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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 7 Review(s)
RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/28/2008
Shattered is definitely the word for how those who saw Finrod and Glorfindel disappear must feel.

I love it that Alassiel would not leave the children. She's grown up a lot in the last little bit, hasn't she? And Melian is the perfect one to be Irmo's back up. And the perfect one to comfort Alassiel when it it no longer necessary for her to put on a brave face for the children. It's very interesting to compare this arrival in Lorien with her first one.

I wanted to weep when Irmo begged for Alassiel to trust him.

And I wanted to cuddle the elflings when they found out that they were to see Lord Irmo. I could just see little Veryandur clutching his toy horse. (BTW, I thought it very classy of Aldundil to thank him for lending the toy to Vorondil.)

I was amused by the way the kids were amazed at the fact the Valar have things that they aren't allowed to do. Sounds just like my kids' reactions when I informed them that I can't do everything I want too.

The lesson about oaths and how they stand when the oath's keeper is absent is an interesting thing to think about when we look Glorfindel's concerns over the oath he swore to Turgon... Irmo has pretty much confirmed that Glorfindel's oath is still extant and valid and must be upheld, if we go by what he tells the children.

Lindorille's flight reminded me of Ingwe's adventure when his fea ran back to Cuivienen in some ways, particularly how the fear took hold and nothing else seemed to register. Olorin's gentle treatment of her reminded me of how Ingwe was comforted until he returned to himself, so to speak. Of course, it's not surprising considering who Olorin learned from!

I can understand that after Glorfindel and Finrod's disappearance, any vanishing on the part of an apparently corporeal being would be terribly disturbing to the children. I thought that Irmo's bringing Elindis as "reinforcements" was an excellent idea. And Elindis' method of getting Eruanna to respond was inspired. Nothing more tempting to a child than the opportunity to correct an adult.

This was a sad chapter, but you still managed to have moments that made me smile in it too. Well done, as always!

Author Reply: Yes, it is interesting to compare Alassiel's first arrival to Lórien with this one. She has definitely changed for the better.

I think all children believe that once you are a grown-up you can do anything you want, since all they know is that they can't. I know I remember feeling that way myself when I was Veryandur's age. *grin*

Even though Finrod isn't there the oaths these children took are still binding if only for a term of time (six months or one year). Glorfindel's oath of course is a Life Oath and that works differently, but oaths are oaths regardless and these children are beginning to learn the consequences of taking them.

Your comparing Lindorillë's flight with Ingwë's is very interesting and one I hadn't thought on. There are obvious differences, since Lindorillë doesn't flee in fëa only, but certainly the gentle treatment until they return to themselves is similar.

And what child could resist correcting an adult? LOL Which is why Elindis is smart to do what she does in order to bring the child back to herself.

Thanks for reviewing, Rhyselle. I appreciate it.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/24/2008
Irmo and Est¨ and their people are going to have their hands full with distraught elflings (and elves). Poor little elflings - first they had to learn that everyone has to accept certain rules and can't always do what they wants, even the Valar themselves. This had to be rather confusing (and disappointing). Second, after the disappearance of Finrod and Glorfindel it was only too understandable that they panicked when Ingil did the same. How should they know there's a difference?
Elindis did a great job in calming down Eruanna. Mothers still have a few tricks up their sleeves, even if Maiar and Valar don't know what to do.

Did anyone ever tell you that you don't need cliffies to keep your readers interested? Not that I don't appreciate or enjoy this chapter, far from it - but I still want to know more about Glorfindel and Eärendil *sigh*

Author Reply: It's not that I purposely left Finrod and Glorfindel hanging, but in order to tell the story completely, I had to leave them where they were and backtrack to other characters to show what effect the ellyn's disappearance was having on others, especially the elflings. We will actually be seeing chapters on Vorondil, and find out what Sador, Beleg and some others are up to before we return to Glorfindel and find out about Eärendil. Sorry about that, but with so many characters wanting a piece of the pie, so to speak, I have to do a little bit of jumping around until I can get Finrod and Glorfindel back where they belong. Glad you liked the chapter anyway.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/20/2008
Aha! They broke, did they? And a bit of help was needed from Eruanna in order to help her! Ah, devious ones--and wise! Heh! And the Maiar have learned what to be circumspect about! Heh!

Author Reply: I'm sure it never occurred to any of them that they might have to be extra careful with the children given the circumstances that has brought them to Lórien. And Elindis, being a mother, has a few tricks up her sleeves the Maiar never heard of. *grin* In the next chapter we will see how all this plays out.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/20/2008
So incredibly sad. I was hoping for an update. And now, what about our beloved Vorondil???

Author Reply: We'll see what is up with Vorondil shortly. The next several chapters will detail what has been happening to everyone else while Finrod and Glorfindel are in the tenth dimension.

eilujReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/19/2008
Wisest of the Maiar was Olórin.... [I can’t pass up the opportunity to quote that, since I was reading it literally just a few minutes before finding this chapter was up.]

Yes: this is *not* a good time for the Maiar to disappear into thin air. There’s already been *more than enough* disappearing into thin air, as far as these elflings are concerned!

When the Valar need help, they turn to Elindis. *snicker*

And meanwhile, back in the Tenth Dimension ...?

Author Reply: Well, I think in this case, Olórin just happened to be in the vicinity so he was able to be of help. And who better to ask for help with children than someone who is a mother herself? Certainly Elindis has had more experience with dealing with children than the Maiar.

We won't be returning to Finrod and Glorfindel too soon. We need to see what else is happening around Aman first, but we will return to them eventually.

KayleeReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/19/2008
AW!!!!!! The poor elflings!!!!!!! *eyes wide* Ai Atar am I glad Olorin was there to save her...:(

Ah, how sneaky of Irmo to bring the High Queen into this. *giggles* and I love how she got the rhyme wrong on purpose.


*who loves Irmo as much as Namo, really...well, almost!* *grin*

Author Reply: Elindis, being both a Elf and a mother has more experience with deasling with children than the Maiar do, so Irmo isn't so much being sneaky as he's being smart. And Irmo is pretty cool... almost as cool as his older brother. *grin*

CesReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/19/2008
Nice to return to the little ones to see their reactions to the events. Children by nature are curious and for the most part accept some facts as natural, such as Finrod and Glorfindel being returned eventually. They have faith in the Vala!

And of course, they will learn that not even adults can always do as they please! There are always rules!


Author Reply: Because they have no other means of determinine reality, except their own experiences and what adults tell them, children are often more accepting of things as natural and are more trusting. I think all children see the adults around them as being free of 'rules' (I certainly did at their age) and only in growing up do they learn otherwise.

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