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The Last Messenger: A Tale of Númenor  by Fiondil 6 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/3/2008
The mission accepted, and bitterness and fear begin to give way. Nice.

Am not able to remain online interminably, but will read this as I can.

Author Reply: Yes, though the mission will turn out to be quite different from what Laurendil thinks it is, but that's par for the course where the Valar are concerned.

I'm glad you're reading this whenever you can do so and look forward to whatever reviews you are able to post.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/18/2008
You have me hooked on another story. It was fun to see the familiar characters and have some new ones added. Since I'm lousy at timetables and tend to ignore any times and dates given in headers, it took me a while to place this story in the grand scheme of things. Until I read the reviews I didn't realize that this is nearly 3000 years after Elf Interrupted.

I look forward to Laurendil's mission and what he is supposed to accomplish or not accomplish on Numenor.

Author Reply: Ignoring headers... hmmm.... Lord Námo has a special hall just for people like you. LOL

Seriously, I'm glad you're hoooked and hope you stay that way. These first two chapters are more an introduction to the actual story which begins in chapter 3 and takes place on Númenor. And yes, this story takes place 2.791 years after the events chronicled in the first book of Elf, interrupted and approximately 2,100 years after Glorfindel has returnd to Middle-earth. That's a lot of water under the bridge.

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/15/2008
Wow, what a chapter. I knew I'd like this story. *grin* Loved the scene at the grove with Vorondil. That poor ellon has been through a lot, hasn't he? It is good to see him matured though, well as mature as he can get anyway, being an elfling at heart. *grin* Caladundil's reaction to Namo was cute. I just adore Namo's compassion too. I'm sure the Vala can deal with it, after all, if I recall, he did his own beating up on Atar once or twice. *grin*

Okay, my favorite part of this chapter was the transporting. That was GREAT!

"And mayhap, thy message will be less important than thy presence," Námo added, sounding grave.

The elves all stared at the Lord of Mandos in wonder. Vorondil then snorted. "And you’re not going to tell us why, are you?" he asked, giving the Vala a cheeky grin.

Námo effected an affronted air, though the older elves could detect a glint of humor in the Vala’s eyes that the younger ones missed. Marilla gave a small gasp at her husband’s tone and her brothers looked upon their sister’s husband with something bordering on awe at his audacity.

"I never reveal my sources of information, you know that," Námo said in cold tones that made the snows of Taniquetil seem warm in comparison.

Manwë started laughing. "Not even to us," he said with a wink to the elves, "so I doubt he’ll be any more forthcoming to you Children."

LOL! I really loved this.

And I look forward to finding out what Laurendil's message is and all that happens. Great chapter.


Author Reply: Thanks, NiRi. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. Yes, Calaldundil is a cutie and no doubt Námo was remembering his own little tantrums when the elfling attacked him. *grin*

The "I never reveal my sources" scene was fun to write. I could see Námo looking miffed at Vorondil's question yet at he same time secretly laughing, perhaps even having a 'private' conversation with Manwë about it at the same time. *grin*

Anyway, thanks for reviewing. The next chapter will be up by the weekend.

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/12/2008
Very nice chapter. Poor Vorondil still having to deal with that fear of the grove and what was done to him that night, though it did seem to work. But, perhaps the same results could have been achieved in a different manner, huh? His son is a chip off the old block, isn't he? I loved the image of him telling Ingil what his job was, it just struck me as so childlike and innocent and very true to life.

You should portray the change in Finrod very well. He is so much more mature and sure of himself now. 2900 hundred years will do that to you! :)

I'm resisting asking all of the questions I desperately want to ask and will just say I'm looking forward to the next chapter. *grin*

Author Reply: Thanks, Radbooks. I'm glad you liked the chapter. Calaldundil is a sweetie isn't he? I have attempted to portray what has happened to these characters nearly 2800 years after the events of Elf, Interrupeted: Book One, without giving away too much of the plot of EI2, so some questions will have to remain unaswered for some time.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/11/2008
Finally got a break and could read the new chapter thoroughly. :) As much as I am intrigued by the backstory about Earnur's death and Laurendil's grief, I have to admit that Vorondil and his son stole the scene for me. Calaldundil is such a sweetie. How old is he, by the way? I re-read chapter 1 and while we know that Laurendil's youngest's age, I couldn't find how old the elfling actually was.

The mental image of him flying at Lord Namo was priceless. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and it's obvious that Calaldundil has his atar's "act first, think later" trait. And I'm absolutely certain that had we seen this scene from Namo's perspective, we'd see that he was hiding amusement.

I need to get back to work but I just had to tell you that I like this story as much as I like "Elf Interrupted" and "Wars of the Valar"

Author Reply: Thanks, Rhyselle. I'm glad you not only enjoyed this chapter but also am enjoying the story as a whole. As for Calaldundil's age, the passage in chapter One that you were looking for is:

Manwen forbore to pester Laurendil with any questions concerning Findaráto or what was troubling her husband, keeping to safer subjects, such as the latest escapade of their grandson, only just turned fourteen.

That would make him not quite six in human terms, so you can just imagine how effective his attack on Námo would have been. *grin* I"m sure both Námo and Ingil found the whole thing hysterical but forbore from letting the elves know. Personally, my favorite part of the whole scene is of Irmondil and Eärnur slowly backing away while their nephew goes after Námo. The image of them hoping to avoid the coming wrath of the Lord of Mandos is quite funny to me.

Thanks for taking the time to review.

AlquawendeReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/10/2008
I feel for Vorondil. It was a big shock for him to enter the grove. His son is so adorable. Especially when he's hitting Namo. The part where Laurendil asnwers like how he would as a patrol guard, is funny, at least to me, especially in a hall with the Elder King and Star Queen. Thanks for writing! Hope to see an update soon! ^^

Author Reply: Glad you liked this chapter, Alquawendë. Yes, Calaldundil is adorable as only an elfling who's father is Vorondil can be. LOL. This story will be updated once a week. It's not very long so I'm stretching it out a bit. *grin*

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