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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 15 Review(s)
artistic spriteReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/20/2008
This is quite a dark chapter.

Author Reply: But a necessary one.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/18/2008
Vorondil's eagerness to go exploring is so sweet! Though I am glad his father kept him from waking Ingwion up - I can imagine what would have happened otherwise! And why do I get the feeling our dear Vorondil has a serious case of hero-worship for Finrod? *grin*

The waterfall sounds absolutely beautiful! Though Aldundil's reaction to it was worrying, to say the least. And even more the second time. Somehow I think he has to finally get to make his peace with his past, and this vale may force him to do just that. At least I hope that's why he is feeling he'll find his death there - I certainly hope it is *not* meaning any real death. It would devastate Vorondil, no doubt.

And really, Eönwë should made himself useful and stop Vorondil and Aldundil instead of recording oaths! I hope there are some other Maiar around to do that.

Now I am really worried about these two. Can't wait for the next chapter!

Author Reply: I think perhaps Vorondil has a slight case of hero-worship for Finrod in spite of everything that's happened lately. *grin*

There are, of course, many ways to 'die' and not all of them have to do with physical death. We will see in the next chapter just what happens to the three of them.

Eönwë can only do what he is instructed to do, either by Manwë or Eru, and his task is not to interfere with what the Children do but to record their oaths. It's no doubt hard at times for him to remain uninvolved but he does take pride in his position and carries out his duties faithfully.

Thanks for reviewing, Kitty. I appreciate it.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/18/2008
Woah! A fearful situation to be faced indeed. You have me thinking about a certain maze.

Author Reply: Well, with the Valar anything is possible. *grin*

TariReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/17/2008
It’s sad that Aldundil thinks someone wishes him dead. It certainly wouldn’t be Iluvatar’s wish, or that of the Valar. Vorondil seems to have developed quite a bond with Findarato.

Somehow I don’t feel anything terrible will happen to the three once they are inside the valley. It sounds so wonderful; I’d like to be there myself.

Author Reply: I don't think Aldundil thinks someone wants him dead. I think he merely believes that his death, however he may be defining it, lies within the valley. How that all plays out will be seen in the next chapter.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/17/2008
This probably will sound odd, but after re-reading the chapter after sleeping on it (and actually dreaming a bit about it) I awakened with the conviction that Aldundil is going to meet his brother, and Vorondil, his namesake uncle. Where, when and how, I have no clue. I also awakened with the conviction that another fragment of the grief that has caused Ingwion the pain central to his life will be revealed.

It was an odd feeling.

Regardless of whether the above happens in the next chapter, I had to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. It's emotions and the mystery (and I mean that in a spiritual sense as well as the nominal meaning) would not let me go, and I look forward to the next installment when you get it posted.

Well done!

Author Reply: A very interesting conviction, Rhyselle, and we'll see how close (or not) your ideas come to reality when the next chapter is posted. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. I hope you find the next one equally enjoyable. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/16/2008
Oh dear.

Great imagery.

Author Reply: Thanks, NiRi. I'm glad you liked this.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/16/2008
Now, to learn what this means in the here and now.

I'd wondered if all roads led to Rome in this tale. He has something definitely to face here--that is certain.

Author Reply: In this case, all trails lead to the Fana Nírion. *grin* We will see in the next chapter what comes of it all.

Independence1776Reviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/16/2008
Nice little roller coaster, this chapter. Little bits of humor and beauty interspered with serious matters.

"Instead, a sense of calm inevitability stole over him and he somehow knew that his death was waiting for him in this vale." Uh-oh. Foresight like this is not usually a good thing.

Vorondil, couldn't you see that your actions just made it absolute certainty that your father would go into said vale?

Oh, that oath may come back to haunt Ingwion, mighten it?

Yes, now I understand why you didn't translate the name in the previous chapter.

Wonderful chapter that sent chills up my spine. I'm *almost* dreading reading what will happen next.

Author Reply: Not all foretelling is a bad thing and "death" has many shades of meaning as we will see in the next chapter. In fact, while only Aldundil understands in some incohate way that his "death" lies in that vale, that is true for the other two elves as well, though they are unaware of it.

EdlynReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/16/2008
Oh meldonya! What can I say?

Aldundil's terror was heart-wrenching. Vorondil's awe and wonder at the waterfall and birds was contagious and reminded me of my first sight of a sizable waterfall in the Rocky Mountains. And Ingwion, well, what can I say about him. He';s as close to perfect as I think he can get.

But best of all you gave us these beautiful words: “That’s not why they call us that, Atto,” Vorondil said, surprising the two older elves, when he stopped to address them.

“Oh?” Aldundil gave his son an enquiring look.

Vorondil nodded. “Master says they call us that to remind us and them that we are indeed Ilúvatar’s Children and therefore beloved by the Valar for that reason alone and for no other. Master says it’s not an insult but an affirmation of who and what we are before the eyes of Eru.”

I participated in the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick today at Church and reading Vorondil's words echoed the feeling of grace and love that I felt as the priest touched my brow with the consecrated oil.

Thank you so very much for this chapter. Yes, I'm probably going to figuratively be tearing my fingernails to shreds hanging on this cliff you've left us at but I know it will be worth it!

Eru bless!


Author Reply: Hi Edlyn. Thanks for your review. I think the central core of the chapter is the very part you've quoted. I'm glad that it spoke to you so deeply during the sacrament. I know from my own experience that this particular sacrament can be very powerful and healing.

I hope you have some fingernails left by the time I post the next chapter. I promise not to let anyone hanging for too long. *grin*

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/16/2008
I'm sorry - as tense as the chapter was - I could not help laughing at the sight of Eonwe... You just can't make an oath anywhere without him showing up.

Poor Vorondil - he does love his father... I do so hope you have no deaths in store for your poor readers....

Author Reply: Well, there's death and then again there's death. *grin* As for Eönwë... he does evoke a smile or two whenever he shows up, doesn't he?

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