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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 8 Review(s)
Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 79 on 11/24/2009
I have to laugh - when I wrote the review for the last chapter... I somehow was under the impression that was day 2...

Good grief - this has been a long and trying day for everyone... My heart went out to all involved, but I am now becoming 'accustomed' to the 'frailty' of the Reborn... Poor Sador...

Well - reading onward.... hoping to catch up before the new year! Giggles...

Author Reply: So much was happening with everyone that I had to split the chapter into two or it would have been way too long. Sador will recover soon enough. He is surrounded by people who love and care for him and will help him.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 79 on 10/25/2009
Loved the way they were teasing Beleg in the beginning. But then things went downhill. You know, I can understand that Laurendil and Manwen didn't take it well to be called back. They would be probably more willing to go if someone would bother to tell them *why*, instead of just ordering it. No wonder they feel used and manipulated. Thinking back over the story, the Valar have been interfering a lot, indeed.

As for Sador, it was a bit surprising how he reacted, as he has always been so quiet and easy-going. But on second thought, I guess it's not really so surprising. There's been happening too much and that was obviously the last strain. I hope he will recover soon.

Author Reply: Sador has actually been too quiet and easy-going considering all that has happened to him lately so this explosion was probably long overdue. Laurendil and Manwen will no doubt come around once their initial anger passes. We will see how it works out in later chapters.

SitaraReviewed Chapter: 79 on 10/23/2009
I feel like starting to cheer everytime I see someone giving the Valar what for, even if a little bit. “lol”. However, yes, I do appreciate their gentle care for Sador and for anyone else could be the recipient of their soothing treatment. And yet… Arafinwë’s reason and I quote “I know the Valar do not do anything without purpose” doesn’t work as well as he and the Valar themselves would want to. This argument is successfully working only in one case. In the case of The One, I mean. No Vala can make this claim, not unless they’d want another disaster upon their hands.

I hope Sador’s situation would get better and that means, in my opinion, for him to find some traces in regard to his family. As for Laurendil and Manwen….my insane urge to see Irmo defied in his face (he knows why “lol”) notwithstanding, I have to grit my teeth and admit that, as long they have taken an oath of apprenticeship, they both are bound to obey their master. “sticking out her tongue at said master”

Author Reply: *grin* I can just see you gritting your teeth, Sitara, as you write that last sentence. Anyway, you are correct on several accounts. While the Valar do not do anything without reason, it does not necessarily follow that the reason is legitimate or even wise, yet they can only do as they do in trust that in the end Eru will make it all come out right. That, essentially, is our own hope, is it not?

And Laurendil and Manwen I think realize that their oaths will force them to obey, though they need not like doing so (do we always enjoy obey our elders or superiors?). We'll see how it all works out soon enough.

njomoReviewed Chapter: 79 on 10/18/2009
Hi Fiondil,

I've felt for some time that Sador was just too quiet. Maybe that's not quite the correct word to use. For all his being reborn roughly the same amount of time as Glorfindel, he's always seemed very level-headed and able to cope. Seeing the difficulties Glorfindel had at times, I wondered if Sador was just somehow more mature than Glorfindel, or if sooner or later he would reach a breaking point. I thought more the latter--and sometimes one wishes that what one expects won't happen. But Sador has many around him now who are able and willing to help him through this time, if he will let them.

While Glorfindel's aside to Finrod is amusing, I was heartened by his analysis of the situation of the progress at the moment. His question, "should we be worried?" might really be funny if circumstances were different. I'm glad that while the maiar were amused the rest of the party took him seriously. I don't know for sure what you intended, but I felt that this was more than just a "smart" remark on his part.

I also enjoyed Olwë's honesty about what he thought the progress would be like. I've been in that situation before--not being able to say what I thought a situation would be like but never-the-less insisting "not like this". And Ingil's reply to Olwë's comment: “We have no advice to give you except to continue as you have," must have been very frustrating to hear. Not encouraging at all.

I hardly dare to think what might happen next!

Thanks Fiondil.


Author Reply: Hi Joanne. Orome and Namo both knew that Sador was sublimating certain emotions and knew that sooner or later something would trigger an explosion. Sador appears more level-headed and mature but that's not entirely true. He is, however, closer to the level of maturity that he had before his death than Glorfindel has simply because he died so young. At least he does have people around him to help him through this particular crisis.

And while Glorfindel is prone to smart-aleck remarks when it suits him, even then he can be very serious about it and certainly the other elves are taking his summation seriously enough simply because they are feeling the same way. As frustrating as Ingil's advice is, it is sound. The Maiar have no advice to give and the elves must simply muddle through as they can.

We will see how it all falls out over the next few chapters. The excitement isn't over yet!

Thanks for reviewing, Joanne. I really appreciate it.

TariReviewed Chapter: 79 on 10/14/2009
Watch out for the quiet ones, hmmmm. We are not dangerous. I’m with Beleg.

Problems, problems, but what to do? What a day they are having indeed. It’s enough to make anyone tired. Those Maia must be pretty strong if even the females can carry an elf effortlessly.

Author Reply: Well the Maiar are spiritual beings with great powers beyond anything an Elf or a Mortal has, so carrying a grown Elf is not a problem. *grin*

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 79 on 10/14/2009
They keep seeing such emotional setbacks. Hopefully the presence of Laurendil and Manwen so far has managed to put the rumors to rest among the thoughtful.

Author Reply: Emotional setbacks are bound to happen especially in stress-filled situations and this day has been full of stress for the Elves. And hopefully enough people have seen Laurendil and Manwen to negate the rumors about them.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 79 on 10/13/2009
It would be nice if the Valar actually did tell people WHY every now and then. I feel so sorry for Sador and his lonliness. Looking forward to more answers to pressing questions about WHY? WHY? WHY? *stomps foot and pouts in honor of Sador and L & M.

Another fine chapter!

Author Reply: LOL! We'll just have to wait and see, won't we? Sometimes, telling someone WHY doesn't always help and much must be taken on faith. As Arafinwe points out the Valar do nothing without reason even if the Elves can't see it. I'm sure Laurendil and Manwen will come around.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 79 on 10/13/2009
Hm, well that was intersting and very explosive! I can understand how everyone is feeling, more than one Valar has finger in this pie!
Let's hope that Laurendil and Manwen make it back to Lorion in time and that Sador recovers from his breakdown.
Would still like to hear Ingil's tales though!:<)
More please,

Author Reply: We'll see in the next few chapter how things go with everyone. And maybe someday Ingil will have a chance to "snitch" on Beleg. *grin*

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