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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 5 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 98 on 3/2/2010
You certainly made sure Glorfindel will not have a smooth journey, did you? A snowstorm in the summer and on top of it another nasty memory back ... luckily he was not alone; under these conditions it could have ended badly. Though I have do admit, I am wondering if that snowstorm was entirely natural *thinks back to a certain snowstorm on Taniquetil*

Author Reply: Hey! What's a quest without some obstacles along the way? *LOL* And while we think that a snowstorm in summer is odd, it isn't when you are far enough north (or south). I remember being in Scotland in August and it was snowing in the Highlands.

Yes, that was a nasty memory and a nasty time for it to surface, so it is a good thing Glorfindel was not alone. As to whether the snowstorm was natural or not.... who can really say? *grin*

TariReviewed Chapter: 98 on 2/23/2010
It's interesting that snow storms should occur in the off season; shades of the Valar I think. Of course, look at the strange weather we are experiencing in America.

really glad Glorfindel had someone with him. Had he not, the flashback might have resulted in him freezing to death. That would have made me a very unhappy reader.

Author Reply: It depends on where you are as far a weather is concerned, Tari. Glorfindel and Mánatamir are far enough north that snow in August would not be unusual though granted a blizzard would be so who knows. Snow bands, such as that described in the story, actually exist. I live in an area of the country where it could be white-out conditions in one area and absolutely clear in another and only a few hundred feet separate the two areas from one another. It literally feels as if one is moving into or out of a wall of snow.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 98 on 2/22/2010
It's a good thing he wasn't alone, then. Glad that Manatamir is with him right now, no matter who he is in reality! Glad they found a better shelter, at least.

Author Reply: A very good thing or who knows what might have happened.

HelReviewed Chapter: 98 on 2/21/2010
A snowstorm in August! Elwing and Earendil are really not easy to find. I wonder if those two just don´t want to have visitors or if someone else don´t want them to be found.

And Mánatamir´s story will shurely be a very interesting one, which we will hopefully learn sooner than later. Being holed up in cave during a snowstorm is a good occasion for swapping stories by the way.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 98 on 2/19/2010
Hm, interesting weather pattern, 'they', whoever 'they' are, really want to keep Elwings Tower hidden!
Poor Glorfy, what a time for that memory to surface.
Still think there is more to Manatamir than there seems!
More please,

Author Reply: It's unclear of course if the weather pattern is deliberate or simply a natural phenomenon. Most likely the latter. And yes, it is a terrible time for such a memory to surface. Unfortunately, Glorfindel has no control either over the weather or his memories resurfacing. As for Mánatamir.... *grin*

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