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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 8 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 114 on 4/23/2010
This chapter proves once more how necessary it is that the elves of Aman learn more about Beleriand and the life there. They do understand so little, which will lead to many more misunderstandings, even about matters who are less difficult to understand than this Life Oath. Aldundil is slowly seeing that he has to talk about his experiences, I believe, and Herendil that he has to listen.

Well, Herendil seems to begin to understand a few things, and I was glad how he in the end comforted Gurthalion; at least he can see that this poor ellon wasn't at fault. And he seems to make up with Finrod, too. Good.

Oh, had nearly forgotten about the older Vorondil. Why do I have the feeling it was *no* coincidence that he stumbled into this particular grove?

Author Reply: While Aldundil was in Beleriand only during the War of Wrath, he would have been there long enough to get to know the Beleriandic Elves and something about their culture and all. We know he was initiated into their warrior society, but like a lot of soldiers, he finds it difficult to explain what he experienced to those who cannot relate, like his father. It makes things very difficult for him and the other warriors who returned to face uncomprehending family and friends who simply didn't want to *hear* what they went through. At least Herendil is willing to listen now and he's elf enough to realize that neither Finrod nor Gurthalion are really at fault here.

As for Vorondil, Sr... well, Námo certainly didn't think it was coincidence. *grin*

TariReviewed Chapter: 114 on 4/19/2010
Vorondil is sleeping and also wandering thru the maze with the Lóriennildi following. Hmmm, I wonder what that's all about? Did I miss something here? Has his fea left his body as part of the healing process? I'm sure Eru has something to do with what is going on.

Author Reply: You are confusing the two Vorondils. The one who is sleeping is Aldundil's son and Finrod's thrall. He was the one that was attacked by Gurthalion. The other one is his uncle, Aldundil's brother, who died during the War of Wrath and has recently been re-embodied. This scene shows the two Vorondils, uncle and nephew, meeting for the first time, though neither knows this, especially the one who is sleeping. *grin* And of course Eru does indeed have something to do with this as Námo comes to understand.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 114 on 4/17/2010
No, Atta doesn't leave a good deal to chance, does he? More healing yet that the younger Vorondil is to offer via his own physical suffering and maturation?

Nicely done!

Author Reply: That's right, Larner. And how the two Vorondil's will react to one another, whenever they meet in truth, remains to be seen.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 114 on 4/17/2010
An excellent chapter. The last two have been very dramatic, but this one is as intense, but in a different way.

This must be a lot of information for Herendil and Vandacalimë here, most of it hard to digest. In particular, Finrod stating that he _would_ have executed Vorondil or Aldundil if he hadn’t accepted the latter’s oath must have been utterly shocking. The same goes for Námo telling them that Vorondil was _meant_ to die that day.

I expect Irmo and Estë will use the opportunity during the dinner with Herendil and Vandacalimë to give them all the information they feel their guests can absorb about this entire mess – in particular I suspect they will explain about Vorondil’s Judgement. And it wouldn’t it surprise me if Irmo suggests a bit of therapy for them, too. Perhaps the concept of “family therapy” will now be introduced to Aman? There is a fair amount of healing needed there since the family won’t have long to wait for a summons to meet the elder Vorondil...
(Finwë’s family would definitely have benefited from a bit of family therapy, too, but that is an entirely different matter) ;-)

Another problem has definitely crept out from under its rock, too: The reactions of those who remained to those who participated in the War of Wrath. Aldundil’s painful account of his return has made that clear.

Once Vorondil (the elder) is united with the family, how likely is it that the two Vorondils are going to get in trouble together? I get this image of someone yelling their name, and both of them appearing... ;-)

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Yes, there is certainly a lot of information for Herendil and Vandacalmië to absorb all at once, so I suspect you are correct about Irmo's motives for inviting them to have lunch with him and Estë. They'll be able to answer questions that other, even Finrod, might not be able to answer.

As for the two Vorondils and their relationship... that remains to be seen. *grin*

I'm glad you found this to be an excellent chapter, Sunny. Thanks for letting me know.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 114 on 4/16/2010
This chapter was my reward for making it through a full 8 hour work day plus 9 1/2 hours of overtime... I'm exhausted but when I saw the noticed that it was up, I dove right in. I'm too wiped out to make a detailed review, although this chapter deserves such; but I had to tell you that I really, truly loved it.

I am really looking forward to the day that Vorondil Sr. and Vorondil Jr. meet each other. :) Vorondil Sr. sounds like he's a mischievous fellow. I guess being a mischief maker runs in the family! LOL!

When you first introduced Vorondil, Jr. into the story, way back when, did you ever thing that he would become such a fascinating and beloved character as he has become?

I loved Namo's suggestion to Vorondil Sr. to play Hide and Go Seek in the maze. :) I wouldn't have minded being part of that game!

The discussion of the oath and the consequences that derive from it will have to wait. It's far past the time to go to bed, and I'll have to re-read and think about the issue of the Warrior Braids and the atmosphere in Aman when the soldiers came home from the War of Wrath... I think I feel a little bunny nibbling at my heels.

As always, this was so well done!

Author Reply: Hi, Rhyselle. You're probably right about mischief making running in the family. *grin* And when I first introduced young Vorondil, way back when, I had no idea he would be a major player, so to speak. He originally was just supposed to be a minor walk-on. You notice that the other fosterlings who went to Vanyamar with Glorfindel and Vorondil have dropped out of the story? That is what was supposed to happen with Vorondil, but he insisted on a bigger role. Of course, I don't think even *he* realized just what that role would entail, otherwise he might have kept his mouth shut. *LOL*

At any rate, I'm glad you loved this chapter and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the discussion of the oath and its consequences when you're feeling a bit more rested. Thanks for taking the time to leave this review to let me know how much you enjoyed the chapter. I really appreciate it.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 114 on 4/16/2010
Ooops! Did I just marry her off to her father-in-law? Sorry!
In a hurry to get to work. Another fun day picking up after other people and taking their money!

Author Reply: I figured it was something like that. *grin* Trying to keep straight who is who can sometimes be a problem. Even I have to sometimes refer back to my on-going character list to make sure I've gotten someone's name or relationship with some other character correct.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 114 on 4/16/2010
Well that clears up a lot of loose ends and explains more clearly why Finrod took Adundils oath.
Very pleased to see Herendil and Finrod back together again, will Salmacas ever understand why Calaindale coerced Herendil into marrying her, it's a bit 'If I can't have him I'll have you', it is also, in a twisted way, a way to keep both Herendil and his brothers oaths?
Liked Vorondol Snr. checking in on Vorondil Jnr., hope he and his minders had a good time in the maze and it took just long enough to find him and the way out!
Eru is drawing crooked again!

Author Reply: I'm glad I was able to clear up some loose ends for you, Lynda. I think this chapter needed to be written. Everyone was seemingly taking this whole matter way too calmly and the issues needed to be addressed. And I think you are correct about Calalindalë and the reasons why she coerced Aldundil (not Herendil!) into marrying her.

Eru is indeed drawing straight with crookedlines here. A very astute observation. Thanks for reviewing, Lynda. I appreciate your thoughts very much.

Mr.NamoReviewed Chapter: 114 on 4/16/2010
Wow! Didn't see that coming. The other Vorondil. Hmmmm. Guess we won't be seeing him again for a while as he seems very emotionally young.
Glad Herendil got a grip on himself. That was quite surprising seeing the normally calm laid back Herendil lose it like that.
Vorondil (younger) is going to have a heart attack if Namo is still there when he awakens. Probably will think he died or something..... :D
Love this chapter

Author Reply: As to whether we'll see more of Vorondil, Sr. remains to be seen. *grin*

I'm sure Námo will make sure he's not seen when Vorondil, Jr. awakens. Last thing he needs is for the poor ellon to suffer a heart attack.

Glad you loved the chapter and that it held some surprises for you, Mr.Namo. Thanks for letting me know.

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