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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 14 Review(s)
ImhirielReviewed Chapter: 29 on 5/31/2009
I was really touched by Finrod's explation of why he signed the letter at all (and what a very good question by Olwë!). It really helps to fleshen out the character further with the weight of his background.

Interesting fact about who the Elves in the audience were. Devious, indeed.

while Findaráto must endure his anamillë’s sharp tongue and sharper wit.


Regarding what I said in the previous chapter review, the discussion about whether Glorfindel and Finrod feel punished enough confirms my complaints (if you can call them so). Of course they acted wrongly, but they somehow cringe in expectation of the "wrath of the Valar". I'm rather glad, therefore, that Námo spiked that idea in this particular instance.

You are an enigma wrapped up in a mystery

This line seems familiar to me - is it by chance a quote from somewhere?

“Why do you have to do anything with me?” Glorfindel asked, looking mulish. “Why can you not just leave me alone?”

Good question!

Námo said softly, remembering well the anguish and despair that had consumed Turgon’s fëa, so much so that Námo had forbidden his Judgment at the time. Even now the once king of Gondolin still lay in healing sleep guarded constantly by four Maiar until such time as he was deemed strong enough to face the Judgment of the Valar as all must who had participated in the Rebellion.

Ooooh, I am highly intrigued. Do you expand on this somewhere else?

Author Reply: I'm glad you found Finrod's explanation touching and that you like how I am (slowly) fleshing out Olwë's character.

Glorfindel, especially, is still at a stage emotionally when he is expecting punishment and when dealing with the Lord of Mandos, it's safe to assume (however wrongly) that you're more likely to be punished than not. *grin*

I don't know where the quote "an enigma wrapped up in a mystery" comes from. It's just something I've heard or seen elsewhere in a different context, but I think it describes Glorfindel to a "T". *grin*

As for Turgon... the only place where I explicitly speak about his delayed judgment is in my story "Lord Námo's Yule Gift" which you can read on this site. Eventually, I hope to actually write about Turgon and his judgment but that will come in a completely different story. Someday....

eilujReviewed Chapter: 29 on 11/8/2008
“I don’t really regret it... giving up the crown, I mean, but I ... sometimes I miss it" -- Oh golly, tell me about it! I never expected retirement would be so totally discombobulating ... mostly a case of things I *never* expected to miss at all, let alone miss so much ... and a really surprising number of them related to supervisory matters.

“Why did you get a copy?” Ingwë asked, sounding almost angry. / “Why didn’t I get a copy?” Glorfindel demanded. No one paid any attention to him -- Silly elves!

"Inviting these particular people to the Judgment sent a double message: We know who you are and if we will not spare even one of our own, do not think yourself immune" -- As you said, Manwë is devious indeed!

"First I will stop at Lórien and make sure Celepharn has done the flet correctly" -- *snicker* And I hope we get to see it.

Glorfindel was such a delight in this chapter. Well, *everyone's* characterization, really, was delightful, but particularly Glorfindel. And Námo (who more than most of the Valar seems to have developed the knowledge of when to keep silent into a fine art). And Finrod. And Ingwë. And Arafinwë....

The big question: will Nienna let Glorfindel come? I hope so -- I'd like to see it! -- but there's no denying that I'm expecting her to have to put her foot down on at least a few occasions (not that she's not perfectly capable of that). And the poor Maiar will be telling tales of this time for ... well, whatever is an appropriately enormous number of yéni.

Author Reply: Thanks, eiluj. I'm glad you found so many things of interest in the chapter. The only difference between you and Finrod is that he didn't exactly retire, but I guess it's just a matter of degree. *grin*

I think Námo learned discretion very early on... but Manwë certainly has learned how to be devious over the ages; he's not quite as naive as he used to be.

We should see the flet eventually. As to whether Nienna lets Glorfindel come to see Ingwion... that remains to be seen. *grin*

SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: 29 on 11/4/2008
An enigma wrapped in a mystery, eh? Nice obscure political reference, that. ;)

Author Reply: Not sure if there's anything obscurely political to Námo's statement; he's just stating a fact (as the Valar see it). *grin*

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 29 on 11/2/2008
An interesting transition chapter. I like the quiet discussion with Namo and the realization of who had been invited as observers. Definitely an object lesson.

Sorry to be so far out of step with your writing, but things are progressing with my current client, which is not always the best thing to hear when one is dealing with Alzheimer's. Hope your own studies and teaching are going well.

Author Reply: Hi Larner. No need to apologize. I quite understand. I appreciate that you take the time when you can to leave a review. My own studies went well enough and now I have to start looking for work now that I'm back in Germany. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. I liked Námo's little chat with Finrod and Glorfindel, too. *grin* Let's hope that the Valar's object lesson sticks.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 29 on 11/2/2008
Ah, now I am beginning to understand. Manwë *is* devious – to invite these particular elves was an interesting move. And even Ingoldo and the others? THAT was a surprise!

You are an enigma wrapped up in a mystery. *grin* Well, that’s saying something, coming from Námo! But our dear balrog-slayer is certainly not the easiest being in Arda to deal with.

Hm, so it might not have been Lórien but Ingwion Glorfindel was drawn to? Interesting! I’m really curious what is coming next!

Author Reply: I think Námo's words to Glorfindel sum him up pretty well. *grin* And coming from Námo that's saying a lot!

Manwë is indeed devious. He may be without guile himself but he's learned from others how things should be done at times. He didn't become the Elder King of Arda by being stupid.

We'll find out what's up with Glorfindel soon enough.

TariReviewed Chapter: 29 on 10/31/2008
Sometimes showing someone what could happened if they do not mend their ways can alter their course in a positive way.. The way the Valar handled the situation is what I would expect of them.

As for Glorfindel; I'll just have to wait to see what happens next. I think he's handling himself quite well considering all he's been through.


Author Reply: Well, that was the whole reason why the Valar decided not to keep the trial secret in hopes that the Elves would see that no one is exempt, not even the Guardians themselves.

Glorfindel is... well, Glorfindel. *grin* We'll see just how well he's handling things soon enough.

Independence1776Reviewed Chapter: 29 on 10/30/2008
I don't blame Finrod in the slightest for doodling his titles. I would have probably done the same thing.

The Valar are devious indeed. I hadn't even considered them "inviting" malcontents.

“'Maybe we can run away.'
Finrod stared at Glorfindel in disbelief. 'Run away where?' he cried.
'Hmm.... bad idea?' Glorfindel asked.
'To say the least.'”

The above made me literally laugh aloud. Of course Namó would come in at precisely the wrong time.

I wouldn't want to see the punishment the Valar would come up with if Glorfindel had pushed the issue.

And someday, Glorfindel will discover why they aren't leaving him alone.

Ooh... this new development ought to be interesting. :)

~ Indy

Author Reply: I think the words "Valar" and "devious" are almost synonyms of one another. *grin* And I wouldn't want to see what punishment the Valar, especially Namo, would come up with either. It's a good thing Glorfindel backed down. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 29 on 10/30/2008
A very interesting chapter - espeically since Finrod Felagund is one of my most favoritest characters - except for Boromir :)

There is something about his friendship with Men that has always endeared him to me. And the fact that he gave up his throne to help Beren... I do so love the Elf...

Thanks for a little glimpse into what he lost... hopefully, at some point in time, he will be happy!

It will be interesting to 'see' what on earth is happening between Glorfindel and Ingwion.

Great chapter - as always!

Author Reply: Hi Agape. Finrod has always been my favorite First Age Elf as well for a variety of reasons but befriending Men is at the top of the list. I'm sure given time and other responsibilities his loss will lessen and he will find happiness and purpose in his life again. Right now he's still feeling his way and it's not always easy.

As for Glorfindel and Ingwion... wait and see. *grin*

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

GoldenFlowerReviewed Chapter: 29 on 10/30/2008
Wonderful chapter, very funny, loved Glorfindel being all like, " But what about meee? Aren't you listening?" in some parts xD. LOved it as always, update soooooon!


Author Reply: Glorfindel was definitely feeling left out with everyone else getting "The List" and he didn't. Typical adolescent behavior. *grin*

6336Reviewed Chapter: 29 on 10/30/2008
Oops! I meant Vorondil, not Viondil, forgot to check my charector list, darn!

Author Reply: That's okay... I answered a reviews for the Tapestry fic which features Thingol and kept referring to him as Thranduil! lol.... all those similar sounding names! It's worse than a Russian novel.

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