as I read about Gilhael's obvious enjoyment at being the one to tell the tale of the Silmarils...

My beta wondered if I was going to give the history of the Silmarils in 25 words or less. LOL. I'm not that brave.

We'll find out if Isenwulf is indeed a traitor and what Thengel will do now that they know that Edoras is closed to them.

Thanks for reviewing. I'm glad this is one of your favorite tales. It's one of mine, too.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 38 on 3/19/2008
So much needs to be learned if they are to successfully retake Edoras. Thengel has his work cut out for him, as do these.

Author Reply: Indeed. It will not be easy to retake Edoras, though we know from history that it was done.

NeiliaReviewed Chapter: 38 on 3/19/2008
I have absolutely no experience in warfare. *holding my hands up in amaze with mouth hanging open* Now what is Thengel King going to do? It seems a siege would be way too long and a real killer...hmmmm. Glad you are writing this and not me. :) Love, Neilia

Author Reply: That's alright, Neilia. I've had no experience in warfare either. I just make this up as I go along. *grin* I do however, rely on historical accounts of warfare and the experiences of others to help me out. I'm sure Thengel will think of something (and obviously he did else Théoden wouldn't have been King of Rohan during the Ring War).

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