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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 10 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 108 on 4/4/2010
Have to agree with the Reborn; what they were and did in Beleriand is determining who they are, and they can't just leave that behind as if it never existed. I think that's a mistake on the side of the Lóriennildi to insist on them only living in and for Aman. They need both.

Oh well, it was only to be expected that these three would *not* return in time from their little visit to Námo. I would have been surprised if the Valar didn't use it for their own purpose. No wonder Arafinwë was a bit pissed off.

Author Reply: I think Finrod is slowly showing the Lóriennildi the error of their ways and making it easier for future Reborn as the deal with life in Lórien. Certainly, they have it easier than Finrod himself did!

We'll see in the next couple of chapters what the Valar want with our three Reborn.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 108 on 4/2/2010
An interesting meeting between the delegates and the Valar. Now--to find out how our three missing Reborn are faring! Heh!

Author Reply: And we will find out in the next two chapters how the missing Reborn are faring and just what the Valar want with them. *grin*

TariReviewed Chapter: 108 on 3/29/2010
Coming into the presence of the Vala is going to very traumatic for some of the elves, I’m sure. I wonder how many will faint. They’ll definitely be shaking in their shoes unnecessarily. The Vala only want to help them resolve their petty disagreements. They should be enjoying the honor bestowed upon them, instead of waiting for the shoes to fall.

Author Reply: No doubt you are correct, Tari. For most of the Tol Eressëans the Valar have only been rumors and not fact. They are about to meet the facts behind the rumors face-to-face and that will be daunting for many. Hopefully tha Amanians in their easy approach to the Valar and the Valar themselves will put them at their ease and they will see that they have nothing to be afraid of.

HelReviewed Chapter: 108 on 3/28/2010
Manwë nodded. "Let us go then. We will need to move quickly if we are to keep our promise to have Sador and the other two ellyn here tomorrow."

This comment in combination with the a bit to empty street give me a bad feeling. I hope they did´t manage to go to the other dimension or something like that.

Arafinwe should have known the moment he told the three Reborn to be back in time for dinner that they wouldn´t be there punctually.

And I have somehow the impression that the whole incident was kind of planed by the Valar to meet some of the Tol Eresseans before the official meeting.

The next day will shurely be interesting and stressful.

Author Reply: Chills up your spine, Hel? *grin* It's not as bad as it may appear. We'll find out in the next chapter just what has happened to our three Reborn.

You might be right about the Valar planning the whole incident for their own purposes in order to meet some of the Tol Eressëans before the official meeting. There's always an agenda with them. *grin*

And before we get to the next day, we still have to get through the night. *sly wink*

Thanks for reviewing, Hel, and I'm glad you are still enjoying this story. I really appreciate your comments.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 108 on 3/27/2010
forgot to tell you that the review praising arafinwe was from me as if you hadn't already guessed. sorry I forgot to sign it!

Author Reply: No problem, Ellie. Thanks for letting me know.

Reviewed Chapter: 108 on 3/27/2010
Arafinwe is such a good dad. I don't blmae him one bit for storming in there and demanding to know where his son was. I'm glad that he calmed down though and was suitably chastised for his behavior. It showed the Tol eresseans that living beside the Valar it is possible to treat them like normal people - just don't go too far with it. Arafinwe really is an excellent king and a just plain good ellon.

it truely must be a weird experience for the elves living so closely with the Maiar and Valar who are so far beyond them and yet so like them, too.

Author Reply: Yes, he is, isn't he? He's the sort of father I never had myself, and I wish he could be my dad, too. I think with him as an example, Finrod will make an excellent daddy himself someday. *grin*

I think most of the Amanian Elves rarely think about the Valar and Maiar in their midst. They're just there in the background but they don't have anything to do with them on a day-to-day basis, so when the Valar do intrude into their lives it comes to something of a shock. Of course, for some people, because of who they are, they are often in contact with the Valar or at least with their Maiar servants so it's a bit different for them. Arafinwë knows how far he can get away with his attitude without crossing the line into disrespect. That's something that Ingwion hasn't quite mastered yet as you may recall. *grin*

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 108 on 3/27/2010
It has been far too long since I left you a review for this story (RL has been amazingly busy!) but I just had to comment on this one!

I just knew, when Arafinwe told Sador and the other Reborn to be back in time for supper, that they weren't going to make it! LOL!

I really find it interesting how much the Reborn feel that yearning to be with Lord Namo, and still have discomfort about it too. It's a good parallel with how many of us yearn to be with God, and yet fear being that close to Love Eternal.

Sador and company were a great excuse to get Arafinwe and members of the Delegation to meet with the Valar at a time when the Delegation was... unprepared... for the meeting. Meeting at a pre-arranged time would have given them time to build up their "armor" and strengthen their pre-existing opinions and attitudes, but with the concern about the missing "elflings" and the surprise of seeing all of the Powers, this time their reactions were true. Of course the Valar can see beyond the facade that the elves project to each other, but this was quite educational for the delegates.

As always, this was wonderfully written and while I love following Glorfindel's thread through the story, I really like knowing what is going on with the rest of the characters I've come to love since I first clicked on the link to "Elf Interrupted more than 2 years ago.

Looking forward to seeing just how Maranwe and Vanimelde were keeping Sador and company entertained, as well as just what the Valar's purpose for the trio is.

Well done!

Author Reply: Hi, Rhyselle. I find your observation about the parallel between the Reborns' yearning yet discomfort to be with Lord Námo and our own yearning yet fear of being close to Love Eternal very telling. I had never thought of it quite that way and I appreciate you drawing the parallel. Something to think about, surely.

The three members of the Delegation certainly did not have time to 'rehearse' their lines for the Valar, that's for sure. *grin* Just as well. It made things easier for the Valar to cut through the chaff and get to what was really important.

I'm glad you are finding this story still a wonderful read after more than two years (more like three!) and are looking forward for more. Thanks for taking the time to let me know. I really appreciate it. Next chapter we will indeed see what the Valar want with our three Reborn and you won't have long to wait, either. *grin*

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 108 on 3/26/2010
Typo alert: ”... the gate that had not been built by any elvish wight ...” I think you had intended to use _wright_.

I suspect that the story of how _The Inn of the Laughing Vala_ got its name would have been even stranger if the Elves knes that the Valar drew straws to find out which one of them got to visit the inn first – and that Tulkas won. :-)

Heh – as soon as the elves had dumped their luggage in their rooms, three of the Reborn made a beeline for Námo’s mansion.

Seeing the Reborn comparing notes about their experiences was interesting. I think the Reborn are all forming a cheering section for Finrod and his effort to reeducate the Lóriennildi. They are all evidently rather annoyed about the attitude of the Lóriennildi that their past was of no consequence. And such an attitude isn’t a good one. As Glóremmir said, “The past is what defines us. All our experiences, good and bad, make up the sum of who we are.”

I suspect Luhtanna may find out just what sort of trouble three reborn can get into in Valmar. If necessary, they may well invent an entirely new kind of trouble. ;-)

Since the valar have decided to open their mansions for the delegates, I suspect Manwë is going to get nagged by Varda about the floors... ;-)

Author Reply: _Wight_: from Old English _wiht_ (obsolete) 'a living being; a creature.'

Of course I could have used the word _wright_ and that would have fit as well, but I deliberately used _wight_ to indicate any and all elvish persons as opposed to just those who were capable of crafting such gates (not all Elves would have had the necessary skills involved).

I suspect you are correct about _The Laughing Vala_. I cannot imagine too many Elves able to visualize the Valar resorting to something like drawing straws to see who gets to go. *grin*

The Reborn as a group I think will be instrumental in re-educating many of the Elves of Aman and not just the Lňriennildi. Having a prince of the realm who is also a Reborn at the vanguard of such a movement can only help.

And I'm sure Varda will restrain herself around the Elves and wait until after they are gone to start grousing about the floors. *grin*

Thanks for the comments, Sunny. I appreciate you taking the time to send them.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 108 on 3/26/2010
Hm, interesting, very interesting!
Just what are Sador and Company up to with the Maia?
Yes, I know it's coming. it's coming!

Author Reply: Hi, Lynda. Glad you enjoyed this chapter. Next chapter will reveal what happened to the three Reborn and you won't have too long to wait for it. *grin*

Arwen75Reviewed Chapter: 108 on 3/26/2010
Now wandering where those three have got to.... Really enjoying this Fiondil - I am reading every new chapter, but not reveiwing thanks to real life. Looking forwrad to seeing where this council goes....

Author Reply: We'll see in the next chapter what happened to our three Reborn, Arwen. Glad you are still reading and enjoying this story. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.

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