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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 14 Review(s)
TariReviewed Chapter: 9 on 6/3/2008
The Valar certainly do a lot of betting. The thought of them suffering the same punishment as the Elves is hilarious, and a good example. They can take punishment as well as applying it to others. And, they do it with humor.


Author Reply: The Elves are so young compared to the Valar and they are so 'new' to Arda that Námo especially enjoys trying to second guess which way they will go. It makes things more interesting for him and the other Valar and Námo enjoys "losing" every once in a while. Not sure if he lost this time on purpose or not. I suspect he did just so he would have an excuse to "play" with Aldundil and Vorondil. *grin*

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/27/2008
Lord Namo and his bets. I get the feeling he uses bets to get to do things he would like to do, but thinks are not quite fitting for his station. When he wants to play he loses a bet.

I love the father/son interaction here. Vorondil really has a vivid imagination... if he lets it run wild. But he needs some encouragement.

Author Reply: When [Námo] wants to play he loses a bet.

That sounds about right. *grin*

I don't think Vorondil was ever encouraged by his parents to be imaginative, but now that he's interacted with people like Finrod and Glorfindel, both of whom are very imagniative and inventive, he's learning that it's a good thing to have and is now being encourage to develop his imagination more. Having his father get invovled in the process will hopefully strengthen their bond in the right direction.

CesReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/12/2008
I love it when Námo has to serve punishments - he brings so much humor and fun to them! And it really serves to see the other side of him - I guess most elves see him as the stern Lord of Mandos without seeing his 'softer' side.

The more you write of Vorondil the more I like him. A big 180 degrees from the time when he hurt Glorfindel. Then I didn't really care what happened to him. But he's really become a favorite.


Author Reply: Námo serving punishments, and some of them self-inflicted... it is a rather amusing picture and it's fun to write him as not the Vala most likely to win the Doom and Gloom award every year. And I'm glad you like Vorondil as well. I didn't like him either at first but then he messed with both Glorfindel and Finrod and the results are...well, quite different from what one would expect. He's become one of my favorite OCs.

artistic spriteReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/11/2008
If you stop writing the world will end. Your stories always lift up my mood.....'stealing' from the Valar and 'attacking' a Maia indeed. Hee hee!

Author Reply: Oh dear... well, in that case, I guess I can never die. LOL I'm glad my stories are always uplifting for you. I think you can tell I had fun writing this chapter. *grin*

KittyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/11/2008
Ah, I see, Aldundil and Vorondil finally start to play! And I have to admit, their games are rather fitting for mischievous elflings. I am sure all the Valar and Maiar around have a lot of fun, even if they don’t show it.

Hm ... you mean Námo wants to play with them? Very suspicious. I wonder what they will get into *now*?

Author Reply: Hm ... you mean Námo wants to play with them? Very suspicious. I wonder what they will get into *now*?

With Námo one never knows. *LOL* If nothing else, both father and son will come away from the experience for the better and that's the whole point.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/11/2008
Still following and thoroughly enjoying Fiondil. Just not getting any time much for reviewing. Sorry! I love it when Namo loses his bets!

Author Reply: Hi Harrowcat. Thanks for letting me know you are still following and enjoying this story. I appreciate it. And you have to wonder if this time Námo didn't lose on purpose. *grin*

KayleeReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/10/2008

Greetings to you from that part of the *wry grin* Void known as Bismarck. Really, it's not as Void-like as you painted it, Fiondil, I'm ashamed of you. *chuckles and gives you Nienna-like pointed look*

As you can see, there's even Internet access in the hotel's lobby!!! What do you know! *grins* So here I am, reading and reviewing and snickering at this chapter (and since I all but told Atto to leave me alone whilst I checked email, he doesn't know what in the name of Lord Namo I'm laughing at)!!

THANK YOU so much for adding more to EI!

And...well, poor Tiutalion! *laughs* Covered in dirt by two "naughty elflings". What next?

*snicker* Poor aforementioned elflings, trying to figure out Nienna's mixed messages! Love it, meldonya! More?

Namarie, for the moment!


Author Reply: Hey Kaylee! Glad you're surviving the Void. *snicker* And I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter.

NeiliaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/10/2008
Hahahaha! I love it! Now, those two ellon will actually learn how to play together with a teacher such as Mano. TeeHee! It's wonderful when the ladies can win the wagers. :D The interaction between father and son is delightful. Hugs, Neilia

Author Reply: The whole idea of them being at Nienna's is to learn to be father and son for real and to heal from what has happened. With Námo in the mix, Nienna's household will never be the same. *grin*

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/10/2008
Good grief! You know how much I love Vorondil - glad you finally deigned to grace us with his progress.

AND - it does seem to be a very boring place.... hope they survive :-)

Author Reply: Well, boring does have its merits at times, but with those two AND Námo there, I doubt the word 'boring' will pass anyone's lips for some time. *grin*

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/10/2008
Oh, I haven't laughed so hard in such a long time!

This was a lovely break from the distress and pain of the former chapters (even though you've got humorous bits in them, this chapter is truly funny!).

I love the opening scene where Aldundil and Vorondil start breaking out of the roles they'd been molded into by their lives as a family. Aldundil is becoming an Atto and not just being called that by his son.

I know exactly how surprised Vorondil must have felt when his father said "let’s see what kind of mischief we two can get into before they catch us." It's not exactly the kind of thing you'd expect a responsible adult to say. *grin* Sneaking after sweets in the kitchen! At first I thought that Aldundil should have known that they were being allowed to get to their goal of the sweets cupboard, then remembered that until very recently, he probably had very little direct contact with the Maiar. It's easy to forget that most elves probably have never directly interacted with one of the Valar or Maiar--at least knowingly--since the main characters in this tale are thrust into situations where they are pretty much continually associating with them.

Nienna must spend a lot of time trying to hide her amusement when she's dealing with the elves. But what I liked best was how she dealt with Vorondil's fear after they were "caught."

"So... which one of you was LĂşthien?"
*It can’t be Vorondil,* he [Námo] exclaimed, nearly incapacitated with laughter, *he has the wrong color eyes.*

Mwhahahahahahahahaha! That was so funny! And having to help make more sweets was an appropriate punishment.

What a sad statement about Aldundil's life that he hadn't felt as happy as he did when Nienna praised his early efforts of illumination since before Vorondil was born. I have to say that I am much more sympathetic to him now than I originally was when he hacked off Vorondil's hair after the trial.

Hmmm. Will we ever find out just what Arafinwë did to get sent to Nienna's? I'm assuming that it was when he was Lord Manwë's apprentice after he returned to Tirion and became the Noldoran.

I've exchanged dirt clods with my siblings during my childhood, but never with a parent. The mental image of Aldundil acting like an elfling with his son was so lovely and funny and poignant. One gets the impression that neither of them has had much fun in their lives together. And, yes, Tuitalion did make a mistake in what he told them. *giggle* Another prize image is of him crowned with the lump of dirt and the weed. *another giggle*

It is very obvious that Vorondil has learned a lot from Finrod, even to the issue of "appropriate" (albeit unusual) punishment. Of course, now that they've trashed the cloister, the weeding is an appropriate punishment. Vorondil still needs to work on forethought, doesn't he? *grin*

I'm certain that the other Maiar will lovingly tease Tiutalion a bit, but then probably share their own stories of silly things that happened to them.

"What would you like to wager?" Oops... I should have known... Hee! I have a feeling that the expert on the right kind of mischief is going to be the one to teach Aldundil and Vorondil the most.

By the end of this chapter, it is clear that father and son have begun to learn more about each other, and to strengthen their love with knowledge of each other. They have a long way to go, but, somehow, I feel a lot more hopeful for them than I had been.

BTW, I noticed that neither of them even mentioned Finrod and Glorfindel's current predicament, or asked about it. Does Vorondil even realize that they are still alive and relatively safe? Or is he refusing to even contemplate their fate? Or has Nienna quietly diverted him from thinking about it in detail?

Excellent chapter!

Author Reply: Aldundil and Vorondil are learning what it means to be a real Atto and a real Yondo to one another, which was the whole idea of sending them to Nienna in the first place. It really had nothing to do with "punishment".

I think we will see why Arafinwë was sent to Nienna and what happened there when I finally get the Darkening story written. Once I finish up The Last Messenger and Stirrings of Shadow I plan to start on that story though I probably will not post it until after Elf, Interrupted: Book Two is finished or nearly so, as I don't want to spoil certain plot surprises in that story.

BTW, I noticed that neither of them even mentioned Finrod and Glorfindel's current predicament, or asked about it.

In the previous chapter, Aldundil did ask if Finrod and Glorfindel were alive and was satisfied, or at least accepeted, Nienna's answer about them. Vorondil, when he woke up immediately asked about Finrod and was assured by Nienna that Finrod was fine and that someday Vorondil would see him again. Vorondil has had enough dealings with the Valar through Finrod to accept what they say and not question it. And I'm sure Nienna is keeping him busy enough so he's not constantly thinking about it.

Tnanks for reviewing. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter.

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