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The Farewell in Gondor  by Larner 14 Review(s)
AntaneReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/20/2008
Finally getting to this. Of course Sam would know his heartbrother was in trouble. What a sad parting this will be and they have such a long way to go.

Namarie, God bless, Antane

Author Reply: Yes, Sam would know, and prepare as well as he could.

Thanks for the feedback!

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/25/2008
Oh my! I've been dying to read this. Something about it just spoke to my heart - and today I was finally able to cram in a moment.

I love it! It's wonderful. Going on to the next chapter! *claps hands in delight*

Author Reply: Am so glad you do. A possible AU, and perhaps not as sad as many anticipate.

SoledadReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/22/2008
I must say that Rosie Cotton is certainly the most understanding and generous women in Middle-earth. Few others would understand - and accept that their hubby would leave them alone for a friend, and that with a small babe, no less.

I'm properly intrigued about the path this AU is going to take.

Author Reply: I agree, Soledad. I so love Rosie, and am glad that the Master gave her to us along with Sam. But she's going to try to insure her Sam comes back to her--and so she gives him THAT kiss....

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/22/2008
Oh, what an intriguing start. Never really considered that Frodo might just stay in Minas Tirith because the Shire seemed such a part of him, but this is a neat idea. Of course Sam is sensitive enough and would feel Frodo's need even from that distance. What a wonderful elf you sent to carry him to Gondor!!! Glorfindel is a good choice. :) I'm looking forward to reading the next part of this tale.

Author Reply: It was a distinct possibility, so I decided to play with it. How it was he was convinced to do so will be revealed in the next chapter. And Glorfindel was the proper one to send for Sam, I felt.

My prayers are still going up for your parents, particularly your mom. Love to Jet.

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/22/2008
A very intriguing idea and one I have sometimes thought about. Poor Frodo - hopefully Aragorn and Sam can join forces to help him.

I love the bond between Frodo and Sam which means Sam knows when he is needed, plus your understanding Rosie and the Gaffer.

And Glorfindel has arrived! Wonderful!

Author Reply: It's interesting to see so many agree that this is a possibility they've considered as well as me. As for the Gaffer--he understands Sam's desire to offer service and fealty where it's well received, while Rosie understands Sam's love--although she does make certain he goes off with a good reminder of HER love for him, to insure he'll wish to return to him.

And I felt Glorfindel was the proper one to fetch Sam.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/21/2008
What an interesting idea that Frodo might stay in Gondor and something i've thought about.A Nice dramatic opening leaves me eagerly awaiting more.

Author Reply: I'd wondered about it, too, Linda--obviously! Am glad you appreciate the opening.

cookiefleckReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/21/2008
From the summary, I thought it was going to be a Sam-less story, but I took a peek at the first chapter and was pleasantly surprised. It sounds rather grim so far for Frodo. Looking forward to reading more. :o)

Author Reply: No, Sam is very much in this one, and I'm glad it pleases you. I'll be posting a couple times a week, I think, until it's all done. Thanks so, Cookiefleck.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/21/2008
Wow, Larner! That's an intriguing start!

I often wondered myself why Frodo did not remain with Aragorn. My answer always was: out of love for the Shire, together with a nagging feeling the something bad went on in his homeland and a wee bit of hope that there might be a life for him in the Shire after the destruction of the Ring.

However, he would have had many good reasons to stay in Minas Tirith.

"A major seizure of his heart" - that doesn't sound good. Let's see what Sam can do to help Frodo. If Aragorn calls for Sam, he might be expecting the worst!

It was fascinating to read that Sam somehow "felt" that he was needed. I've only heard of twins who knew when their sibling was in trouble, or pain. But in some way that's exactly what Frodo and Sam are, brothers of the heart.

Just one last question: When Frodo decided to stay with Aragorn why didn't he give Bag End to Sam? Maybe, deep in his heart he wanted to return someday?

I'm looking forward to reading more!

Somehow it seems to be impossible to write a SHORT review to your stories :)

Author Reply: I, too, wondered at times why Frodo didn't stay in Gondor--except to do so, he'd have to part from the rest of his family, and I doubt that he was ready to do that as yet.

Many of those who have become very emotionally attached to others appear to know when there's something wrong with the ones they love so; and after the journey to Mordor together, I am certain Sam's connection would be strong to Frodo.

When Sam left Gondor, Frodo didn't own Bag End--he'd sold it to Lotho and Lobelia. Now you'll see what happens with it.

And I don't mind any review, long or short. Thanks so.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/21/2008
Oh yes! I do like the changes--they're minor enough, but they still make the point. Well done!

Author Reply: Sometimes just a phrase added or a word changed makes a world of difference. Thanks so for your input, and for letting me know you've seen how it's better.

SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/21/2008
Well, this doesn't look as if it's going to end happily. An intriguing idea, though, and I'm interested to see more!

Author Reply: Ending happily is, of course, relative. At what point does a story end? After all, as Frodo and Sam noted, they were in their way merely continuing the story of Beren One-hand, which was merely continuing the story of Feanor, which had to do with the Creation of Arda, and the voyage of Earendil came between.... Heh!

Thanks for the feedback.

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