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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 9 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 76 on 9/29/2009
Hm, it's probably true that at least part of the reason Eärnur was sent had to do with Lasgalad. Though I guess it's not the only reason, too. But I am glad he was there and could help.

Yay, Pelendur and Haldir finally got to talk! I am so glad to see Pelendur is coming along. It may still be a while until they can be close again, but at least they do spend time with each other and seem to be on the path to reconcilation. And it is good that they are going to talk about the time since the Noldor rebels departed; I think both need this knowledge to really understand how much has changed, including themselves.

*lol* Findegil tricked them nicely, didn't he? Nice to see him again :)

I feel so sorry for Ingwion. The reason for his sorrow is probably the often hinted at and never explained one, right?

Author Reply: Hi Kitty. There are, of course, several reasons for Earnur being there and Lasgalad is only one of them.

Pelendur and Haldir have some ways to go but at least they´re talking to one another and willing to listen. That is the important thing.

Findegil is a cadgey character, isn´t he? *grin*

And Ingwion´s sorrow is indeed connected to what has often been hinted at but will someday soon be explained. I promise.

HelReviewed Chapter: 76 on 9/27/2009
I´m a bit at a loss about the last scene. There is something I miss about Ingwion and Ingil, which I can´t exactly place at the moment. So I wait for part two in the hope of a solution of the situation and a reason for Ingwion´s emotional outburst.

It´s good to see that Haldir and Pelendur are talking and solving their problems.

Author Reply: Unfortunately we will not see a resolution to this last scene immediately for it has to do with something in Ingwion´s past. See my reply to Larner´s review for a fuller explanation.

SitaraReviewed Chapter: 76 on 9/27/2009
Hmm..It looks like Findegil's slip of the tongue would make this particular chapter extremely interesting for anyone who loves mystery. And who doesn't, actually? "lol"

Ingil...Ugh, taking into account my poor knowledge in regard to the HoMe books, I think there is a version (earlier, perhaps?) according to which Ingil was the name of Ingwe's first born son. But, somehow, I don't think this would be all the mystery, if I'm to judge also Ingwe and Elindis' reaction during Vorondil's trial. Here seems to be something more than that and I wonder myself whether it'd be about an "Ingil" or an "Ingoldo".....Don't mind me, I'm crazy.

I also have to wonder what is that Glorfindel seems to know and whether he knows how Ingwion feels having someone dear currently residing in Mandos or he actually knows the identity of our mysterious Elf. I' d rather take the former.

Well, since I don't actually believe you're going to spoil the surprise in this story (meaning, spill all the beans or at least, part of them "lol"), I'll try to be patient.

Author Reply: I am afraid I have dropped a very large mystery on my readers here, for which I apologize, but that was Ingwion´s reaction and I just had to put it in. As for what Glorfindel knows and how does he know it.... I suppose eventually that will be revealed as well. *grin*

EllieReviewed Chapter: 76 on 9/24/2009
So much happens in each of these chapters it is difficult to know what to comment on. I this I am most intrigued this time by what has upset Ingwion so much and how Glorfindel knows what it is.

I realy like the picture of the cities that you create. They seem so real as if they could be just down the street. NIcely done!

Can't wait for more!

Author Reply: I know everyone is scratching their heads at Ingeion´s outburst, but I promise that eventually all will be revealed.

Thanks for letting me know how well I am doing in describing the various cities. I am trying to make them as different from each other as possible yet still be ones which elves would build. Avallone was actually modeled somewhat after the city of Ceuta on the North African coast near Morocco.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 76 on 9/23/2009
Heh. ”I think it best if you Reborn are not all in one group.” Were certain plans to get into trouble spoiled here? ;-)

It is good to see Pelendur and Haldir moving towards reconciliation. I expect that Arafinwë will be pleased with at least _this_ result of the trip to Tol Eressëa.

You have dropped some rather heavy hints that Ingwion (and Ingwë) lost some very important to them during the darkening. Now, with Ingwion’s reaction to the name Ingil, I can guess that this is the person’s name. And with that name, I can only assume that this must have been a relative – and a close one, too. Perhaps Ingwion had a brother with that name? I know – to get any answers, I must wait for your Darkening story.

I must say that Findegil certainly has an odd sense of humour. :-)

Are your Internet woes likely to be resolved soon?

Author Reply: Ah.... very good guesses but alas I can say neither yea or nay to them at this time or I will spoil everything. *grin* But please be patient and all will be revealed in due time.

Hopefully our internet woes will soon be over. Keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer or two to whoever is in charged of such things. Using an internet cafe once a week is a real drag and expensive.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 76 on 9/22/2009
It's been forever since I reviewed thanks to really crummy computer problems but I'm back and was so very pleased to get caught up on this story.

I'm very much enjoying the trip to Tol Eressea, and I am rather amused at how the royal progress keeps picking up people enroute!

I like the idea of Lord Namo giving Ingwion Sindarin lessons... *grin* Sounds like a short story in the making, hmmmm? (Yes, I suppose it's a hint to your muse... LOL!)

But what I really like is seeing things like Pelendur and Haldir reconciling, and being open to learn about each other's lives while they were separated by the Rebellion.

I am definitely curious about what it is about the baby-to-be's name that affected Ingwion so much. Something to do with the person that he wants released from Mandos, perhaps? Something coming down to him from the time of the Darkening? Hmmmmmm.... I know, "wait and see!" :)

Every chapter gets better and better; building on what has gone before, like threads in a tapestry. Vaire would be proud of you. :)

Author Reply: Hi Rhyselle. Glad to see you back. As for Ingwion.... yes, wait and see. *grin* And please do not give my Muse any more hints! I can´t keep up! *lol* Anyway thanks for letting me know how much you are enjoying this. I really appreciate it.

TariReviewed Chapter: 76 on 9/22/2009
I can't seem to find the words to express how this chapter affected me. The healing was so needed. Father and son finally reconciling: Eleves forgiving each other. Wouldn't it be a wonderful place in which to live? It sounds so beautiful.

Author Reply: Yes it does, Tari. Would that we humans could be that forgiving of one another.

njomoReviewed Chapter: 76 on 9/22/2009
Hi Fiondil,

Aahh, you've left us with another mystery! What better way is there to help me be patient as I'll be chewing this over for the next week! And I need to go back to EI1 to investigate something.

But at a first and then second reading, my guess is that Ingwion's distress is caused by either the mention of a child, the mention of a child to be named after him (even partially) or the name Ingil. And I think the emotion we see here is the same emotion we saw at the trial during the tournamnet when Ingwion demanded Námo to release "him"-whoever that might be. And there were some hints dropped in EI1 about events that occurred during the darkening.... We'll see next week if I'm way off track or not.

It's nice to see Haldir and his father really "talking" to each other, and by that I mean they are listening to the other as well as speaking.

Thanks Fiondil! Now to my research....


Author Reply: Hi Joanne. Unfortunately you will have to wait a while before you get the answers to your questions concerning Ingwion. Very good guesses by the way.

And yes, Haldir and Pelendur are finally listening to one another which is actually the most important part of speaking.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 76 on 9/22/2009
Am not completely certain what has set Ingwion off, but hope to be enlightened. The thought anyone says he hates anyone else?

Author Reply: No. Ingwion´s problem has to do with his past, which will be revealed more fully in the Darkening story that I am presently writing. In fact, I have finished the first part of it leading up to the actual events surrounding the destruction of the Trees. I hope to begin publishing the story early in the new year.

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