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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 8 Review(s)
SitaraReviewed Chapter: 100 on 3/15/2010
Hello, Fiondil. Because of a surgery and other subsequent health issues, I wasn’t able to read properly the last chapters of your saga. I hope to get back on track from now on especially because it feels like the end is near. So, this is the long-awaited moment, for both Glorfindel and us. He was reunited with Eärendil, met his wife and found out that his companion was actually a Maia. A pretty rough day, I’d say, and I don’t even need to mention his near death. “grin” However, I’m glad for him; now he can truly feel not merely know that his sacrifice and horrible death weren’t in vain. I’m also glad he enjoyed so much another trip abroad Vingilot. It must have been a stunning view, indeed.

Tolkien gave us a nice physical description of Eärendil and I thank you for pointing it out to me, as I hadn’t seen it before. As for Elwing…I waited more than half of a year for my anger in regard to her to subside in order to write some rational and maybe a bit compassionate comments. I guess that now would be a good time to find out if it did.

Author Reply: Hi, Sitara. Glad to hear from you and I hope you are well on the way to recovery and are feeling much better.

Yes, Glorfindel has had a rather rough time of it, but hopefully the worst is over now that he and Eärendil have been reunited. And the ride on Vingilot probably made everything else he went through to get there worthwhile.

I have to thank my friend Ellie for showing me the references to Eärendil's physical description as I had forgotten them myself. I'm sure a lot of readers just assumed he would be dark-haired since his sons were.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 100 on 3/2/2010
Finally! Earendil! Yay!!!
What a way to meet him though, almost chewed up by Great Cats and in the arms of a Maia! Shakes head, Glorfi, Glorfy, Glorfy what are we to do with you. Oh well, alls well that ends well!
You get to ride in Vingilot again, but this time for real, wow!
Hm, mybe Namo should look in to that, 'Faer waiting', insted of call waiting, it would certainly help during the busy times, he could park excess fear there until he has time to deal with them, probably the more bothersome ones, a few kings and the odd prince come to mind!
I never knew Earendil was fair, I always had this impression of him as being dark haired, maybe because Elrond was dark and he was supposed to look like his father. Elrond and Elros must take after their mother in their colouring.
Now to see what comes after Glorfy wakes up from his nap, which sounds like a good idea to me, maybe I will go and take one too!

Author Reply: All's well that ends well, indeed, Lynda!

I'm sure Námo has some sort of system set up for busy times, maybe a sort of triage with the more difficult cases (like Glorfindel) being put on hold until last *grin*. However, since time itself does not seem to act the same way in Mandos as in the rest of Arda, it hardly matters.

I always thought Eärendil was dark too until a friend pointed out some passages in the Silmarillion and in HoME that indicated that Eärendil was fair. I think we are easily fooled into thinking otherwise because, as you say, Elrond (and presumably Elros) is described as dark-haired.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 100 on 3/2/2010
*snicker* Love Glorfindel's thoughts about being in Mandos and Námo putting it off to deal with him :D

Hm ... so Glorfindel's companion *was* a Maia. Why am I not surprised? And he still allowed poor Glorfi to be injured again!

Oh, he has found Eärendil! Finally! *does a happy dance* I'm really glad he is not only safe now, but has found the tower, too. Now I look forward to know how that visit will turn out.

Author Reply: I thought that was funny myself, Glorfindel believing himself to be dead and wondering why he wasn't being Judged immediately like before. *grin*

And now he has found Eärendil, or rather, Eärendil has found him. We'll see soon enough how his visit turns out.

TariReviewed Chapter: 100 on 3/1/2010
I just knew there was something more to Mánatamir than what had been presented, but, I did not guess that he would be a Maia. Glorfindel has found that which he was seeking. Awesome. I would not be surprised to find that he was tempted to stay there. Who wouldn't want to.

Author Reply: Well, I know some readers were thinking Mánatamir was a Maia or possibly one of the Valar, but obviously not everyone, so don't feel bad, Tari. Glorfindel did indeed find Eärendil (or more correctly, Eärendil found him) but whether he's actually found what he was seeking remains unclear. I'm sure he would like to stick around for a while and renew his acquaintance with Eärendil after going to all the trouble of getting there. *grin*

eilujReviewed Chapter: 100 on 2/26/2010
Now *that* was an unexpected way to find Eärendil.

I'd been suspecting Mánatamir was a Maia also: his appearance in that dangerous land was altogether too fortuitous, and then there was your formal Clue about Tilion. Yeah, easy to say that now when I wasn't reviewing to register a prediction before it happened ...

... so here goes with the next one: I am expecting Glorfindel to meet at least one unexpected person among the local residents. Not going to say who I think it is, because I'm probably wrong as always....

“Well, it’s a good thing I came when I did, else I think you would have had a lot of explaining to do to Lord Manwë and Lord Námo” -- Yes, and why *did* Eärendil show up when he did?

Interesting that Aerandir, Falathar and Erellont are there -- not to mention the other settlers.

If I'm remembering correctly, Glorfindel doesn't know who Eluréd and Elurín were related to. I suppose it's possible Elwing might mention them by name....

Author Reply: Yes, indeed, eiluj! And next chapter we'll see just who Glorfindel meets and then you can see if you were correct in your guesses or not. And you are correct that Glorfindel would not know that Eluréd and Elurín were Elwing's brothers. I'm sure Elwing or someone will say something and Glorfindel will realize who his little playmates were. It should be an interesting scene but we won't see it immediately.

As for why Eärendil showed up when he did... no doubt he was 'told' to by Someone. Or Mänatamir sent him an SOS via ósanwë.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 100 on 2/26/2010
Indeed, I DID have reason to feel smug! And he has achieved his goal at last, and now waits to learn his new assignment. Now, to bring the love of his parents to Elrond and Elrond's family!

Author Reply: Well, as to all of that, that may be a bit premature. There is still much Glorfindel must accomplish before he is given, as you say, his assignment. All in good time, though. There is still much more of this tale to tell.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 100 on 2/26/2010
So Mánatamir was a Maia!

Elwing's “We have waited a long time for thy coming” makes me wonder just what they were waiting for. It might of course have been simply for an old friend to be released from Mandos. but we know that Glorfindel is going back to Middle-Earth, so methinks there is something more afoot here...

Author Reply: I am sure Glorfindel (and we) will learn what Elwing meant soon enough. *grin*

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 100 on 2/26/2010
Earendil! It's Earendil, they found him! Well, Matanamir knew where Earendil was all along...and he's a Maia! Manwe's Maia! I should have known...I figured after a while he was a Maia but I thought maybe he was Orome's servant, since he had a hound following him and I suppose I was just used to the idea of Orome and his hunting dogs. *grin*

And there's Elwing, too! And Earendil's companions...I think they were Elves too and it's wonderful that they came back to stay with him.

Also, the 'argument' over whose ship it was...that was awesome. :D Well, Atar borrowed it...*giggles* I love that. Does Earendil know just /what/ Iluvatar planned to do with his ship that time? Did he hear about what his "Glorfi" got up to?

If he hadn't heard the story, I hope he does now!!! I'm so sorry for not reviewing lately but as you said before Atar Fiondil, school comes first. Rest assured I've read every single chapter of all your stories though!

Tye-melin, Atar indonyo!


Author Reply: Hi, Kaylee. I'm glad you are remembering my advice that school comes first. Good job! I'm glad you are still reading when you can and whenever you can leave a review is fine too.

I'm glad you thought the argument over whose ship it was was awesome. I just sort of thought it funny myself. *grin*

We'll learn a bit more about Mánatamir and his relationship with Eärendil and Elwing (and Manwë) in subsequent chapters.

Thanks for reviewing, Kaylee. I appreciate it.

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